"Advanced Bed Bugs Control 2022"
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<h1 class="aentry-post__title"> <span class="aentry-post__title-text">Advanced Bed Bugs Control Methods 2022 </span> </h1>
<p><strong>Bed bugs control</strong> is a huge problem in Singapore. We’re sure you’ve encountered yourselves or perhaps you’ve had friends or relatives who’d told you horrid stories about bed bugs affecting their homes and lives, turning it upside down!</p>
<p>It is true that bed bugs is a very common pest issue 30-40 years ago. However, it doesn’t mean that it is not a problem now. There are still many <a href="https://www.ipest.sg/bed-bug-control-why-in-my-home/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">bed bugs issues</a> affecting many people in Singapore. Did you know that bed bugs are blood sucking insects? Sounds scary right? These bed bugs bites us at night because we are sleeping at night and inactive. So how these bed bugs work is that they will detect carbon dioxide emitting out of our body. They also come towards our body because of the heat coming out of our body in the cool of the night. As such, the moment we lie on the bed to rest for the night, they will come crawling to us! Sounds creepy right?</p>
<h3>Go For Bed bugs removal Now!</h3>
<p>So do you want to get rid of bed bugs once and for all? Yet, you do not want to pay over the mountains and burn a big hole in your pocket. What should you do now? Get a Free Quotation from leading <strong>Bed Bugs Removal Singapore</strong> services!</p>
<h3><strong>A Recent research on how do bed bugs come into our house?</strong></h3>
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<p>Many of us are perturbed. How does bed bug come into our house? We vacuum and mop our house once every few days. It is kept spick and span! Did you know that bed bugs do not just appear on its own just because you did not clean your house for a few days? It doesn’t work like that! The likely situation is that you or your family members transported them back home without even you knowing it. If you have been to places that is infested with bed bugs and stayed over there for just a single night (think about hotels, hostels, chalets, even a stay-over at your friend’s house), it only takes 1 female bed bug to deposit a few eggs into your luggage. Once you transport the bed bugs home, that is it! The infestation will start. Soon, you will see bed bugs all over your room, and finally, all around your house! <a href="https://www.ipest.sg/bed-bug-control-why-in-my-home/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Read more</a> about what is bed bug? Why it is in my home?</p>
<h3><strong>Why are bed bugs so scary?</strong></h3>
<p>Did you know that bed bugs can have a total of 300-500 eggs impregnated by a single bug? Eggs will start hatching anytime between 1 week to 12 days. Before you know it, you have thousands of <a href="https://www.ipest.sg/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">bed bugs crawling</a> around your house. Sounds scary right? Their rate of multiplication is insane! Bed bugs require their daily blood meal to moth to the next stage and finally reaching adult stage. The worst part? An adult bed bug can survive for up to half a year without blood. Think about it! Even if you manage to not allow a single bed bugs to suck your blood, they can still live up to 6 months!</p>
<h3><strong>How to spot bed bugs in your house?</strong></h3>
<li>Have you beed bed bugs on your bed? Duh!</li>
<li>Do you have red and swollen patches resulting from a bite on your hands, back or leg?</li>
<li>Did you see multiple blood spots on your bed sheets? You could have crushed them to death when you were asleep</li>
<li>Have you spotted black colour spots at the side of your bed? These could be their poo-poo.</li>
<h3><strong>How to do a cost-effective bed bugs control Singapore 2022?</strong></h3>
<p>How to get rid of bed bugs in Singapore effectively, thoroughly and most importantly, without burning a big hole in your wallet? We can help you! Our <em>bed bugs removal</em> service includes conducting a thorough inspection of your entire house (from the entrance of the house, to the balcony and the false ceiling) to detect for the source of bed bugs. Some common places where bed bugs live at includes underneath your mattresses, behind your bed frames, behind your TV console (think of the heat from this area), on top of your false ceiling and many other possible areas!</p>
<p>Our <a href="https://www.ipest.sg/about-us/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">iPest technicians</a> will do a thorough spray spray with approved pesticides. We will apply on all possible locations where the bed bugs could be at. We will do this 2 times every week for 4 consecutive weeks. By then, the bed bugs would surely have been eradicated. We also strongly advise you to vacuum the place after the completion of our bed bugs treatment. This is to eradicate all possible eggs and to prevent the bed bugs from coming back again. Do properly dispose this bag once it is done. You do not want the bed bugs to crawl to your neighbour’s house, do you?</p>
<h3><strong>Remove bed bugs, Unsure of the pest type?</strong></h3>
<h3><strong>A Recent research on how do bed bugs come into our house?</strong></h3>
<p>Many of us are perturbed. How does bed bug come into our house? We vacuum and mop our house once every few days. It is kept spick and span! Did you know that bed bugs do not just appear on its own just because you did not clean your house for a few days? It doesn’t work like that! The likely situation is that you or your family members transported them back home without even you knowing it. If you have been to places that is infested with bed bugs and stayed over there for just a single night (think about hotels, hostels, chalets, even a stay-over at your friend’s house), it only takes 1 female bed bug to deposit a few eggs into your luggage. Once you transport the bed bugs home, that is it! The infestation will start. Soon, you will see bed bugs all over your room, and finally, all around your house! <a href="https://www.ipest.sg/bed-bug-control-why-in-my-home/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Read more</a> about what is bed bug? Why it is in my home?</p>
<h3><strong>Why are bed bugs so scary?</strong></h3>
<p>Did you know that bed bugs can have a total of 300-500 eggs impregnated by a single bug? Eggs will start hatching anytime between 1 week to 12 days. Before you know it, you have thousands of <a href="https://www.ipest.sg/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">bed bugs crawling</a> around your house. Sounds scary right? Their rate of multiplication is insane! Bed bugs require their daily blood meal to moth to the next stage and finally reaching adult stage. The worst part? An adult bed bug can survive for up to half a year without blood. Think about it! Even if you manage to not allow a single bed bugs to suck your blood, they can still live up to 6 months!</p>
<h3><strong>How to spot bed bugs in your house?</strong></h3>
<li>Have you beed bed bugs on your bed? Duh!</li>
<li>Do you have red and swollen patches resulting from a bite on your hands, back or leg?</li>

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