"Irwin Consulting Services Review - How to decorate safely this holiday season"
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You’re probably surprised seeing this kind of post because it may seem a bit late to some, but the time is not yet running out for you to decorate your home for the holiday season. You simply need to dedicate some time hanging those beautiful decorations you have. But the joy of holiday traditions may also bring some safety hazards.
During the holiday season, your neighborhood can still be sparkling and bright even if it’s night because of the decorative lights spread out from one house to another. However, you must remember a few things, not just the feeling of excitement and joy in decorating, but also things to consider in keeping your home and family safe.
Even if it’s cold, no one can stop many families in decorating their homes to celebrate the holiday season. But keep in mind to check the extension cords and older wiring in putting bright lights outside and inside your home. <u><a href="https://jesselangwell.use.com/message-show/c516681b8ce0f2b3a16b9fe7be403e2c/17d8c147f121cd51e3f57b549a78cc09/">Irwin Consulting Services</a></u> would like you to be careful in doing such activity. It might be a bother to some people but it is really advised by experts to check how much current is running through the cords. You must not also put candles near to combustibles and decorative trees close to heat sources such as fireplaces and space heaters. Keep the tree away at least three feet from those heat sources.
If you personally prefer a real or live Christmas tree to place in your house, then a fresher tree is recommended since a dry tree can be a magnet to a fire. The first thing to do before putting the tree on a stand is to quickly cut 1-2 inches from the base of the trunk and fill it with water to guarantee water absorption. <u>Irwin Consulting Services</u> also needs you to water the tree’s stand daily.
Experts also added not to use extension cords for the heaters. If you are currently decorating your home, see to it that there were no heat sources near you to avoid accidents. The holiday season can be cold so be careful on using heaters inside and even outside your home.
You also need to confirm if all extension cords and electrical decorations used for decorating your house outside were all labeled for outdoor purposes. Putting beautiful decorations outside can be exciting and all, but don’t forget to determine the proper usage of each material you are going to use. Remember that the power needs of electrical products on amperage should match the amperage rating of extension cords. Plug outdoor electric lights and decorations on circuits protected by ground fault circuit interrupters or GFCIs.
Check the surroundings first before decorating and avoid being near to power lines. It would be better to have at least 10 feet distance between yourself and the power lines. Overloading should also be avoided thus ensure that electrical outlets don’t have a lot of decorations or electrical devices plugged into it. We know that such can lead to overheating and even start a fire.
Cords must have proper insulation too so prevent them from being pinched in windows, doors, or under heavy furniture. Make sure that the light strings would be safe from any damage to their cord’s insulation, so be careful on mounting or supporting such lights. In changing the bulbs or fuses, see to it that electrical decorations were unplugged. Before going to bed or leaving the house, turn off all the indoor and outdoor electrical decorations.
You may also choose artificial candles over the real ones for better safety, but if you really prefer real candles then just make sure that you won’t leave them unattended. Put candles on a good distance away from combustibles as well and put out its fire before going to bed or leaving the house.
With its trusted fire, communications, and EMS consulting services to organizations, <u>Irwin Consulting Services</u> wishes for your safer and happier holiday season.

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