"tchat card"
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this.name = name; this.img = img; this.online = online; this.messages = new Array(); this.newmsg = 0; this.groups = new Array(); contactList.push(this); } Contact.prototype.addMessage = function (msg) { this.messages.push(msg); } Contact.prototype.addGroup = function (group) { this.groups.push(group); } appContacts = Contact; return appContacts; })(WhatsApp || {}); //groups var WhatsApp = (function (app) { function Group (name,img) { this.id = contactList.length; this.name = name; this.img = img; this.members = new Array(); this.messages = new Array(); this.newmsg = 0; contactList.push(this); } Group.prototype.addMember = function (contact) { this.members.push(contact); } Group.prototype.addMessage = function (msg) { this.messages.push(msg); } appGroups = Group; return appGroups; })(WhatsApp || {}); //messages var WhatsApp = (function (app) { function Message (text,name,time,type,group) { this.text = text; this.name = name, this.time = time; this.type = type; this.group = group; } appMessages = Message; return appMessages; })(WhatsApp || {}); //subject /** * Created by Tanja on 02.01.2017. */ var WhatsApp = (function(app) { function Subject() { this.observers = []; }; Subject.prototype.subscribe = function(item) { this.observers.push(item); }; Subject.prototype.unsubscribeAll = function() { this.observers.length = 0; }; Subject.prototype.notifyObservers = function() { this.observers.forEach(elem => {elem.notify();}) }; app.Subject = Subject; return app; })(WhatsApp || {}); //model /** * Created by Tanja on 02.01.2017. */ var currentChat; var contactList = new Array(); var WhatsApp = (function ToDoModel (app) { var subject = new app.Subject(); var Model = { start : function() { $.getJSON("https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/1089577/contacts2.json", function (data) { for (var i=0; i<data.elements.length; i++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(4)){break;} var e = data.elements[i]; if (e.online == undefined) { var group = new appGroups(e.name,e.img); for (var j = 0; j < e.members.length; j++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(1)){break;} group.addMember(contactList[e.members[j].contact]); contactList[e.members[j].contact].addGroup(group); } window.CP.exitedLoop(1); for (var j = 0; j < e.messages.length; j++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(2)){break;} var m = e.messages[j]; var message = new appMessages(m.text, m.name, m.time, m.type, true); group.addMessage(message); } window.CP.exitedLoop(2); } else { var contact = new appContacts(e.name, e.img, e.online); for (var j = 0; j < e.messages.length; j++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(3)){break;} var m = e.messages[j]; var message = new appMessages(m.text, m.name, m.time, m.type, false); contact.addMessage(message); } window.CP.exitedLoop(3); } } window.CP.exitedLoop(4); subject.notifyObservers(); }); }, writeMessage : function() { var msg = new appMessages($(".input-message").val(),"",new Date().getHours() + ":" + new Date().getMinutes(),true); WhatsApp.View.printMessage(msg); currentChat.addMessage(msg); $(".input-message").val(""); $("#" + currentChat.id).addClass("active-contact"); subject.notifyObservers(); }, getMessage : function (text,id,name) { if (name == undefined) { var msg = new appMessages(text, contactList[id].name, new Date().getHours() + ":" + new Date().getMinutes(), false, false); } else { var msg = new appMessages(text, name, new Date().getHours() + ":" + new Date().getMinutes(), false, true); } contactList[id].addMessage(msg); contactList[id].online = new Date().getHours() + ":" + new Date().getMinutes(); if(contactList[id] == currentChat) { WhatsApp.View.printMessage(msg); WhatsApp.View.printContact(contactList[id]); } else { contactList[id].newmsg ++; WhatsApp.View.printContact(contactList[id]); } }, register : function(...args) { subject.unsubscribeAll(); args.forEach(elem => { subject.subscribe(elem); }) } }; app.Model = Model; return app; })(WhatsApp || {}); //view /** * Created by Tanja on 02.01.2017. */ var first = true; var WhatsApp = (function ToDoView(app) { var view = { printContact : function (c) { $("#" + c.id).remove(); var lastmsg = c.messages[c.messages.length - 1]; if (c.newmsg == 0) { var html = $("<div class='contact' id='" + c.id + "'><img src='" + c.img + "' alt='profilpicture'><div class='contact-preview'><div class='contact-text'><h1 class='font-name'>" + c.name + "</h1><p class='font-preview'>" + lastmsg.text + "</p></div></div><div class='contact-time'><p>" + lastmsg.time + "</p></div></div>"); } else { var html = $("<div class='contact new-message-contact' id='" + c.id + "'><img src='" + c.img + "' alt='profilpicture'><div class='contact-preview'><div class='contact-text'><h1 class='font-name'>" + c.name + "</h1><p class='font-preview'>" + lastmsg.text + "</p></div></div><div class='contact-time'><p>" + lastmsg.time + "</p><div class='new-message' id='nm" + c.id + "'><p>" + c.newmsg + "</p></div></div></div>"); } var that = c; $(".contact-list").prepend(html); WhatsApp.Ctrl.addClick(html, that); } , printChat : function (cg) { WhatsApp.View.closeContactInformation(); $(".chat-head img").attr("src",cg.img); $(".chat-name h1").text(cg.name); if(cg.members == undefined) { $(".chat-name p").text("zuletzt online um " + cg.online); // Nachrichten konfigurieren $(".chat-bubble").remove(); for (var i=0; i<cg.messages.length; i++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(5)){break;} WhatsApp.View.printMessage(cg.messages[i]); } window.CP.exitedLoop(5); currentChat = cg; } else { var listMembers = ""; for (var i=0; i<cg.members.length; i++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(6)){break;} listMembers += cg.members[i].name; if (i < cg.members.length - 1) { listMembers += ", "; } } window.CP.exitedLoop(6); $(".chat-name p").text(listMembers); // Nachrichten konfigurieren $(".chat-bubble").remove(); for (var i=0; i<cg.messages.length; i++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(7)){break;} WhatsApp.View.printMessage(cg.messages[i]); } window.CP.exitedLoop(7); currentChat = cg; } }, printMessage : function (gc) { if (gc.group) { if (gc.type) { $(".chat").append("<div class='chat-bubble me'><div class='my-mouth'></div><div class='content'>" + gc.text + "</div><div class='time'>" + gc.time + "</div></div>"); } else { $(".chat").append("<div class='chat-bubble you'><div class='your-mouth'></div><h4>" + gc.name + "</h4><div class='content'>" + gc.text + "</div><div class='time'>" + gc.time + "</div></div>"); } } else { if (gc.type) { $(".chat").append("<div class='chat-bubble me'><div class='my-mouth'></div><div class='content'>" + gc.text + "</div><div class='time'>" + gc.time + "</div></div>"); } else { $(".chat").append("<div class='chat-bubble you'><div class='your-mouth'></div><div class='content'>" + gc.text + "</div><div class='time'>" + gc.time + "</div></div>"); } } }, showContactInformation : function () { $(".chat-head i").hide(); $(".information").css("display", "flex"); $("#close-contact-information").show(); if (currentChat.members == undefined) { $(".information").append("<img src='" + currentChat.img + "'><div><h1>Name:</h1><p>" + currentChat.name + "</p></div><div id='listGroups'><h1>Gemeinsame Gruppen:</h1></div>"); for (var i = 0; i < currentChat.groups.length; i++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(9)){break;} html = $("<div class='listGroups'><img src='" + currentChat.groups[i].img + "'><p>" + currentChat.groups[i].name + "</p></div>"); $("#listGroups").append(html); $(html).click(function (e) { for (var i = 0; i < contactList.length; i++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(8)){break;} if (($(currentChat).find("p").text()) == contactList[i].name) { $(".active-contact").removeClass("active-contact"); $("#" + contactList[i].id).addClass("active-contact"); WhatsApp.Groups.printChat(contactList[i]); } } window.CP.exitedLoop(8); }); } window.CP.exitedLoop(9); } else { $(".information").append("<img src='" + currentChat.img + "'><div><h1>Name:</h1><p>" + currentChat.name + "</p></div><div id='listGroups'><h1>Mitglieder:</h1></div>"); for (var i = 0; i < currentChat.members.length; i++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(11)){break;} html = $("<div class='listGroups'><img src='" + currentChat.members[i].img + "'><p>" + currentChat.members[i].name + "</p></div>"); $("#listGroups").append(html); $(html).click(function (e) { for (var i = 0; i < contactList.length; i++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(10)){break;} if (($(currentChat).find("p").text()) == contactList[i].name) { $(".active-contact").removeClass("active-contact"); $("#" + contactList[i].id).addClass("active-contact"); WhatsApp.Contacts.printChat(contactList[i]); } } window.CP.exitedLoop(10); }); } window.CP.exitedLoop(11); } }, closeContactInformation : function () { $(".chat-head i").show(); $("#close-contact-information").hide(); $(".information >").remove(); $(".information").hide(); }, //Observer-Methode notify: function () { if (first) { first = false; for (var i = 0; i < contactList.length; i++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(12)){break;} WhatsApp.View.printContact(contactList[i]); currentChat = contactList[i]; } window.CP.exitedLoop(12); first = false; } else { WhatsApp.View.printContact(currentChat); } } } app.View = view; return app; })(WhatsApp); //controller /** * Created by Tanja on 02.01.2017. */ var start = true; var WhatsApp = (function ToDoCtrl(app) { $(document).ready(function () { app.Model.start(); }); var Ctrl = { addClick : function (html, that) { $(html).click(function(e) { $(".active-contact").removeClass("active-contact"); $(this).addClass("active-contact"); $(this).removeClass("new-message-contact"); $("#nm" + that.id).remove(); that.newmsg = 0; WhatsApp.View.printChat(that); }); }, //Observer-Methode notify : function() { if (start) { $(".input-message").keyup(function(ev) { if(ev.which == 13 || ev.keyCode == 13) { app.Model.writeMessage(); } }); $("#show-contact-information").on("click",function(){ WhatsApp.View.showContactInformation(); }); $("#close-contact-information").on("click",function(){ WhatsApp.View.closeContactInformation(); }); start = false; } } }; app.Ctrl = Ctrl; return app; })(WhatsApp); WhatsApp.Model.register(WhatsApp.View, WhatsApp.Ctrl); //# sourceURL=pen.js </script> </body></html>

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Questions / Comments:

When I write a message in tchat card template, many message send its self, can you please help me

Mpunga () - 4 years ago - Reply 0