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$angular .module('app', []) .controller('appController', ['$scope', '$document', 'ColorService', 'UiHelpers', function($scope, $document, colors, ui) { $scope.colorSteps = 6; $scope.defaultColor = '#0ebeff'; $scope.hash = window.location.hash ? window.location.hash.replace('/', '') : $scope.defaultColor; window.addEventListener('hashchange', function(e){ var color = '#' + e.newURL.split('#')[1]; if(color !== $scope.color) { doIt(color); } }); var _notInRunLoop = function _notInRunLoop() { return !$scope.$root.$$phase; }; var doIt = function(color){ if(!color || color === '#') { color = colors.randomHex(); } color = colors.toHex(color).toLowerCase(); var cb = colors.brightness(color); var darker = []; _.times(50, function(n){ if(n % $scope.colorSteps === 0) { var dn = colors.darken(color, n); if(dn !== '#000000') { if(cb < $scope.colorSteps) { darker.push(dn); } else { if(cb - colors.brightness(dn) > $scope.colorSteps) { darker.push(dn); } } } } }); var lighter = []; _.times(50, function(n){ if(n % $scope.colorSteps === 0) { var c = 50 - n; var ln = colors.lighten(color, c); if(ln !== '#ffffff') { lighter.push(ln); } } }); $scope.darker = _.unique(darker); $scope.lighter = _.unique(lighter); // edges $scope.lightest = _.first($scope.lighter); $scope.darkest = _.last($scope.darker); // middles $scope.lightish = $scope.lighter.length > 2 ? $scope.lighter[$scope.lighter.length-3] : color; $scope.darkish = $scope.darker.length > 2 ? $scope.darker[2] : color; $scope.shades = _.unique($scope.lighter.concat([color]).concat($scope.darker)); // inject a duplicate last item for overlap hackery in tanuki mode: flower if(!$scope.darkest) { $scope.darkest = color; } $scope.shades.push($scope.darkest); $scope.controlBg = _.first($scope.darker); $scope.controlFg = _.last($scope.lighter); $scope.deg = (360/($scope.shades.length-1)); $scope.size = Math.floor((100/($scope.shades.length-2) + Math.PI)/2); $scope.color = color; $scope.tuner = { r: colors.red(color), g: colors.green(color), b: colors.blue(color), hex: color, brightness: cb }; $scope.rotateFactor = _.findIndex($scope.shades, function(item){ return item === $scope.color; }); $scope.ringDeg = $scope.deg*($scope.rotateFactor+1); window.location.hash = color; //.replace('#', '#/'); if (_notInRunLoop()) { try { // Sometimes we're outside of the Angular run-loop, // and therefore need to manually invoke the `apply` method $scope.$apply(); } catch(e) {} } }; $scope.doIt = function(color){ doIt(color); }; $scope.setRingRotation = function(){ return { transform: 'rotate(-'+$scope.ringDeg+'deg) translateZ(0)' }; }; $scope.setRotation = function(index){ var i = index+1; var d = $scope.deg*(i); var m = '0 -'+$scope.size+'em'; var z = $scope.shades.length - i; var t = (i * 0.08); var r = ''; var s = ''; var f = ''; var n; // hackery if(i === $scope.shades.length) { d = 360; //$scope.deg; m = '0 -'+$scope.size+'em 0 0'; z = $scope.shades.length; } r = 'rotate('+d+'deg)'; return { transform: r + s, fontSize: f, margin: m, transitionDelay: t+'s', zIndex: z }; }; $scope.setClasses = function(color, test, affectText){ if(color) { var classes = []; if(affectText) { var text = colors.brightness(color) < 155 ? 'fg-light' : 'fg-dark'; classes.push(text); } if(color === test) { classes.push('current'); } return classes.join(' '); } }; $scope.loadColor = function(color){ window.location.hash = color; //.toLowerCase().replace('#', '#/'); }; var _updateColorByDeg = function(l, d, n){ var m = n/2; var i = l - Math.floor(Math.abs(d - m)/n); var k = l - i; k = (k < 0 ? 0 : (k > l ? l : k)); c = $scope.shades[k]; $scope.tuner = { r: colors.red(c), g: colors.green(c), b: colors.blue(c), hex: c, brightness: colors.brightness(c) }; $scope.color = c; return k; }; var dial = $angular.element(window.document.querySelector('.canvas')); var ring = $angular.element(window.document.querySelector('.color-ring')); var input, l, n, k, c; var d, deg = 0, lastDeg = 0, pointerDeg, relativeDeg, rotationDeg; var hammerDial = new Hammer(dial[0], {}); hammerDial.get('pan').set({ direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_ALL, threshold: 0 }); hammerDial .on('panstart', function(e) { l = $scope.shades.length-1; n = 360/l; input = e.srcEvent && e.srcEvent.changedTouches ? e.srcEvent.changedTouches : e.pointers; deg = -ui.getDegrees(input[0], dial[0]); lastDeg = $scope.ringDeg; }) .on('pan panmove', function(e) { input = e.srcEvent && e.srcEvent.changedTouches ? e.srcEvent.changedTouches : e.pointers; pointerDeg = -ui.getDegrees(input[0], dial[0]); relativeDeg = pointerDeg - deg; rotationDeg = lastDeg + relativeDeg; if(isNaN(rotationDeg)) {rotationDeg = lastDeg;} if(rotationDeg < 0) {rotationDeg = ui.maxDegrees - Math.abs(rotationDeg);} if(rotationDeg >= ui.maxDegrees) {rotationDeg = rotationDeg - ui.maxDegrees;} deg = pointerDeg; ring.css({ transform: 'rotate(-'+ rotationDeg +'deg) translateZ(0)', transitionDuration: '0s' }); k = _updateColorByDeg(l, rotationDeg, n); lastDeg = rotationDeg; $scope.$apply(); }) .on('panend pancancel', function() { d = n*(k+1); $scope.ringDeg = d; ring.css({ transitionDuration: '' }); $scope.$apply(); }); var hotkey = function(e){ if(e.which === 32){ // spacebar doIt(); } }; $document.on('keyup', hotkey); // remove the listener on the document when this directive's scope is destroyed. Else LEAK! $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { $document.off('keyup', hotkey); }); $scope.$watch('hash', function (color) { doIt(color); }, true); $scope.$watch('tuner', function(n, o){ if(n && n !== o) { n.hex = colors.rgbObjToHex(n, true); n.brightness = colors.brightness(n.hex); return n.hex; } }, true); $scope.$watch('colorSteps', function (n, o) { if(n && n !== o) { doIt($scope.color); } }); }]) .directive('tap', [function() { return function(scope, element, attr) { var hammerTap = new Hammer(element[0], {}); hammerTap.on('tap', function() { scope.$apply(function() { scope.$eval(attr.tap); }); }); }; }]) .factory('UiHelpers', [function(){ var maxDegrees = 360; var maxRadians = 6.283185307179586; // helpers var _getNumbers = function(target){ var numbers = {}; if(target) { numbers = { t: target.offsetTop, r: target.offsetLeft + target.offsetWidth, b: target.offsetTop + target.offsetHeight, l: target.offsetLeft, w: target.offsetWidth, h: target.offsetHeight, }; // find x|y center numbers.cx = (numbers.l + (numbers.w/2)); numbers.cy = (numbers.t + (numbers.h/2)); } return numbers; }; var _getRadians = function(input, el){ var metrics = _getNumbers(el); var radians = Math.atan2((input.clientY - metrics.cy), (input.clientX - metrics.cx)); radians += maxRadians/4; if(radians < 0) { radians += maxRadians; } return radians; }; var _getDegrees = function(input, el){ var radians = _getRadians(input, el); var degree = radians * 180/Math.PI; return degree; }; return { maxRadians: maxRadians, maxDegrees: maxDegrees, getNumbers: _getNumbers, getRadians: _getRadians, getDegrees: _getDegrees }; }]) .factory('ColorService', [function(){ var _hexChars = '0123456789ABCDEF'; /* Use a singleton cache of all color strings we see. Each key points to a structure, which can have hex, rgb, etc. values in it. */ var _immutableCache = {}; // returns (or creates) the cached color structure var _cache = function(c) { if (!_immutableCache[c]) { _immutableCache[c] = {}; } return _immutableCache[c]; }; var _h2rgb = function(v1, v2, vH) { if (vH < 0) { vH += 1; } if (vH > 1) { vH -= 1; } if (( 6 * vH ) < 1) { return ( v1 + ( v2 - v1 ) * 6 * vH ); } if (( 2 * vH ) < 1) { return ( v2 ); } if (( 3 * vH ) < 2) { return ( v1 + ( v2 - v1 ) * ( ( 2 / 3 ) - vH ) * 6 ); } return ( v1 ); }; var rgbObjToHex = function(colorObj, useHash){ /*jslint bitwise: true */ var c = colorObj.b | (colorObj.g << 8) | (colorObj.r << 16) | (1 << 24); /*jslint bitwise: false */ return (useHash ? '#':'') + c.toString(16).substring(1,8); }; var toHex = function(color) { var colorObj = _cache(color); if (colorObj.hex) { return colorObj.hex; } if (color.substr(0, 1) === '#' && color.length === 7) { colorObj.hex = '' + color; } else if (color.substr(0, 1) === '#' && color.length === 4) { colorObj.hex = '#' + color.substr(1, 1) + color.substr(1, 1) + color.substr(2, 1) + color.substr(2, 1) + color.substr(3, 1) + color.substr(3, 1); } return colorObj.hex; }; var toRGB = function(color) { var colorObj = _cache(color); if (colorObj.rgb) { return colorObj.rgb; } var h = toHex(color); colorObj.rgb = [ parseInt(h.substr(1, 2), 16), parseInt(h.substr(3, 2), 16), parseInt(h.substr(5, 2), 16) ]; return colorObj.rgb; }; var red = function(color) { return toRGB(color)[0]; }; var green = function(color) { return toRGB(color)[1]; }; var blue = function(color) { return toRGB(color)[2]; }; var toHSL = function(color) { var r = red(color) / 255, g = green(color) / 255, b = blue(color) / 255; var max = Math.max(r, g, b), min = Math.min(r, g, b); var d = max - min; // Delta RGB value var h, s, l = (max + min) / 2; if (d === 0) { // gray?, no chroma... h = 0; s = 0; } else { // Chromatic data... s = d / ( l < 0.5 ? ( max + min ) : ( 2 - max - min )); var delR = ( ( ( max - r ) / 6 ) + ( d / 2 ) ) / d; var delG = ( ( ( max - g ) / 6 ) + ( d / 2 ) ) / d; var delB = ( ( ( max - b ) / 6 ) + ( d / 2 ) ) / d; if (r === max) { h = delB - delG; } else if (g === max) { h = ( 1 / 3 ) + delR - delB; } else if (b === max) { h = ( 2 / 3 ) + delG - delR; } if (h < 0) { h += 1; } if (h > 0) { h -= 1; } } h = Math.round(h * 360); if (h < 0) { h += 360; } var colorObj = _cache(color); colorObj.hsl = [h, Math.round(s * 100), Math.round(l * 100)]; return colorObj.hsl; }; var hslToRGB = function(h, s, l) { // HSL 0 to 1; RGB results from 0 to 255 var r,g,b; if (s === 0) { r = l * 255; g = l * 255; b = l * 255; } else { var v2 = (l < 0.5) ? l * ( 1 + s ) : (( l + s ) - ( s * l )); var v1 = 2 * l - v2; r = 255 * _h2rgb(v1, v2, h + ( 1 / 3 )); g = 255 * _h2rgb(v1, v2, h); b = 255 * _h2rgb(v1, v2, h - ( 1 / 3 )); } return [r,g,b]; }; var _hex2 = function(n) { var h = Math.round(n).toString(16); if (h.length === 1) { h = '0' + h; } return h.substr(0, 1) + h.substr(1, 1); }; var hslToHex = function(h, s, l) { if (Array.isArray(h)) { h = h[0] || 0; l = h[2] || 0; s = h[1] || 0; } // HSL from 0 to 1 h = ((h + 360) % 360.0) / 360; s = s / 100.0; l = l / 100.0; var rgb = hslToRGB(h, s, l); return '#' + _hex2(rgb[0]) + _hex2(rgb[1]) + _hex2(rgb[2]); }; var lighten = function(color, percent) { var hsl = toHSL(color); var h = hsl[0], s = hsl[1], l = Math.min(100, hsl[2] + percent); return hslToHex(h, s, l); }; var darken = function(color, percent) { var hsl = toHSL(color); var h = hsl[0], s = hsl[1], l = Math.max(0, hsl[2] - percent); return hslToHex(h, s, l); }; var saturate = function(color, percent) { var hsl = toHSL(color); var h = hsl[0], s = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, hsl[1] + percent)), l = hsl[2]; return hslToHex(h, s, l); }; var brightness = function(color){ var r, g, b, brightness; if (color.match(/^rgb/)) { color = color.match(/rgb\(([^)]+)\)/)[1]; color = color.split(/ *, */).map(Number); r = color[0]; g = color[1]; b = color[2]; } else if ('#' === color[0] && 7 === color.length) { r = parseInt(color.slice(1, 3), 16); g = parseInt(color.slice(3, 5), 16); b = parseInt(color.slice(5, 7), 16); } else if ('#' === color[0] && 4 === color.length) { r = parseInt(color[1] + color[1], 16); g = parseInt(color[2] + color[2], 16); b = parseInt(color[3] + color[3], 16); } brightness = (r * 299 + g * 587 + b * 114) / 1000; return brightness; }; var randomHex = function() { var hex = '#'; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(1)){break;} hex += _hexChars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * _hexChars.length)); } window.CP.exitedLoop(1); return hex; }; return { rgbObjToHex: rgbObjToHex, toHex: toHex, toRGB: toRGB, toHSL: toHSL, hslToHex: hslToHex, hslToRGB: hslToRGB, red: red, green: green, blue: blue, lighten: lighten, darken: darken, saturate: saturate, brightness: brightness, randomHex: randomHex }; }]); })(window.angular, window._, window.Hammer); //# sourceURL=pen.js </script> </body></html>

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