The tasks demonstrated have nothing to do with a WYSIWYG editor. Instead, this is about Bootstrap icon placement and hover description, which should be better described on its own and the WYSIWYG editor is removed entirely. This so-called editor doesn't even demonstrate an ability to create a scrolling body -- which I'm quite sure it cannot do.
astralislux () - 11 years ago - Reply 0
Yes! we can integrated this with HTML 5 Document API...Thanks
Ashwin Hegde () - 11 years ago - Reply 0
The tasks demonstrated have nothing to do with a WYSIWYG editor. Instead, this is about Bootstrap icon placement and hover description, which should be better described on its own and the WYSIWYG editor is removed entirely. This so-called editor mark-up doesn't even demonstrate an ability to create a scrolling body -- which I'm quite sure it cannot do.
Guest () - 11 years ago - Reply 0