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<h2>Wire and Cable Manufacturer Company</h2>
<p>Are you looking for a cable that can help you in your business? You need to contact a wire and cable manufacturer company. Palriwal Industries is a top wire and <a href="https://www.palriwal.com/">cable manufacturer</a> company in India. Whether you need custom coiled cords or submersible cable, we will provide you with a durable product. We also offer <a href="https://www.palriwal.com/productdata/coal-chem-division">Creosote Oil</a> that is used for wood preservatives and coating materials. This oil is used for medicinal purposes too. Place your order with Palriwal today!
<img src="https://www.palriwal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/1-3.jpg"></p>