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Mud gun characteristics are mainly divided into linear <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Shakerscreen/">Shaker screen</a>, circular vibrating screen. Vibrating screen presses vibrator types and mud gun.
Apportioned into the single axis vibrating screen and biaxial vibrating screen, single shaft effervescent screen is the use of distinct vibration <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Shaleshaker/">shale shaker</a> the screen box is not sane, the screen surface tilt, the trajectories of screen box is usually round or oval. Buy metal detector is the use of synchronous differential rotation of unbalanced dual heavy vibration and screen surface level or low pitch, the trajectories of screen box for a straight line. Vibrating screen is with eccentric inertia mud gun characteristics and Buy metal detector since the fixed center shaker and type of electromagnetic vibrating screen, etc.
Linear vibrating screen
Vibrating screen is effective, two motor synchronous reverse hired to antithesis excitation force of trembling device, force efforts the <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Desander/">Desander</a> mesh screen body do longitudinal sign, make its surface materials of the excitation and cyclical thrown forward a range, so as to complete screening materials operations. Linear vibrating screen (linear sieve) with sure and consistent, low mud gun characteristics drinking, low noise, long overhaul life, stable shuddering mode, high repeat efficacy, etc., is a new type resourceful screening apparatus, widely used in digging, coal, founding, building material, obstinate factual, light industry, living industry, etc.
Circular vibrating screen
Circular vibrating screen, circular vibrating screen) do round motion, is a gentle of multilayer, high efficacy new type of bubbly screen. Circular lively display with <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com">Solid control system</a> eccentric shaft vibrator and eccentric block to adjust the amplitude, material sieve drip line length, screening specifications, is reliable in structure. Strong exciting dynamism, high screening efficiency, trembling noise is small, strong and durable, easy maintenance, use shelter, circular Brandt shaker is widely used in mining, building materials, transportation, energy, chemical and other industries products classification. Circular mud guns are mainly screen box, screen mesh, vibrator, damping spring mechanism, chassis, etc. Vibrator on the screen box side plate, together with the motor by coupling or belt drive the rotation, generate centrifugal force, forced vibration sieve box. Screen is the main wearing parts. According to the material products and user requirements, can use high manganese steel woven mesh, punching sieve plate and rubber sieve mud gun characteristics plate, screen plate, which has two kinds of single and double, all kinds of sieve plate can meet the requirements of screening effect. Screen surface inclination adjustment can be implemented by changing the position of spring support height.