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1.4c-.3 0-1-.1-1.7-.4-2.3.2-4.6 1.9-6.9 5l.5 1c2-1.8 3.1-2.8 3.5-2.8l.1 1.5c-.3 0-.9.3-1.6.7l1.3 1.8c2.3-2.6 5-4.8 7.7-6.6 1.4.4 2.2.9 2.2 1.3l1-.1c7.8-5.7 15.5-9.8 23-12.3l.1 1c-1.4 2.1-2.3 3.1-2.9 1.3.6 1.9.1 1.3-3.3 10-10.2 26.1-15.9 37.3-29.2 64.9-40 82.8 0 . 1.5 2.7-.6 4.3-1.3 5-1.9h.4l.1 1 1.1-.1 1-.5c0 .3.3.4 1 .3l.1 1c.1 1-.5 2.4-1.7 4.5-1.1 1.2-2.3 3.8-3.6 7.7l.1.5 1-.1c4.3-4.9 7.6-9.6 9.8-14.2 12.6-3.7 22.1-7.3 28.8-10.9 6.8-.6 11.8-2.3 15.3-5.2l-.1-.5-2.6.8-.5.1-.1-.5c5-.7 8.3-1.8 10.2-3.3 9.6-7.4 16.8-12.6 21.7-15.6 15.1-11.1 22.2-21.7 21.4-32-.1-1-3.4-5.2-10-12.5-.1-1.4 2.2-3.4 6.8-6l13.2-11.5c3-3.7 4.7-9.8 5.2-18.2l-.2-1.9c-.5-5.8-4.8-10.5-12.8-14.2-4.8-3.2-13.3-5-25.5-5.3-9.5.6-22.8 4.3-39.2 10.7zm70.7.7l-.5 1-14.6-6.2c9.8.5 14.8 2.2 15.1 5.2zm-59.3 40.7c1-5.5 2.2-8.5 3.4-9.2l11-24.7c-.1-1.5 2.2-2.7 6.9-3.6l1.6-.2.1 1.5c4.7-.8 7.6-1.2 8.8-1.3 8.7-.8 13.2 1 13.5 5.2l1-.1-.2-2.3 1-.1c2.5 1.4 3.8 3 4 5 .1 1.4-.6 3.1-2.1 5.2-.7.1-1-.4-1.1-1.4l-1 .1-.3 3c-4.4 6.7-7.6 10.1-9.6 10.2-1.7 2.4-2.9 3.6-3.4 3.6-1.4 1.7-5.1 4.5-11.3 8.4-2.1.2-9.6 3.1-22.8 8.9-.6-.3-1.4-.3-2.1-.3l-.1-1c.1-1.6.9-4 2.7-6.9zm60.7-30.4l.1 1c-.5 0-1.5-1.6-3-4.7l-.1-1c.9 0 1.9 1.5 3 4.7zM256 214.7l.1.5c-.3 0-.9.3-1.6.6h-.4l-.1-1 2-.1zm31.9-.8l.1 1.5c-.5 0-1.1.8-1.9 2.1l-.1-1c.9-1.1 1.3-2 1.3-2.6h.6zm-4.9 10.2l.2 1.9-.5.1-.2-1.9.5-.1zm-1.3 3.6c-.1 1.7-.5 2.5-1.3 2.6l-.5.1c.6-1.1.9-2 .8-2.6l1-.1zm-2.2 5.1l.1.5-.9 1.6-1 .1-.1-.5c1-.1 1.6-.6 1.5-1.7h.4zm-2.2 4.6l-.3 2.5h-.4l-.2-2.5h.9zm53.5 1.9l2.2 1.3c.1.6-.3 1-1 1-1-.6-1.7-.9-2.2-.8v-1.5h1zm-41.8 5.5l.1 1-2.1.2-.1-1 2.1-.2zm33.7 3.6c1.5.7 2.2 1.3 2.3 1.8v.4c-1.4.1-2.7-.6-3.9-2.2h1.6zm-43.5 10.7c5.9-.5 15.2-3.3 28-8.3l3.2-.3c6.4-.5 11.2.7 14.4 3.7l.2 1.9c-2.3 6.8-5 10.8-7.8 12l-13.1 10.6c-9.8 6.4-15.1 9.6-16 9.7-15.6 8.6-25.4 13-29.2 13.4l-.5.1c.3-1.8 7.3-16.1 20.8-42.8zm14.2-5.7l.1.5-2.1.2-.1-.5 2.1-.2zm47.3-2.2l.3 4c-.5 1-1 1.5-1.5 1.6l-.5-6.8c1.1.4 1.7.8 1.7 1.2zm-80.2 34.1c-.7 3.3-1.4 5-2.1 5v-.4c-.2-1.6.5-3.1 2.1-4.6zm13.2 18.6c3.8-.7 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1.3c-1.8 2.8-3.1 4.2-3.8 4.3.1 1 .4 1.7 1 2.5.2 1.7-4.3 13.1-13.5 34.3-21.3 49.3-38.8 85.6-53 109.2 0 .4.3 1.1.8 1.9 3.5-.9 5.7-1.7 6.7-2.5l.8-.1.1 1.3 1.3-.1 1.4-.8c0 .4.5.6 1.4.5l.1 1.3c.1 1.3-.6 3.3-2.3 6-1.5 1.7-3 5-4.6 10.2l.1.6 1.3-.1c5.6-6.3 10-12.6 12.9-18.7 16.6-4.9 29.2-9.6 38-14.3 8.8-.8 15.5-3 20.1-6.9l-.1-.7-3.3 1-.8.1-.1-.7c6.4-1 10.9-2.4 13.4-4.3 12.6-9.7 22.1-16.6 28.5-20.7 19.9-14.6 29.3-28.7 28.1-42-.1-1.4-4.5-6.9-13.1-16.4-.2-1.8 2.9-4.4 8.9-7.9l17.3-15.2c3.8-5 6.2-12.9 6.9-24l-.3-2.6c-.7-7.7-6.3-14-16.9-18.8-6.3-4.3-17.5-6.5-33.6-6.8-13.2 1.2-30.7 5.9-52.3 14.3zm93.1 1.1l-.5 1.3-19.3-8.1c12.9.5 19.5 2.8 19.8 6.8zm-78 53.5c1.3-7.1 2.8-11.2 4.4-12.2l14.4-32.4c-.2-2 2.9-3.6 9.2-4.6l2.1-.2.2 1.8c6.3-1 10.1-1.5 11.6-1.7 11.5-1 17.4 1.3 17.9 6.9l1.3-.1-.3-3.3 1.4-.1c3.4 1.8 5.2 4.1 5.4 6.8.2 1.8-.8 4.1-3 6.8-.9.1-1.4-.5-1.5-1.8l-1.4.1-.3 3.9c-5.8 8.7-10 13.1-12.6 13.4-2.3 3.2-3.8 4.9-4.4 5-1.8 2.2-6.8 5.9-14.9 11.1-2.7.3-12.7 4.1-30 11.6-.9-.4-1.7-.5-2.8-.4l-.1-1.2c-.1-2.4.9-5.6 3.4-9.4zm79.9-39.9l.1 1.2c-.7.1-2-2-3.9-6.2l-.1-1.2c1.2-.2 2.5 1.9 3.9 6.2zM43.8 217.7l.1.6c-.4 0-1.1.3-2 .8l-.7.1-.1-1.2 2.7-.3zm42-1l.2 1.9c-.6.1-1.5 1-2.5 2.8l-.1-1.3c1.2-1.5 1.8-2.6 1.8-3.4h.6zm-6.4 13.5l.3 2.6-.7.1-.3-2.6.7-.1zm-1.7 4.7c-.2 2.2-.7 3.3-1.8 3.4l-.7.1c.8-1.5 1.2-2.5 1.1-3.3l1.4-.2zm-2.9 6.8l.1.6-1.2 2.1-1.3.1-.1-.6c1.3-.1 1.9-.8 1.8-2.1l.7-.1zm-2.9 6.1l-.3 3.2-.7.1-.3-3.2 1.3-.1zm70.4 2.3l2.9 1.7c.1.9-.3 1.4-1.2 1.5-1.2-.8-2.2-1.1-2.9-1.1l-.2-1.9 1.4-.2zm-55.1 7.4l.1 1.2-2.7.3-.1-1.2 2.7-.3zm44.5 4.5c1.9.9 2.9 1.7 3 2.4l.1.6c-1.8.2-3.5-.8-5-2.9l1.9-.1zm-57.4 14.1c7.8-.7 20.2-4.3 36.9-10.9l4.1-.3c8.5-.7 14.9.9 19 4.9l.3 2.6c-3.1 9-6.6 14.2-10.3 15.9L106.9 302C94 310.5 87 314.7 86 314.8c-20.6 11.4-33.4 17.2-38.4 17.6l-.8.1c.7-2.4 9.8-21.2 27.5-56.4zm18.8-7.4l.1.6-2.8.3-.1-.6 2.8-.3zm62.4-2.8l.4 5.1c-.6 1.4-1.2 2.1-1.9 2.1l-.8-9c1.5.6 2.2 1.2 2.3 1.8zM49.7 310.7c-.9 4.4-1.8 6.7-2.8 6.8l-.1-.6c-.1-2.3.9-4.3 2.9-6.2zm17.4 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function render() { var sceneStyle = _extends({}, styles.full, { overflow: 'hidden', color: styles.colors.textDefault, background: 'red', background: 'linear-gradient(145deg, #dde0e4, #717f96)' }); var layerStyle = _extends({}, styles.full, { position: 'relative' }); return React.createElement( "div", { ref: "scene", style: sceneStyle }, React.createElement( "div", { className: "layer", "data-depth": "4", style: layerStyle }, this.props.children ) ); }; return SceneWrapper; }(Component); var Books = function (_Component4) { _inherits(Books, _Component4); function Books() { _classCallCheck(this, Books); return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component4.apply(this, arguments)); } Books.prototype.render = function render() { var styleWrapper = _extends({}, styles.center, { height: '80%', transform: 'translate3d(0, -100%, 0)', textAlign: 'left' }); var styleImage = { transform: 'transform: translate3d(10%, 0, 0)' }; var textboxStyle = { position: 'absolute', top: '0%', left: '0%', width: '20%', textAlign: 'left', transform: "\n skew(0deg, -26.5deg)\n translate3d(170%, 123%, 0)\n scale3d(0.8, 1, 1)\n " }; return React.createElement( "div", { style: styleWrapper }, React.createElement("img", { src: content.books.images.main, height: "100%", style: styleImage }) ); }; return Books; }(Component); var DeviceTextbox = function (_Component5) { _inherits(DeviceTextbox, _Component5); function DeviceTextbox() { _classCallCheck(this, DeviceTextbox); return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component5.apply(this, arguments)); } DeviceTextbox.prototype.render = function render() { var contenStyle = _extends({}, styles.flex, { textAlign: 'left', opacity: '0.6' }, this.props.style); var titleStyle = _extends({}, styles.headline, { letterSpacing: '0.2vh' }); var iconsStyle = { justifyContent: 'flex-start', fontSize: '3vh' }; var _props$content = this.props.content; var title = _props$content.title; var paragraph = _props$content.paragraph; var icons = _props$content.icons; return 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"div", { style: this.props.style }, this.props.children.map(function (child, index) { return React.createElement( "div", { key: index, className: "layer", "data-depth": index * 2 / 10, style: _this7.handleStyle(index) }, child ); }) ); }; return DeviceScreen; }(Component); var Ipad = function (_Component7) { _inherits(Ipad, _Component7); function Ipad() { _classCallCheck(this, Ipad); return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component7.apply(this, arguments)); } Ipad.prototype.render = function render() { var wrapperStyle = _extends({}, styles.center, { height: '50%', transform: 'translate3d(-100%, 0, 0)', textAlign: 'right' }); var deviceStyle = { position: 'absolute', top: '0%', right: '0%', /* image 1042 x 532 | screen 768 x 1024 */ width: 768 / 1042 * 100 + "%", height: 1024 / 532 * 100 + "%", transform: "\n translate3d(-26.5%, 22.25%, 0)\n rotate3d(0,0,1, -45deg)\n skew(18.5deg, 18.5deg)\n scale3d(0.518, 0.496, 1)\n ", transformOrigin: '0 0', background: "linear-gradient(\n 200deg,\n #c1d0db,\n #a1a9bf\n )" }; var textboxStyle = { position: 'absolute', top: '0%', right: '0%', width: '22%', textAlign: 'left', transform: "\n translate3d(-110%, -40%, 0)\n rotate3d(0,0,1, -45deg)\n skew(18.5deg, 18.5deg)\n scale3d(0.85, 1, 1)\n " }; return React.createElement( "div", { style: wrapperStyle }, React.createElement("img", { src: content.ipad.images.main, height: "100%", style: { transform: 'transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)' } }), React.createElement( DeviceScreen, { angle: '240deg', style: deviceStyle }, content.ipad.images.screens.map(function (screen) { return React.createElement("img", { src: screen, height: "100%" }); }) ), React.createElement(DeviceTextbox, { content: content.ipad, style: textboxStyle }) ); }; return Ipad; }(Component); var Iphone = function (_Component8) { _inherits(Iphone, _Component8); function Iphone() { _classCallCheck(this, Iphone); return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component8.apply(this, arguments)); } Iphone.prototype.render = function render() { var styleWrapper = _extends({}, styles.center, { height: '50%', transform: 'translate3d(-100%, -100%, 0)', textAlign: 'right' }); var deviceStyle = { position: 'absolute', top: '0%', right: '0%', /* image 867 x 670 | screen 375 x 667 */ width: 375 / 867 * 100 + "%", height: 670 / 667 * 100 + "%", transform: "\n skew(0deg, -26.5deg)\n translate3d(-4.7%, 18.2%, 0)\n scale3d(0.406, 0.504, 1)\n ", transformOrigin: '0 0', background: "linear-gradient(\n 180deg,\n #abbcc8,\n #7783a2\n )" }; var textboxStyle = { position: 'absolute', top: '0%', right: '0%', width: '30%', textAlign: 'left', transform: "\n skew(0deg, -26.5deg)\n translate3d(5%, -5%, 0)\n scale3d(0.8, 1, 1)\n " }; return React.createElement( "div", { style: styleWrapper }, React.createElement("img", { src: content.iphone.images.secondary, height: "100%", style: { position: 'absolute', transform: 'translate3d(-27%,0,0)' } }), React.createElement("img", { src: content.iphone.images.main, height: "100%", style: { transform: 'translate3d(50%, 0,0)' } }), React.createElement( DeviceScreen, { angle: '180deg', style: deviceStyle }, content.iphone.images.screens.map(function (screen) { return React.createElement("img", { src: screen, height: "100%" }); }) ), React.createElement(DeviceTextbox, { content: content.iphone, style: textboxStyle }) ); }; return Iphone; }(Component); var Macbook = function (_Component9) { _inherits(Macbook, _Component9); function Macbook() { _classCallCheck(this, Macbook); return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component9.apply(this, arguments)); } Macbook.prototype.render = function render() { var wrapperStyle = _extends({}, styles.center, { height: '120%', transform: 'translate3d(-10%, -30%,0)', textAlign: 'left' }); var deviceStyle = { position: 'absolute', top: '0%', left: '0%', /* image 2231 x 1456 | screen 1440 x 900 */ width: 1440 / 2231 * 100 + "%", height: 900 / 1456 * 100 + "%", transform: "\n translate3d(49.5%, 7%, 0)\n skew(-10.5deg, 26deg)\n scale3d(0.523, 0.677, 1)\n ", transformOrigin: '0 0', background: "linear-gradient(\n 140deg,\n #c1d0db,\n #7783a2\n )" }; var textboxStyle = { position: 'absolute', top: '0%', left: '0%', width: '15%', textAlign: 'left', transform: "\n translate3d(227%, -110%, 0)\n skew(-10.5deg, 26deg)\n scale3d(0.9, 1, 1)\n " }; return React.createElement( "div", { style: wrapperStyle }, React.createElement("img", { src: content.macbook.images.main, height: "100%", style: { transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)' } }), React.createElement( DeviceScreen, { angle: '110deg', style: deviceStyle }, content.macbook.images.screens.map(function (screen) { return React.createElement("img", { src: screen, height: "100%" }); }) ), React.createElement(DeviceTextbox, { content: content.macbook, style: textboxStyle }) ); }; return Macbook; }(Component); var SceneBackground = function (_Component10) { _inherits(SceneBackground, _Component10); function SceneBackground() { _classCallCheck(this, SceneBackground); return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component10.apply(this, arguments)); } SceneBackground.prototype.render = function render() { return React.createElement( "span", null, this.props.children ); }; return SceneBackground; }(Component); var SceneForeground = function (_Component11) { _inherits(SceneForeground, _Component11); function SceneForeground() { _classCallCheck(this, SceneForeground); return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component11.apply(this, arguments)); } SceneForeground.prototype.render = function render() { var layerStyle = _extends({}, styles.full, { position: 'absolute', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center', userSelect: 'none', pointerEvents: 'none' }); var contentStyle = _extends({}, styles.full, styles.flex, { flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }); return React.createElement( "div", { className: "layer", "data-depth": "0.2", style: layerStyle }, React.createElement( "div", { style: contentStyle }, this.props.children ) ); }; return SceneForeground; }(Component); var SocialLinks = function (_Component12) { _inherits(SocialLinks, _Component12); function SocialLinks() { _classCallCheck(this, SocialLinks); return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component12.apply(this, arguments)); } SocialLinks.prototype.render = function render() { var style = _extends({ fontSize: '5vh', justifyContent: 'center' }, this.props.style); return React.createElement( "div", { style: style }, Object.keys(content.socialProfiles).map(function (key) { return React.createElement(SocialLink, { key: key, name: key, href: content[key] }); }) ); }; return SocialLinks; }(Component); var SocialLink = function (_Component13) { _inherits(SocialLink, _Component13); function SocialLink(props) { _classCallCheck(this, SocialLink); var _this14 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component13.call(this, props)); _this14.state = { hover: false }; return _this14; } SocialLink.prototype.handleMouseEnter = function handleMouseEnter() { this.setState({ hover: true }); }; SocialLink.prototype.handleMouseLeave = function handleMouseLeave() { this.setState({ hover: false }); }; SocialLink.prototype.render = function render() { var style = { color: this.state.hover ? styles.colors.textMid : 'inherit', backgroundColor: this.state.hover ? styles.colors.textDefault : 'transparent', display: 'inline-block', padding: '0.75vh', margin: '0.25vh', lineHeight: '0', borderRadius: '50%' }; return React.createElement( "a", { href: this.props.href, style: style, target: "_blank", onMouseEnter: this.handleMouseEnter.bind(this), onMouseLeave: this.handleMouseLeave.bind(this) }, React.createElement(Icon, { name: this.props.name }) ); }; return SocialLink; }(Component); var Hero = function (_Component14) { _inherits(Hero, _Component14); function Hero() { _classCallCheck(this, Hero); return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component14.apply(this, arguments)); } Hero.prototype.render = function render() { var wrapperStyle = _extends({}, styles.flex, { justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', pointerEvents: 'auto' }); var styleTitle = _extends({}, styles.headline, { fontSize: '4vh' }); var styleSubtitle = _extends({}, styles.headline, { fontSize: '2vh' }); return React.createElement( "div", { style: wrapperStyle }, React.createElement( "h1", { style: styleTitle }, content.title ), React.createElement( "h2", { style: styleSubtitle }, content.subtitle ), React.createElement(SocialLinks, null) ); }; return Hero; }(Component); var App = function (_Component15) { _inherits(App, _Component15); function App() { _classCallCheck(this, App); return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component15.apply(this, arguments)); } App.prototype.render = function render() { return React.createElement( SceneWrapper, null, React.createElement( SceneBackground, null, React.createElement(Books, null), React.createElement(Macbook, null), React.createElement(Ipad, null), React.createElement(Iphone, null) ), React.createElement( SceneForeground, null, React.createElement(Logo, null), React.createElement(Hero, null) ) ); }; return App; }(Component); render(React.createElement(App, null), document.getElementById('app')); //# sourceURL=pen.js </script> </body></html>

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