Bootstrap 3.3.0 Snippet by irinashuvalova

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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Web; using System.Web.Caching; namespace { public class StructureNode { private const string STRUCTURE_CACHE_KEY = "STRUCTURE_CACHE"; public static bool StructureCached { get { var cache = HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(STRUCTURE_CACHE_KEY); return !(cache == null || cache is string); } } public static void CreateStructureCache() { if (HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(STRUCTURE_CACHE_KEY) != null) return; Task.Run(() => { var sw = new Stopwatch(); HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(STRUCTURE_CACHE_KEY, "?", null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0), CacheItemPriority.Normal, null); sw.Start(); var items = GetItems(); sw.Stop(); HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(STRUCTURE_CACHE_KEY, items, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0), CacheItemPriority.Normal, null); LoggingService.Info(string.Format("Structure cache created. Time: {0}", sw.Elapsed.ToString("hh\\:mm\\:ss\\.fff"))); }); } public static List<StructureNode> AllDepartments { get { return HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(STRUCTURE_CACHE_KEY) as List<StructureNode>; } } public int ID { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public int EmployeesCount { get; set; } public string ExternalUrl { get; set; } public EmployeeInfo Manager { get; set; } public EmployeeInfo Curator { get; set; } private int? ParentDepID { get; set; } public List<StructureNode> Children { get; set; } public static List<StructureNode> RootDepartments { get { var rootCount = StructureNode.AllDepartments.Count(d => !d.ParentDepID.HasValue); var rootId = rootCount == 1 ? StructureNode.AllDepartments.First(d => !d.ParentDepID.HasValue).ID : (int?)null; return StructureNode.AllDepartments.Where(d => d.ParentDepID == rootId) .OrderBy(d => d.Title) .Select(d => { EnsureDepartmentChildren(d); return d; }) .ToList(); } } public void RecalcEmployeesCount(IEnumerable<StructureNode> allItems) { var childDeps = allItems.Where(d => d.ParentDepID == this.ID) .ToList(); childDeps.ForEach(d => d.RecalcEmployeesCount(allItems)); this.EmployeesCount += childDeps.Sum(ch => ch.EmployeesCount); } public static void EnsureDepartmentChildren(StructureNode dep) { dep.Children = AllDepartments.Where(ch => ch.ParentDepID == dep.ID) .OrderBy(ch => ch.Title) .ToList(); } public static StructureNode GetDepartmentInfo(int? depId) { var dep = AllDepartments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.ID == depId); if (dep == null) return null; EnsureDepartmentChildren(dep); return dep; } public static StructureNode GetDepartmentWithParent(int depId) { var current = GetDepartmentInfo(depId); if (current == null) return null; var parent = GetParent(current); while (parent != null) { current = parent; parent = GetParent(current); } return current; } private static StructureNode GetParent(StructureNode item) { var parent = GetDepartmentInfo(item.ParentDepID); if (parent != null) { var index = parent.Children.FindIndex(d => d.ID == item.ID); parent.Children[index] = item; } return parent; } public static List<object> GetStructureByTitle(string search) { var singleRoot = StructureNode.AllDepartments.Count(d => !d.ParentDepID.HasValue) == 1; return StructureNode.AllDepartments.Where(d => d.Title.ToLower().Contains(search.ToLower()) && (singleRoot ? d.ParentDepID.HasValue : true)) .Select(d => new { data = d.ID, value = d.Title }) .Take(10) .ToList<object>(); } private static List<StructureNode> GetItems() { List<StructureNode> flatDepsInfo = new List<StructureNode>(); try { using (var db = _Consts.Db) { db.CommandTimeout = db.CommandTimeout * 100; flatDepsInfo = db.Departments.NotArchive() .GroupJoin(db.Employees, d => d.ID, e => e.DepartmentId, (d, e) => new { department = d, employeesCount = e.Count(tE => (!tE.IsArchive.HasValue || !tE.IsArchive.Value)) }) .GroupJoin(db.Employees, j => j.department.ManagerId, e => e.ID, (j, manager) => new { j.department, j.employeesCount, manager }) .SelectMany(j => j.manager.DefaultIfEmpty(), (j, manager) => new { j.department, j.employeesCount, manager = manager == null ? null : new EmployeeInfo { ID = manager.ID, Title = manager.Title, Photo = manager.Photo } }) .GroupJoin(db.Employees, j => j.department.CuratorId, e => e.ID, (j, curator) => new { j.department, j.employeesCount, j.manager, curator }) .SelectMany(j => j.curator.DefaultIfEmpty(), (j, curator) => new { j.department.ID, j.department.Title, j.department.ParentId, j.department.URL, j.employeesCount, j.manager, curator = curator == null ? null : new EmployeeInfo { ID = curator.ID, Title = curator.Title, Photo = curator.Photo } }) .ToList() .Select(d => new StructureNode { ID = d.ID, Title = d.Title, ParentDepID = d.ParentId, ExternalUrl = d.URL, EmployeesCount = d.employeesCount, Manager = d.manager, Curator = d.curator }) .ToList(); } flatDepsInfo.Where(d => d.ParentDepID == null) .ToList() .ForEach(d => d.RecalcEmployeesCount(flatDepsInfo)); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.Error(ex); } return flatDepsInfo; } } }

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