"Introduction of Mobile Mud agitator"
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In the coal mine production, due to the easily spontaneous <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Other/">Solid control equipment</a>, traces of goaf coal is more comprehensive, might occur during the period of stoping goaf coal spontaneous combustion, especially when the working face advancing speed slow, spontaneous combustion risk bigger, so there must be a simple "train" for Mud agitator users, and adopts the corresponding fire prevention and fire extinguishing measures. Mine adopts fire-fighting are yellow, aerosol, the goaf grouting nitrogen injection, etc., which are mainly composed of yellow grouting. Grouting is a routine measure of fire prevention in the process of mining, has the advantages of economic, convenient, reliable, yellow grouting technology is mature, and grouting fire extinguishing effect of long-term, reliable and is the first choice for preventing and extinguishing methods.
Because use yellow earth filling stations and through a variety of pipe to the scene of the grouting grouting method and equipment, at present the main is to use lag working face goaf grouting and to adopt closed wall fixed-point grouting. But with the development of coal mine fire prevention technology constantly updated, with the mining with filling and postharvest grouting become the dominant form of new fire prevention and fire extinguishing, the new fire prevention and fire extinguishing technology will play an important role in coal mine safety production. Now the fire-extinguishing system is difficult to satisfy with the mining with filling and grouting of the new technology of fire prevention and firefighting, the integrated application of new technology, therefore, need to modify current grouting system.
This is a simple train for <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Shakerscreen/">Shaker screen</a> users is not very important, but also need the user attention.
Portable mud mixer mixing integration of mine fire is a kind of control device, is easy to move, simple connection, fast in fire extinguishing and selection of low cost, wide material sources, grouting can meet different types of coal mine fire and using different fire extinguishing material for the need of preventing and extinguishing the fire.
Simple train for Mud agitator in the users, the most important thing is that the <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Shaleshaker/">shale shaker</a> safety operation procedures.
1 the placement of the slurry, slurry mixing should choose flat, solid ground, should have good drainage ditches around. This is a simple train for Mud agitator users, users need to pay attention to the first question.
2, cement warehouse should be installed on firm a pedestal. When fixed for a long time, <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Desander/">Desander</a> should be buried land bolt; in the short term use, should be connected to the steel plate welding used to increase the loading area. This is a simple train for Mud agitator users is the most basic.

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