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this._events(); } /* * Start the events */ Blocks.prototype._events = function() { var _this = this; this.$blocks.hover(function(){ $(this).addClass('active'); _this.update(); }, function() { $(this).removeClass('active'); _this.update(); }); }; /* * Calculate which row an index is in */ function row(index) { return Math.floor(index / 3); } /* * Calculate which column an index is in */ function column(index) { return index % 3; } /* * Each grid item is a block which positions * itself within the grid and then applies the * appropriate transformation */ function Block($el, index, activeIndex, factor) { this.$el = $el; this.index = index; this.matrix = new Distort({ $el: $el }); this.row = row(index); this.column = column(index); if(activeIndex === -1) { return; } var activeRow = row(activeIndex); var activeColumn = column(activeIndex); this.factor = factor || 20; var direction; if(this.isNear(activeRow, activeColumn) && index === activeIndex - 4) { direction = 'topLeft'; } else if (this.isNear(activeRow, activeColumn) && index === activeIndex - 3) { direction = 'top'; } else if (this.isNear(activeRow, activeColumn) && index === activeIndex - 2) { direction = 'topRight'; } else if (this.isNear(activeRow, activeColumn) && index === activeIndex - 1) { direction = 'left'; } else if (this.isNear(activeRow, activeColumn) && index === activeIndex) { direction = 'center'; } else if (this.isNear(activeRow, activeColumn) && index === activeIndex + 1) { direction = 'right'; } else if (this.isNear(activeRow, activeColumn) && index === activeIndex + 2) { direction = 'bottomLeft'; } else if (this.isNear(activeRow, activeColumn) && index === activeIndex + 3) { direction = 'bottom'; } else if (this.isNear(activeRow, activeColumn) && index === activeIndex + 4) { direction = 'bottomRight'; } if(direction && this[direction]) { this[direction](this.factor); } } /* * Calculate if an element is within on space */ Block.prototype.isNear = function(row, column) { if(Math.abs(this.row - row) > 1) { return false; } if(Math.abs(this.column - column) > 1) { return false; } return true; } /* * Move the top left corner */ Block.prototype.topLeft = function(factor) { factor = factor || this.factor; this.matrix.bottomRight.x += -factor; this.matrix.bottomRight.y += -factor; } /* * Move the top */ Block.prototype.top = function(factor) { factor = factor || this.factor; this.matrix.bottomLeft.x += -factor; this.matrix.bottomLeft.y += -factor; this.matrix.bottomRight.x += factor; this.matrix.bottomRight.y += -factor; } /* * Move the top right corner */ Block.prototype.topRight = function(factor) { factor = factor || this.factor; this.matrix.bottomLeft.x += factor; this.matrix.bottomLeft.y += -factor; } /* * Move the left */ Block.prototype.left = function(factor) { factor = factor || this.factor; this.matrix.topRight.x += -factor; this.matrix.topRight.y += -factor; this.matrix.bottomRight.x += -factor; this.matrix.bottomRight.y += +factor; } /* * Scale the center */ Block.prototype.center = function(factor) { factor = factor || this.factor; this.matrix.topLeft.x += -factor; this.matrix.topLeft.y += -factor; this.matrix.topRight.x += factor; this.matrix.topRight.y += -factor; this.matrix.bottomLeft.x += -factor; this.matrix.bottomLeft.y += factor; this.matrix.bottomRight.x += factor; this.matrix.bottomRight.y += factor; } /* * Move the right */ Block.prototype.right = function(factor) { factor = factor || this.factor; this.matrix.topLeft.x += factor; this.matrix.topLeft.y += -factor; this.matrix.bottomLeft.x += factor; this.matrix.bottomLeft.y += factor; } /* * Move the bottom left corner */ Block.prototype.bottomLeft = function(factor) { factor = factor || this.factor; this.matrix.topRight.x += -factor; this.matrix.topRight.y += factor; } /* * Move the bottom edge */ Block.prototype.bottom = function(factor) { factor = factor || this.factor; this.matrix.topRight.x += factor; this.matrix.topRight.y += factor; this.matrix.topLeft.x += -factor; this.matrix.topLeft.y += factor; } /* * Move the bottom right corner */ Block.prototype.bottomRight = function(factor) { factor = factor || this.factor; this.matrix.topLeft.x += factor; this.matrix.topLeft.y += factor; } /* * Apply the transform to a block */ Blocks.prototype.update = function() { window.requestAnimationFrame(animate.bind(this)); } function animate() { var index = -1; var length = this.$blocks.length; var activeIndex = this.$blocks.siblings('.active').index(); while(++index < length) { var $el = this.$blocks.eq(index); var block = new Block($el, index, activeIndex, 40); $el.css({ 'transform': block.matrix.toString() }); } } /* * Initialize */ new Blocks($('.block')); /** * Additional 3D shift on mouse move */ var $blocks = $('.blocks'); window.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event){ var width = $(window).width(); var height = $(window).height(); var x = ((event.pageX - (width / 2)) / width) * 2; var y = ((event.pageY - (height / 2)) / height) * 2; // Blocks $blocks.css({ 'transform' : 'translateZ(-10px) rotateY(' + (x * -2) + 'deg) rotateX(' + (y * 2) + 'deg)' }); //Background $('body').css({ 'background-position' : (x * -5) + 'px ' + (y * -5) + 'px' }); 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