Bootstrap 4.1.1 Snippet by iammohitverma

<link href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.1.1/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" id="bootstrap-css"> <script src="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.1.1/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <!------ Include the above in your HEAD tag ----------> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <h2>Create your snippet's HTML, CSS and Javascript in the editor tabs</h2> </div> </div>
var combination = new Array(); var result = ''; var userResult = ''; var int; var correctCombination = 0 var localStorage; localStorage.clickcount = 0; var instructionModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('staticBackdropInstruction'), { backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false }); var scoreModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('staticBackdropScore'), { backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false }); /** open instruction on load **/ function openInstruction() { instructionModal.show() } /** open score after complete a game **/ function openScore() { scoreModal.show(); document.getElementById("nextGameLink").setAttribute("href", "../Game-4/index.html"); } //generate unique combination function makeid(length) { var characters = ["P", "B", "G", "Y", "O", "R"]; var charactersLength = characters.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var rand_num = Math.floor(Math.random() * (charactersLength - i)) var x = characters.indexOf(characters[rand_num]); combination[i] = characters[rand_num]; document.getElementById("char_" + i).innerHTML = combination[i]; characters.splice(x, 1); } console.log(combination); result = combination.join(''); //return result; } //get user combination value function getLensValue(lensValue) { console.log("user select = " + lensValue); userResult += lensValue; //user_combination.push(xyz); //console.log(user_combination); if (typeof (Storage) !== "undefined") { if (localStorage.clickcount) { localStorage.clickcount = Number(localStorage.clickcount) + 1; } else { localStorage.clickcount = 1; } // document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "You have clicked the button " + localStorage.clickcount + " time(s)."; console.log("You have clicked the button " + localStorage.clickcount + " time(s)."); if (localStorage.clickcount == 3) { console.log("3 times click"); checkMatch(); localStorage.clickcount = 0; } } else { console.log("Sorry, your browser does not support web storage..."); } } // match combination function checkMatch() { console.log(result); console.log(userResult); if (result == userResult) { console.log("match combination"); userResult = ''; makeid(3); correctCombination = correctCombination + 1; showDots(correctCombination); } else { console.log("please try again"); // animate__animated animate__tada var element = document.getElementById("shakingError"); element.classList.add("animate__tada"); element.classList.add("border-error"); //remove shaking error classes after few second setTimeout(function () { element.classList.remove('animate__tada'); element.classList.remove("border-error"); }, 2000); makeid(3); userResult = ''; } uncheckRadio(); } //uncheck previous radio function uncheckRadio() { for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { var radioButton = document.getElementById("getLensValue_" + i); radioButton.checked = false; } } //check combination function showDots(total) { console.log("Total Combinations = " + total) i = 1; while (i <= 6) { if (total == i) { var element = document.getElementById("dot_" + i); element.classList.remove("d-opacity"); //for winning condition if (total == 6) { //alert("you won"); clearInterval(int); score = $('.count'); //disabled radio for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { document.getElementsByClassName("checkClick")[i].setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); } //confirm("You Scored => " + score.html()); $(".game-score").html(score.html()); openScore() } } else { console.log("no"); } i++; } } //counter function count() { display = $('.count'); from = display.html(); to = 0; difference = (from > to) ? from - to : to - from; //console.log(difference); speed = 30000 / difference; int = setInterval(function () { if (from > to) { from--; display.text(from); if (from == 0) { //confirm("You Loose"); $(".game-score").html(from); openScore() } } else { clearInterval(int); } }, speed); } //count(); makeid(3) var int; var instructionModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('staticBackdropInstruction'), { backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false }); var scoreModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('staticBackdropScore'), { backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false }); /** open instruction on load **/ function openInstruction() { instructionModal.show() } /** open score after complete a game **/ function openScore() { scoreModal.show(); document.getElementById("nextGameLink").setAttribute("href", "../secret-mission/index.html"); } function count() { display = $('.fStopTimer'); from = display.html(); to = 0; difference = (from > to) ? from - to : to - from; //console.log(difference); speed = 30000 / difference; int = setInterval(function() { if (from > to) { from--; display.text(from); if (from == 0) { //confirm("You Loose your score is => " + from); $(".game-score").html(from); openScore(); } } else { clearInterval(int); } }, 100); } //count(); $('input[type=radio][name=proteinLens]').change(function() { if (this.value == 'true') { clearInterval(int); var val = $('.fStopTimer'); var score = val.html(); /* score */ $("#changeImgAcc2ProteinLens").css({ "filter": "blur(0px)" }) //confirm("Your score is => " + score); console.log("Apperture = " + this.value); $(".game-score").html(score); openScore(); for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { document.getElementsByClassName("protienRadio")[i].setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); } } else { var errorProtien = $('#shakingErrorProtien'); errorProtien.addClass("animate__tada border-error") //remove shaking error classes after few second setTimeout(function() { errorProtien.removeClass("animate__tada border-error") }, 1500); } }); var instructionModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('staticBackdropInstruction'), { backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false }); var scoreModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('staticBackdropScore'), { backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false }); /** open instruction on load **/ function openInstruction() { instructionModal.show() } /** open score after complete a game **/ function openScore() { scoreModal.show() document.getElementById("nextGameLink").setAttribute("href", "../Game-3/index.html"); } var int; function count() { display = $('.fruitCatchertimer'); from = display.html(); to = 0; difference = (from > to) ? from - to : to - from; //console.log(difference); speed = 30000 / difference; int = setInterval(function() { if (from > to) { from--; display.text(from); if (from == 0) { //confirm("You Loose your score is => " + from); $(".game-score").html(from); openScore(); } } else { clearInterval(int); } }, 10); } function stopTimer() { clearInterval(int); var val = $('.fruitCatchertimer'); var score = val.html(); //confirm("Your score is => " + score); $(".game-score").html(score); openScore(); }

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