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<h1 style="text-align: center;">Car Accident Lawyer | Golian Law Group</h1>
<p>Our Los Angeles <a href="https://golianlawgroup.com/"><strong>car accident lawyer</strong></a> will effectively defend you in court and increase your chances of winning the car accident case because she is familiar with the applicable laws and procedures. For instance, in order to file a claim, our auto accident attorney may inform you of applicable statutes of limitations. In Connecticut, you have two years from the date of the auto accident to file a lawsuit. To level the playing field, our seasoned auto accident attorney will stand by your side. You should avoid going up against a formidable insurance company and our legal team on your own. Our <a href="https://golianlawgroup.com/motorcycle-accident/"><strong>motorcycle accident lawyer</strong></a>'s primary objective is to safeguard your health so that you may enjoy mental peace.</p>