309 3.3.0
Portfolio Gallery with filtering category
278 3.3.0
Table Panel with Pagination
220 3.0.3
Image Gallery with Fancybox
189 3.1.0
Simple Responsive Image Gallery
105 4.1.1
arrow key navigation thumbnail gallery modal view
104 3.2.0
Rounded Pagination
103 4.0.0
bootstrap4 table #table #checkbox #pagination #bootstrap4 #responsive-table #material-checkbox
99 3.2.0
Easy image gallery in a modal
93 3.3.0
Responsive Lightbox Gallery With Popup on click with Description. NO JS. Only CSS. Any size Image fits Well. Awesome Effects.
73 3.3.0
masonry Image Gallery
60 4.1.1
gallery filter
52 4.0.0
Image Gallery using bootstrap 4