Bootstrap 3.1.0 Snippet by hempmax

<link href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" id="bootstrap-css"> <script src="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.0/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script> <!------ Include the above in your HEAD tag ----------> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <h2>Simulação de RadioButton com botões</h2> <div class="form-group"> <label for="campus" class="col-sm-4 col-md-4 control-label text-right"> Em que Campus você está? </label> <div class="col-sm-7 col-md-7"> <div class="input-group"> <!-- <div id="radioBtn" class="btn-group"> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm noActive" data-toggle="campus" data-title="SBC"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span> SBC </button> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm noActive" data-toggle="campus" data-title="SP"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span> SP </button> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm noActive" data-toggle="campus" data-title="FEI"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span> FEI </button> </div> --> <div id="radioBtn" class="btn-group"> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm noActive" data-toggle="campus" data-title="SBC">SBC</a> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm noActive" data-toggle="campus" data-title="SP">SP</a> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm noActive" data-toggle="campus" data-title="FEI">FEI</a> </div> <!-- Deixar este campo com type=hidden --> <input type="hidden" name="campus" id="campus" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <br><br> <div class="row"> <div class='col-sm-6'> <div class="form-group"> <div class='input-group date' id='datetimepicker1'> <input type='text' class="form-control" /> <span class="input-group-addon"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $('#datetimepicker1').datetimepicker(); }); </script> </div> <div class="row"> <form method="post" class="form-horizontal"> <div class="table-responsive"> <table class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <div class="form-group col-xs-12"> <lable for="edtNome">Nome</lable> <input type="text" id="edtNome" class="form-control" /> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div class="form-group col-xs-12"> <lable for="edtCidade">E-Mail</lable> <input type="email" id="edtEMail" class="form-control" /> </div> </td> <td> <div class="form-group col-xs-12"> <lable for="edtCidade">Cidade</lable> <input type="text" id="edtCidade" class="form-control" /> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div class="form-group col-xs-12"> <lable for="edtCidade">E-Mail</lable> <input type="email" id="edtEMail" class="form-control" /> </div> </td> <td> <div class="form-group col-xs-12"> <lable for="edtCidade">Cidade</lable> <input type="text" id="edtCidade" class="form-control" /> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <div class="form-group col-xs-12"> <lable for="edtNome">Nome</lable> <input type="text" id="edtNome" class="form-control" /> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </form> </div> </div>
html{ background:#505D6E url(http://www.gettemplate.com/demo/magister/assets/images/body4.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed; } #radioBtn .noActive{ color: #3276b1; background-color: #fff; }
$('#radioBtn a').on('click', function(){ var sel = $(this).data('title'); var tog = $(this).data('toggle'); $('#'+tog).prop('value', sel); $('[data-toggle="'+tog+'"]').not('[data-title="'+sel+'"]') .removeClass('active') .addClass('noActive'); $('[data-toggle="'+tog+'"][data-title="'+sel+'"]') .removeClass('noActive') .addClass('active'); }); /* Version 3.0.0 ========================================================= bootstrap-datetimepicker.js https://github.com/Eonasdan/bootstrap-datetimepicker ========================================================= The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Jonathan Peterson Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ ; (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD is used - Register as an anonymous module. define(['jquery', 'moment'], factory); } else { // AMD is not used - Attempt to fetch dependencies from scope. if (!jQuery) { throw 'bootstrap-datetimepicker requires jQuery to be loaded first'; } else if (!moment) { throw 'bootstrap-datetimepicker requires moment.js to be loaded first'; } else { factory(jQuery, moment); } } } (function ($, moment) { if (typeof moment === 'undefined') { alert("momentjs is requried"); throw new Error('momentjs is required'); }; var dpgId = 0, pMoment = moment, // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming DateTimePicker = function (element, options) { var defaults = { pickDate: true, pickTime: true, useMinutes: true, useSeconds: false, useCurrent: true, minuteStepping: 1, minDate: new pMoment({ y: 1900 }), maxDate: new pMoment().add(100, "y"), showToday: true, collapse: true, language: "en", defaultDate: "", disabledDates: false, enabledDates: false, icons: {}, useStrict: false, direction: "auto", sideBySide: false, daysOfWeekDisabled: false }, icons = { time: 'glyphicon glyphicon-time', date: 'glyphicon glyphicon-calendar', up: 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up', down: 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down' }, picker = this, init = function () { var icon = false, i, dDate, longDateFormat; picker.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); picker.options.icons = $.extend({}, icons, picker.options.icons); picker.element = $(element); dataToOptions(); if (!(picker.options.pickTime || picker.options.pickDate)) throw new Error('Must choose at least one picker'); picker.id = dpgId++; pMoment.lang(picker.options.language); picker.date = pMoment(); picker.unset = false; picker.isInput = picker.element.is('input'); picker.component = false; if (picker.element.hasClass('input-group')) { if (picker.element.find('.datepickerbutton').size() == 0) {//in case there is more then one 'input-group-addon' Issue #48 picker.component = picker.element.find("[class^='input-group-']"); } else { picker.component = picker.element.find('.datepickerbutton'); } } picker.format = picker.options.format; longDateFormat = pMoment()._lang._longDateFormat; if (!picker.format) { picker.format = (picker.options.pickDate ? longDateFormat.L : ''); if (picker.options.pickDate && picker.options.pickTime) picker.format += ' '; picker.format += (picker.options.pickTime ? longDateFormat.LT : ''); if (picker.options.useSeconds) { if (~longDateFormat.LT.indexOf(' A')) { picker.format = picker.format.split(" A")[0] + ":ss A"; } else { picker.format += ':ss'; } } } picker.use24hours = picker.format.toLowerCase().indexOf("a") < 1; if (picker.component) icon = picker.component.find('span'); if (picker.options.pickTime) { if (icon) icon.addClass(picker.options.icons.time); } if (picker.options.pickDate) { if (icon) { icon.removeClass(picker.options.icons.time); icon.addClass(picker.options.icons.date); } } picker.widget = $(getTemplate()).appendTo('body'); if (picker.options.useSeconds && !picker.use24hours) { picker.widget.width(300); } picker.minViewMode = picker.options.minViewMode || 0; if (typeof picker.minViewMode === 'string') { switch (picker.minViewMode) { case 'months': picker.minViewMode = 1; break; case 'years': picker.minViewMode = 2; break; default: picker.minViewMode = 0; break; } } picker.viewMode = picker.options.viewMode || 0; if (typeof picker.viewMode === 'string') { switch (picker.viewMode) { case 'months': picker.viewMode = 1; break; case 'years': picker.viewMode = 2; break; default: picker.viewMode = 0; break; } } picker.options.disabledDates = indexGivenDates(picker.options.disabledDates); picker.options.enabledDates = indexGivenDates(picker.options.enabledDates); picker.startViewMode = picker.viewMode; picker.setMinDate(picker.options.minDate); picker.setMaxDate(picker.options.maxDate); fillDow(); fillMonths(); fillHours(); fillMinutes(); fillSeconds(); update(); showMode(); attachDatePickerEvents(); if (picker.options.defaultDate !== "" && getPickerInput().val() == "") picker.setValue(picker.options.defaultDate); if (picker.options.minuteStepping !== 1) { var rInterval = picker.options.minuteStepping; picker.date.minutes((Math.round(picker.date.minutes() / rInterval) * rInterval) % 60).seconds(0); } }, getPickerInput = function () { if (picker.isInput) { return picker.element; } else { return dateStr = picker.element.find('input'); } }, dataToOptions = function () { var eData if (picker.element.is('input')) { eData = picker.element.data(); } else { eData = picker.element.data(); } if (eData.dateFormat !== undefined) picker.options.format = eData.dateFormat; if (eData.datePickdate !== undefined) picker.options.pickDate = eData.datePickdate; if (eData.datePicktime !== undefined) picker.options.pickTime = eData.datePicktime; if (eData.dateUseminutes !== undefined) picker.options.useMinutes = eData.dateUseminutes; if (eData.dateUseseconds !== undefined) picker.options.useSeconds = eData.dateUseseconds; if (eData.dateUsecurrent !== undefined) picker.options.useCurrent = eData.dateUsecurrent; if (eData.dateMinutestepping !== undefined) picker.options.minuteStepping = eData.dateMinutestepping; if (eData.dateMindate !== undefined) picker.options.minDate = eData.dateMindate; if (eData.dateMaxdate !== undefined) picker.options.maxDate = eData.dateMaxdate; if (eData.dateShowtoday !== undefined) picker.options.showToday = eData.dateShowtoday; if (eData.dateCollapse !== undefined) picker.options.collapse = eData.dateCollapse; if (eData.dateLanguage !== undefined) picker.options.language = eData.dateLanguage; if (eData.dateDefaultdate !== undefined) picker.options.defaultDate = eData.dateDefaultdate; if (eData.dateDisableddates !== undefined) picker.options.disabledDates = eData.dateDisableddates; if (eData.dateEnableddates !== undefined) picker.options.enabledDates = eData.dateEnableddates; if (eData.dateIcons !== undefined) picker.options.icons = eData.dateIcons; if (eData.dateUsestrict !== undefined) picker.options.useStrict = eData.dateUsestrict; if (eData.dateDirection !== undefined) picker.options.direction = eData.dateDirection; if (eData.dateSidebyside !== undefined) picker.options.sideBySide = eData.dateSidebyside; }, place = function () { var position = 'absolute', offset = picker.component ? picker.component.offset() : picker.element.offset(), $window = $(window); picker.width = picker.component ? picker.component.outerWidth() : picker.element.outerWidth(); offset.top = offset.top + picker.element.outerHeight(); var placePosition; if (picker.options.direction === 'up') { placePosition = 'top' } else if (picker.options.direction === 'bottom') { placePosition = 'bottom' } else if (picker.options.direction === 'auto') { if (offset.top + picker.widget.height() > $window.height() + $window.scrollTop() && picker.widget.height() + picker.element.outerHeight() < offset.top) { placePosition = 'top'; } else { placePosition = 'bottom'; } }; if (placePosition === 'top') { offset.top -= picker.widget.height() + picker.element.outerHeight() + 15; picker.widget.addClass('top').removeClass('bottom'); } else { offset.top += 1; picker.widget.addClass('bottom').removeClass('top'); } if (picker.options.width !== undefined) { picker.widget.width(picker.options.width); } if (picker.options.orientation === 'left') { picker.widget.addClass('left-oriented'); offset.left = offset.left - picker.widget.width() + 20; } if (isInFixed()) { position = 'fixed'; offset.top -= $window.scrollTop(); offset.left -= $window.scrollLeft(); } if ($window.width() < offset.left + picker.widget.outerWidth()) { offset.right = $window.width() - offset.left - picker.width; offset.left = 'auto'; picker.widget.addClass('pull-right'); } else { offset.right = 'auto'; picker.widget.removeClass('pull-right'); } picker.widget.css({ position: position, top: offset.top, left: offset.left, right: offset.right }); }, notifyChange = function (oldDate, eventType) { if (pMoment(picker.date).isSame(pMoment(oldDate))) return; picker.element.trigger({ type: 'dp.change', date: pMoment(picker.date), oldDate: pMoment(oldDate) }); if (eventType !== 'change') picker.element.change(); }, notifyError = function (date) { picker.element.trigger({ type: 'dp.error', date: pMoment(date) }); }, update = function (newDate) { pMoment.lang(picker.options.language); var dateStr = newDate; if (!dateStr) { dateStr = getPickerInput().val() if (dateStr) picker.date = pMoment(dateStr, picker.format, picker.options.useStrict); if (!picker.date) picker.date = pMoment(); } picker.viewDate = pMoment(picker.date).startOf("month"); fillDate(); fillTime(); }, fillDow = function () { pMoment.lang(picker.options.language); var html = $('<tr>'), weekdaysMin = pMoment.weekdaysMin(), i; if (pMoment()._lang._week.dow == 0) { // starts on Sunday for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { html.append('<th class="dow">' + weekdaysMin[i] + '</th>'); } } else { for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) { if (i == 7) { html.append('<th class="dow">' + weekdaysMin[0] + '</th>'); } else { html.append('<th class="dow">' + weekdaysMin[i] + '</th>'); } } } picker.widget.find('.datepicker-days thead').append(html); }, fillMonths = function () { pMoment.lang(picker.options.language); var html = '', i = 0, monthsShort = pMoment.monthsShort(); while (i < 12) { html += '<span class="month">' + monthsShort[i++] + '</span>'; } picker.widget.find('.datepicker-months td').append(html); }, fillDate = function () { pMoment.lang(picker.options.language); var year = picker.viewDate.year(), month = picker.viewDate.month(), startYear = picker.options.minDate.year(), startMonth = picker.options.minDate.month(), endYear = picker.options.maxDate.year(), endMonth = picker.options.maxDate.month(), currentDate, prevMonth, nextMonth, html = [], row, clsName, i, days, yearCont, currentYear, months = pMoment.months(); picker.widget.find('.datepicker-days').find('.disabled').removeClass('disabled'); picker.widget.find('.datepicker-months').find('.disabled').removeClass('disabled'); picker.widget.find('.datepicker-years').find('.disabled').removeClass('disabled'); picker.widget.find('.datepicker-days th:eq(1)').text( months[month] + ' ' + year); prevMonth = pMoment(picker.viewDate).subtract("months", 1); days = prevMonth.daysInMonth(); prevMonth.date(days).startOf('week'); if ((year == startYear && month <= startMonth) || year < startYear) { picker.widget.find('.datepicker-days th:eq(0)').addClass('disabled'); } if ((year == endYear && month >= endMonth) || year > endYear) { picker.widget.find('.datepicker-days th:eq(2)').addClass('disabled'); } nextMonth = pMoment(prevMonth).add(42, "d"); while (prevMonth.isBefore(nextMonth)) { if (prevMonth.weekday() === pMoment().startOf('week').weekday()) { row = $('<tr>'); html.push(row); } clsName = ''; if (prevMonth.year() < year || (prevMonth.year() == year && prevMonth.month() < month)) { clsName += ' old'; } else if (prevMonth.year() > year || (prevMonth.year() == year && prevMonth.month() > month)) { clsName += ' new'; } if (prevMonth.isSame(pMoment({ y: picker.date.year(), M: picker.date.month(), d: picker.date.date() }))) { clsName += ' active'; } if (isInDisableDates(prevMonth) || !isInEnableDates(prevMonth)) { clsName += ' disabled'; } if (picker.options.showToday === true) { if (prevMonth.isSame(pMoment(), 'day')) { clsName += ' today'; } } if (picker.options.daysOfWeekDisabled) { for (i in picker.options.daysOfWeekDisabled) { if (prevMonth.day() == picker.options.daysOfWeekDisabled[i]) { clsName += ' disabled'; break; } } } row.append('<td class="day' + clsName + '">' + prevMonth.date() + '</td>'); currentDate = prevMonth.date(); prevMonth.add(1, "d"); if (currentDate == prevMonth.date()) { prevMonth.add(1, "d"); } } picker.widget.find('.datepicker-days tbody').empty().append(html); currentYear = picker.date.year(), months = picker.widget.find('.datepicker-months') .find('th:eq(1)').text(year).end().find('span').removeClass('active'); if (currentYear === year) { months.eq(picker.date.month()).addClass('active'); } if (currentYear - 1 < startYear) { picker.widget.find('.datepicker-months th:eq(0)').addClass('disabled'); } if (currentYear + 1 > endYear) { picker.widget.find('.datepicker-months th:eq(2)').addClass('disabled'); } for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if ((year == startYear && startMonth > i) || (year < startYear)) { $(months[i]).addClass('disabled'); } else if ((year == endYear && endMonth < i) || (year > endYear)) { $(months[i]).addClass('disabled'); } } html = ''; year = parseInt(year / 10, 10) * 10; yearCont = picker.widget.find('.datepicker-years').find( 'th:eq(1)').text(year + '-' + (year + 9)).end().find('td'); picker.widget.find('.datepicker-years').find('th').removeClass('disabled'); if (startYear > year) { picker.widget.find('.datepicker-years').find('th:eq(0)').addClass('disabled'); } if (endYear < year + 9) { picker.widget.find('.datepicker-years').find('th:eq(2)').addClass('disabled'); } year -= 1; for (i = -1; i < 11; i++) { html += '<span class="year' + (i === -1 || i === 10 ? ' old' : '') + (currentYear === year ? ' active' : '') + ((year < startYear || year > endYear) ? ' disabled' : '') + '">' + year + '</span>'; year += 1; } yearCont.html(html); }, fillHours = function () { pMoment.lang(picker.options.language); var table = picker.widget.find('.timepicker .timepicker-hours table'), html = '', current, i, j; table.parent().hide(); if (picker.use24hours) { current = 0; for (i = 0; i < 6; i += 1) { html += '<tr>'; for (j = 0; j < 4; j += 1) { html += '<td class="hour">' + padLeft(current.toString()) + '</td>'; current++; } html += '</tr>'; } } else { current = 1; for (i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) { html += '<tr>'; for (j = 0; j < 4; j += 1) { html += '<td class="hour">' + padLeft(current.toString()) + '</td>'; current++; } html += '</tr>'; } } table.html(html); }, fillMinutes = function () { var table = picker.widget.find('.timepicker .timepicker-minutes table'), html = '', current = 0, i, j, step = picker.options.minuteStepping; table.parent().hide(); if (step == 1) step = 5; for (i = 0; i < Math.ceil(60 / step / 4) ; i++) { html += '<tr>'; for (j = 0; j < 4; j += 1) { if (current < 60) { html += '<td class="minute">' + padLeft(current.toString()) + '</td>'; current += step; } else { html += '<td></td>'; } } html += '</tr>'; } table.html(html); }, fillSeconds = function () { var table = picker.widget.find('.timepicker .timepicker-seconds table'), html = '', current = 0, i, j; table.parent().hide(); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { html += '<tr>'; for (j = 0; j < 4; j += 1) { html += '<td class="second">' + padLeft(current.toString()) + '</td>'; current += 5; } html += '</tr>'; } table.html(html); }, fillTime = function () { if (!picker.date) return; var timeComponents = picker.widget.find('.timepicker span[data-time-component]'), hour = picker.date.hours(), period = 'AM'; if (!picker.use24hours) { if (hour >= 12) period = 'PM'; if (hour === 0) hour = 12; else if (hour != 12) hour = hour % 12; picker.widget.find('.timepicker [data-action=togglePeriod]').text(period); } timeComponents.filter('[data-time-component=hours]').text(padLeft(hour)); timeComponents.filter('[data-time-component=minutes]').text(padLeft(picker.date.minutes())); timeComponents.filter('[data-time-component=seconds]').text(padLeft(picker.date.second())); }, click = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); picker.unset = false; var target = $(e.target).closest('span, td, th'), month, year, step, day, oldDate = pMoment(picker.date); if (target.length === 1) { if (!target.is('.disabled')) { switch (target[0].nodeName.toLowerCase()) { case 'th': switch (target[0].className) { case 'switch': showMode(1); break; case 'prev': case 'next': step = dpGlobal.modes[picker.viewMode].navStep; if (target[0].className === 'prev') step = step * -1; picker.viewDate.add(step, dpGlobal.modes[picker.viewMode].navFnc); fillDate(); break; } break; case 'span': if (target.is('.month')) { month = target.parent().find('span').index(target); picker.viewDate.month(month); } else { year = parseInt(target.text(), 10) || 0; picker.viewDate.year(year); } if (picker.viewMode === picker.minViewMode) { picker.date = pMoment({ y: picker.viewDate.year(), M: picker.viewDate.month(), d: picker.viewDate.date(), h: picker.date.hours(), m: picker.date.minutes(), s: picker.date.seconds() }); notifyChange(oldDate, e.type); set(); } showMode(-1); fillDate(); break; case 'td': if (target.is('.day')) { day = parseInt(target.text(), 10) || 1; month = picker.viewDate.month(); year = picker.viewDate.year(); if (target.is('.old')) { if (month === 0) { month = 11; year -= 1; } else { month -= 1; } } else if (target.is('.new')) { if (month == 11) { month = 0; year += 1; } else { month += 1; } } picker.date = pMoment({ y: year, M: month, d: day, h: picker.date.hours(), m: picker.date.minutes(), s: picker.date.seconds() } ); picker.viewDate = pMoment({ y: year, M: month, d: Math.min(28, day) }); fillDate(); set(); notifyChange(oldDate, e.type); } break; } } } }, actions = { incrementHours: function () { checkDate("add", "hours", 1); }, incrementMinutes: function () { checkDate("add", "minutes", picker.options.minuteStepping); }, incrementSeconds: function () { checkDate("add", "seconds", 1); }, decrementHours: function () { checkDate("subtract", "hours", 1); }, decrementMinutes: function () { checkDate("subtract", "minutes", picker.options.minuteStepping); }, decrementSeconds: function () { checkDate("subtract", "seconds", 1); }, togglePeriod: function () { var hour = picker.date.hours(); if (hour >= 12) hour -= 12; else hour += 12; picker.date.hours(hour); }, showPicker: function () { picker.widget.find('.timepicker > div:not(.timepicker-picker)').hide(); picker.widget.find('.timepicker .timepicker-picker').show(); }, showHours: function () { picker.widget.find('.timepicker .timepicker-picker').hide(); picker.widget.find('.timepicker .timepicker-hours').show(); }, showMinutes: function () { picker.widget.find('.timepicker .timepicker-picker').hide(); picker.widget.find('.timepicker .timepicker-minutes').show(); }, showSeconds: function () { picker.widget.find('.timepicker .timepicker-picker').hide(); picker.widget.find('.timepicker .timepicker-seconds').show(); }, selectHour: function (e) { var period = picker.widget.find('.timepicker [data-action=togglePeriod]').text(), hour = parseInt($(e.target).text(), 10); if (period == "PM") hour += 12 picker.date.hours(hour); actions.showPicker.call(picker); }, selectMinute: function (e) { picker.date.minutes(parseInt($(e.target).text(), 10)); actions.showPicker.call(picker); }, selectSecond: function (e) { picker.date.seconds(parseInt($(e.target).text(), 10)); actions.showPicker.call(picker); } }, doAction = function (e) { var oldDate = pMoment(picker.date), action = $(e.currentTarget).data('action'), rv = actions[action].apply(picker, arguments); stopEvent(e); if (!picker.date) picker.date = pMoment({ y: 1970 }); set(); fillTime(); notifyChange(oldDate, e.type); return rv; }, stopEvent = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }, change = function (e) { pMoment.lang(picker.options.language); var input = $(e.target), oldDate = pMoment(picker.date), newDate = pMoment(input.val(), picker.format, picker.options.useStrict); if (newDate.isValid() && !isInDisableDates(newDate) && isInEnableDates(newDate)) { update(); picker.setValue(newDate); notifyChange(oldDate, e.type); set(); } else { picker.viewDate = oldDate; notifyChange(oldDate, e.type); notifyError(newDate); picker.unset = true; } }, showMode = function (dir) { if (dir) { picker.viewMode = Math.max(picker.minViewMode, Math.min(2, picker.viewMode + dir)); } var f = dpGlobal.modes[picker.viewMode].clsName; picker.widget.find('.datepicker > div').hide().filter('.datepicker-' + dpGlobal.modes[picker.viewMode].clsName).show(); }, attachDatePickerEvents = function () { var $this, $parent, expanded, closed, collapseData; picker.widget.on('click', '.datepicker *', $.proxy(click, this)); // this handles date picker clicks picker.widget.on('click', '[data-action]', $.proxy(doAction, this)); // this handles time picker clicks picker.widget.on('mousedown', $.proxy(stopEvent, this)); if (picker.options.pickDate && picker.options.pickTime) { picker.widget.on('click.togglePicker', '.accordion-toggle', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); $this = $(this); $parent = $this.closest('ul'); expanded = $parent.find('.in'); closed = $parent.find('.collapse:not(.in)'); if (expanded && expanded.length) { collapseData = expanded.data('collapse'); if (collapseData && collapseData.date - transitioning) return; expanded.collapse('hide'); closed.collapse('show'); $this.find('span').toggleClass(picker.options.icons.time + ' ' + picker.options.icons.date); picker.element.find('.input-group-addon span').toggleClass(picker.options.icons.time + ' ' + picker.options.icons.date); } }); } if (picker.isInput) { picker.element.on({ 'focus': $.proxy(picker.show, this), 'change': $.proxy(change, this), 'blur': $.proxy(picker.hide, this) }); } else { picker.element.on({ 'change': $.proxy(change, this) }, 'input'); if (picker.component) { picker.component.on('click', $.proxy(picker.show, this)); } else { picker.element.on('click', $.proxy(picker.show, this)); } } }, attachDatePickerGlobalEvents = function () { $(window).on( 'resize.datetimepicker' + picker.id, $.proxy(place, this)); if (!picker.isInput) { $(document).on( 'mousedown.datetimepicker' + picker.id, $.proxy(picker.hide, this)); } }, detachDatePickerEvents = function () { picker.widget.off('click', '.datepicker *', picker.click); picker.widget.off('click', '[data-action]'); picker.widget.off('mousedown', picker.stopEvent); if (picker.options.pickDate && picker.options.pickTime) { picker.widget.off('click.togglePicker'); } if (picker.isInput) { picker.element.off({ 'focus': picker.show, 'change': picker.change }); } else { picker.element.off({ 'change': picker.change }, 'input'); if (picker.component) { picker.component.off('click', picker.show); } else { picker.element.off('click', picker.show); } } }, detachDatePickerGlobalEvents = function () { $(window).off('resize.datetimepicker' + picker.id); if (!picker.isInput) { $(document).off('mousedown.datetimepicker' + picker.id); } }, isInFixed = function () { if (picker.element) { var parents = picker.element.parents(), inFixed = false, i; for (i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { if ($(parents[i]).css('position') == 'fixed') { inFixed = true; break; } } ; return inFixed; } else { return false; } }, set = function () { pMoment.lang(picker.options.language); var formatted = '', input; if (!picker.unset) formatted = pMoment(picker.date).format(picker.format); getPickerInput().val(formatted); picker.element.data('date', formatted); if (!picker.options.pickTime) picker.hide(); }, checkDate = function (direction, unit, amount) { pMoment.lang(picker.options.language); var newDate; if (direction == "add") { newDate = pMoment(picker.date); if (newDate.hours() == 23) newDate.add(amount, unit); newDate.add(amount, unit); } else { newDate = pMoment(picker.date).subtract(amount, unit); } if (isInDisableDates(pMoment(newDate.subtract(amount, unit))) || isInDisableDates(newDate)) { notifyError(newDate.format(picker.format)); return; } if (direction == "add") { picker.date.add(amount, unit); } else { picker.date.subtract(amount, unit); } picker.unset = false; }, isInDisableDates = function (date) { pMoment.lang(picker.options.language); if (date.isAfter(picker.options.maxDate) || date.isBefore(picker.options.minDate)) return true; if (picker.options.disabledDates === false) { return false; } return picker.options.disabledDates[pMoment(date).format("YYYY-MM-DD")] === true; }, isInEnableDates = function (date) { pMoment.lang(picker.options.language); if (picker.options.enabledDates === false) { return true; } return picker.options.enabledDates[pMoment(date).format("YYYY-MM-DD")] === true; }, indexGivenDates = function (givenDatesArray) { // Store given enabledDates and disabledDates as keys. // This way we can check their existence in O(1) time instead of looping through whole array. // (for example: picker.options.enabledDates['2014-02-27'] === true) var givenDatesIndexed = {}; var givenDatesCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < givenDatesArray.length; i++) { dDate = pMoment(givenDatesArray[i]); if (dDate.isValid()) { givenDatesIndexed[dDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD")] = true; givenDatesCount++; } } if (givenDatesCount > 0) { return givenDatesIndexed; } return false; }, padLeft = function (string) { string = string.toString(); if (string.length >= 2) return string; else return '0' + string; }, getTemplate = function () { if (picker.options.pickDate && picker.options.pickTime) { var ret = ''; ret = '<div class="bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget' + (picker.options.sideBySide ? ' timepicker-sbs' : '') + ' dropdown-menu" style="z-index:9999 !important;">'; if (picker.options.sideBySide) { ret += '<div class="row">' + '<div class="col-sm-6 datepicker">' + dpGlobal.template + '</div>' + '<div class="col-sm-6 timepicker">' + tpGlobal.getTemplate() + '</div>' + '</div>'; } else { ret += '<ul class="list-unstyled">' + '<li' + (picker.options.collapse ? ' class="collapse in"' : '') + '>' + '<div class="datepicker">' + dpGlobal.template + '</div>' + '</li>' + '<li class="picker-switch accordion-toggle"><a class="btn" style="width:100%"><span class="' + picker.options.icons.time + '"></span></a></li>' + '<li' + (picker.options.collapse ? ' class="collapse"' : '') + '>' + '<div class="timepicker">' + tpGlobal.getTemplate() + '</div>' + '</li>' + '</ul>'; } ret += '</div>'; return ret; } else if (picker.options.pickTime) { return ( '<div class="bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget dropdown-menu">' + '<div class="timepicker">' + tpGlobal.getTemplate() + '</div>' + '</div>' ); } else { return ( '<div class="bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget dropdown-menu">' + '<div class="datepicker">' + dpGlobal.template + '</div>' + '</div>' ); } }, dpGlobal = { modes: [ { clsName: 'days', navFnc: 'month', navStep: 1 }, { clsName: 'months', navFnc: 'year', navStep: 1 }, { clsName: 'years', navFnc: 'year', navStep: 10 }], headTemplate: '<thead>' + '<tr>' + '<th class="prev">‹</th><th colspan="5" class="switch"></th><th class="next">›</th>' + '</tr>' + '</thead>', contTemplate: '<tbody><tr><td colspan="7"></td></tr></tbody>' }, tpGlobal = { hourTemplate: '<span data-action="showHours" data-time-component="hours" class="timepicker-hour"></span>', minuteTemplate: '<span data-action="showMinutes" data-time-component="minutes" class="timepicker-minute"></span>', secondTemplate: '<span data-action="showSeconds" data-time-component="seconds" class="timepicker-second"></span>' }; dpGlobal.template = '<div class="datepicker-days">' + '<table class="table-condensed">' + dpGlobal.headTemplate + '<tbody></tbody></table>' + '</div>' + '<div class="datepicker-months">' + '<table class="table-condensed">' + dpGlobal.headTemplate + dpGlobal.contTemplate + '</table>' + '</div>' + '<div class="datepicker-years">' + '<table class="table-condensed">' + dpGlobal.headTemplate + dpGlobal.contTemplate + '</table>' + '</div>'; tpGlobal.getTemplate = function () { return ( '<div class="timepicker-picker">' + '<table class="table-condensed">' + '<tr>' + '<td><a href="#" class="btn" data-action="incrementHours"><span class="' + picker.options.icons.up + '"></span></a></td>' + '<td class="separator"></td>' + '<td>' + (picker.options.useMinutes ? '<a href="#" class="btn" data-action="incrementMinutes"><span class="' + picker.options.icons.up + '"></span></a>' : '') + '</td>' + (picker.options.useSeconds ? '<td class="separator"></td><td><a href="#" class="btn" data-action="incrementSeconds"><span class="' + picker.options.icons.up + '"></span></a></td>' : '') + (picker.use24hours ? '' : '<td class="separator"></td>') + '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td>' + tpGlobal.hourTemplate + '</td> ' + '<td class="separator">:</td>' + '<td>' + (picker.options.useMinutes ? tpGlobal.minuteTemplate : '<span class="timepicker-minute">00</span>') + '</td> ' + (picker.options.useSeconds ? '<td class="separator">:</td><td>' + tpGlobal.secondTemplate + '</td>' : '') + (picker.use24hours ? '' : '<td class="separator"></td>' + '<td><button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-action="togglePeriod"></button></td>') + '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td><a href="#" class="btn" data-action="decrementHours"><span class="' + picker.options.icons.down + '"></span></a></td>' + '<td class="separator"></td>' + '<td>' + (picker.options.useMinutes ? '<a href="#" class="btn" data-action="decrementMinutes"><span class="' + picker.options.icons.down + '"></span></a>' : '') + '</td>' + (picker.options.useSeconds ? '<td class="separator"></td><td><a href="#" class="btn" data-action="decrementSeconds"><span class="' + picker.options.icons.down + '"></span></a></td>' : '') + (picker.use24hours ? '' : '<td class="separator"></td>') + '</tr>' + '</table>' + '</div>' + '<div class="timepicker-hours" data-action="selectHour">' + '<table class="table-condensed"></table>' + '</div>' + '<div class="timepicker-minutes" data-action="selectMinute">' + '<table class="table-condensed"></table>' + '</div>' + (picker.options.useSeconds ? '<div class="timepicker-seconds" data-action="selectSecond"><table class="table-condensed"></table></div>' : '') ); }; picker.destroy = function () { detachDatePickerEvents(); detachDatePickerGlobalEvents(); picker.widget.remove(); picker.element.removeData('DateTimePicker'); if (picker.component) picker.component.removeData('DateTimePicker'); }; picker.show = function (e) { if (picker.options.useCurrent) { if (getPickerInput().val() == '') { if (picker.options.minuteStepping !== 1) { var mDate = pMoment(), rInterval = picker.options.minuteStepping; mDate.minutes((Math.round(mDate.minutes() / rInterval) * rInterval) % 60) .seconds(0); picker.setValue(mDate.format(picker.format)) } else { picker.setValue(pMoment().format(picker.format)) } }; } if (picker.widget.hasClass("picker-open")) { picker.widget.hide(); picker.widget.removeClass("picker-open"); } else { picker.widget.show(); picker.widget.addClass("picker-open"); } picker.height = picker.component ? picker.component.outerHeight() : picker.element.outerHeight(); place(); picker.element.trigger({ type: 'dp.show', date: pMoment(picker.date) }); attachDatePickerGlobalEvents(); if (e) { stopEvent(e); } }, picker.disable = function () { var input = picker.element.find('input'); if (input.prop('disabled')) return; input.prop('disabled', true); detachDatePickerEvents(); }, picker.enable = function () { var input = picker.element.find('input'); if (!input.prop('disabled')) return; input.prop('disabled', false); attachDatePickerEvents(); }, picker.hide = function (event) { if (event && $(event.target).is(picker.element.attr("id"))) return; // Ignore event if in the middle of a picker transition var collapse = picker.widget.find('.collapse'), i, collapseData; for (i = 0; i < collapse.length; i++) { collapseData = collapse.eq(i).data('collapse'); if (collapseData && collapseData.date - transitioning) return; } picker.widget.hide(); picker.viewMode = picker.startViewMode; showMode(); picker.element.trigger({ type: 'dp.hide', date: pMoment(picker.date) }); detachDatePickerGlobalEvents(); }, picker.setValue = function (newDate) { pMoment.lang(picker.options.language); if (!newDate) { picker.unset = true; set(); } else { picker.unset = false; } if (!pMoment.isMoment(newDate)) newDate = pMoment(newDate, picker.format); if (newDate.isValid()) { picker.date = newDate; set(); picker.viewDate = pMoment({ y: picker.date.year(), M: picker.date.month() }); fillDate(); fillTime(); } else { notifyError(newDate); } }, picker.getDate = function () { if (picker.unset) return null; return picker.date; }, picker.setDate = function (date) { var oldDate = pMoment(picker.date); if (!date) { picker.setValue(null); } else { picker.setValue(date); } notifyChange(oldDate, "function"); }, picker.setDisabledDates = function (dates) { picker.options.disabledDates = indexGivenDates(dates); if (picker.viewDate) update(); }, picker.setEnabledDates = function (dates) { picker.options.enabledDates = indexGivenDates(dates); if (picker.viewDate) update(); }, picker.setMaxDate = function (date) { if (date == undefined) return; picker.options.maxDate = pMoment(date); if (picker.viewDate) update(); }, picker.setMinDate = function (date) { if (date == undefined) return; picker.options.minDate = pMoment(date); if (picker.viewDate) update(); }; init(); }; $.fn.datetimepicker = function (options) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $this.data('DateTimePicker'); if (!data) $this.data('DateTimePicker', new DateTimePicker(this, options)); }); }; }));

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