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}); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); rotateUlLi.eq(4).animate({top: 0, left: calcWidth / 3}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(4).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(4).animate({top: calcHeight / 8, left: rightZero - (calcWidth / 6)}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(4).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(4).animate({left: rightZero, top: calcHeight / 4}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(4).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(4).animate({top: bottomZero - (calcHeight / 8), left: rightZero - (calcWidth / 6)}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(4).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(4).css('z-index', zOndex - 4).animate({top: bottomZero, left: calcWidth / 3, opacity: 1, height: scaleHeight, width: scaleWidth, marginLeft: -scale / 2, marginTop: -scale}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(4).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(4).animate({top: bottomZero - (calcHeight / 8), left: calcWidth / 6, opacity: 0.3, height: scaleHeightAfter, width: scaleWidthAfter, marginLeft: 0, marginTop: 0}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(4).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(4).animate({left: 0, top: calcHeight / 4}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(4).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(4).animate({top: calcHeight / 8, left: calcWidth / 6}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(4).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); rotateUlLi.eq(5).animate({top: calcHeight / 8, left: rightZero - (calcWidth / 6)}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(5).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(5).animate({left: rightZero, top: calcHeight / 4}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(5).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(5).animate({top: bottomZero - (calcHeight / 8), left: rightZero - (calcWidth / 6)}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(5).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(5).css('z-index', zOndex - 5).animate({top: bottomZero, left: calcWidth / 3, opacity: 1, height: scaleHeight, width: scaleWidth, marginLeft: -scale / 2, marginTop: -scale}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(5).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(5).animate({top: bottomZero - (calcHeight / 8), left: calcWidth / 6, opacity: 0.3, height: scaleHeightAfter, width: scaleWidthAfter, marginLeft: 0, marginTop: 0}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(5).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(5).animate({left: 0, top: calcHeight / 4}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(5).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(5).animate({top: calcHeight / 8, left: calcWidth / 6}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(5).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(5).animate({top: 0, left: calcWidth / 3}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(5).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); rotateUlLi.eq(6).animate({left: rightZero, top: calcHeight / 4}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(6).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(6).animate({top: bottomZero - (calcHeight / 8), left: rightZero - (calcWidth / 6)}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(6).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(6).css('z-index', zOndex - 6).animate({top: bottomZero, left: calcWidth / 3, opacity: 1, height: scaleHeight, width: scaleWidth, marginLeft: -scale / 2, marginTop: -scale}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(6).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(6).animate({top: bottomZero - (calcHeight / 8), left: calcWidth / 6, opacity: 0.3, height: scaleHeightAfter, width: scaleWidthAfter, marginLeft: 0, marginTop: 0}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(6).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(6).animate({left: 0, top: calcHeight / 4}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(6).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(6).animate({top: calcHeight / 8, left: calcWidth / 6}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(6).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(6).animate({top: 0, left: calcWidth / 3}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(6).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(6).animate({top: calcHeight / 8, left: rightZero - (calcWidth / 6)}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(6).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); rotateUlLi.eq(7).animate({top: bottomZero - (calcHeight / 8), left: rightZero - (calcWidth / 6)}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(7).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(7).css('z-index', zOndex - 7).animate({top: bottomZero, left: calcWidth / 3, opacity: 1, height: scaleHeight, width: scaleWidth, marginLeft: -scale / 2, marginTop: -scale}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(7).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(7).animate({top: bottomZero - (calcHeight / 8), left: calcWidth / 6, opacity: 0.3, height: scaleHeightAfter, width: scaleWidthAfter, marginLeft: 0, marginTop: 0}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(7).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(7).animate({left: 0, top: calcHeight / 4}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(7).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(7).animate({top: calcHeight / 8, left: calcWidth / 6}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(7).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(7).animate({top: 0, left: calcWidth / 3}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(7).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(7).animate({top: calcHeight / 8, left: rightZero - (calcWidth / 6)}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(7).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(7).animate({left: rightZero, top: calcHeight / 4}, rotateTime, function () { rotateUlLi.eq(7).animate({border: 'none'}, rotateTime, function () { zOndex += 10; runRotate(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); } //-------------------------------------- End All Function -----------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------- Start Public ---------------------------------------------// resetWidthHeight(); //-------------------------------------- End Public -----------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------- Start Slider Rotate --------------------------------------// rotate.each(function () { runRotate(); }); //-------------------------------------- End Slider Rotate ----------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------- Start Window Resize --------------------------------------// $(window).resize(function () { resetWidthHeight(); }); //-------------------------------------- End Window Resize ----------------------------------------// console.log(scaleHeightAfter); }); // Em An // 7-2017 // https://codepen.io/collection/AGNJNB/

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