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<h2>Top Reasons to Buy a Used Car | Smart Chevrolet</h2>
<h6>Many countries have felt the impact of budget constraints, as a result of COVID and the lockdown. Despite the fact that cars are the safest option for many, they aren't cheap! This is where the trend of <a href="https://www.smartchevrolet.com/used-vehicles-for-sale/">used cars for sale</a> takes a hike! In general, pre-owned cars are economically more prudent choices when certain issues such as transparent pricing and quality assurance are addressed. Depreciation curves of almost all types of cars show greater speed in the first few years of depreciation and then a gradual decrease, so the average car depreciates 40% of its on-road price within the first 3 years and only 25% within the next 3 years.</h6>
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