One problem is if the profile info or name is longer the second row shuffles over and leaves blank space. the DIV height is not uniform.
Coolshrimp () - 8 years ago - Reply 0
hello, nice job. one questiopn (newbie level i guess)
if i choose to resize the image to be displayed, the hover effect will cover the whole column and thus overlaps the image itself. how do i manage to adapt the css properly? thx a lot
askingleo () - 8 years ago - Reply 0
Hello - For me Facebook, Instagram pics are not loading. Where can I find the css code for following
fa fa-facebook.
DINESH KUMAR ATAPAKKA BABU () - 8 years ago - Reply 0
op, you're going to have to change placeholders, place.mi have had there data usage limited by siteground.
George Langham () - 8 years ago - Reply 0
Nice job
but I Have a question
Why if I resize the monitor window in the PC I see a big image (only one)
I test also on IPAD
only one big pic when I suppose that is possible to add 2 team profile for each line
how can I manage it with bootstrap?
subweb () - 8 years ago - Reply 0
Just by adding additional classes or changing the classes can do the same for specific windows.
Like the total columns are 12 for a window.
If you need 2 profiles per small screen, Please add a class .col-sm-6 to all profile items and that will do the resizing.
Nabeel Kondotty () - 8 years ago - Reply 0