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<h2>Falling Weight Deflectometer</h2>
<p>Before the start of any project - construction or excavation, it is wise to perform <a href="https://www.durkinconstruction.com.au/underground-utility-locating">utility locating</a> on the site. This is the first step that has to be done if you are planning a project that will require digging up through the ground. An FWD is used as a testing device for measuring the physical properties of pavement. This is a nondestructive and non-intrusive process, and·is generally preferred over other destructive testing because tests are not only faster but also do not entail removal of pavement material. For further enquiry about <a href="https://www.durkinconstruction.com.au/fwd-testing">falling weight deflectometer</a>, please visit us.</p>