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Call 0800 01 01 01</p> </div> <div class="back"> <p> There could be a lot of additional information we could display here: </p> <ul> <li>boarding time?</li> <li>Flight duration Time</li> <li>Stops / next leg?</li> <li>Landing time</li> </ul> <p class="disclaimer">Well, yes and all required disclaimers. Should be enough space for that too.</p> <p class="hotline">Need Help? Call 0800 01 01 01</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="0" height="0" display="none"> <symbol id="qrcode" viewBox="0 0 130 130"> <g> <path fill="#334158" d="M123,3h-5h-5h-5h-5h-5h-5v5v5v5v5v5v5v5h5h5h5h5h5h5h5v-5v-5v-5v-5v-5V8V3H123z M123,13v5v5v5v5h-5h-5h-5 h-5h-5v-5v-5v-5v-5V8h5h5h5h5h5V13z"/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="88,13 88,8 88,3 83,3 78,3 78,8 78,13 83,13 "/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="63,13 68,13 73,13 73,8 73,3 68,3 68,8 63,8 58,8 58,13 53,13 53,8 53,3 48,3 48,8 43,8 43,13 48,13 48,18 43,18 43,23 48,23 53,23 53,18 58,18 58,23 63,23 63,18 "/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="108,13 103,13 103,18 103,23 103,28 108,28 113,28 118,28 118,23 118,18 118,13 113,13 "/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="78,18 73,18 73,23 78,23 83,23 83,18 "/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="23,28 28,28 28,23 28,18 28,13 23,13 18,13 13,13 13,18 13,23 13,28 18,28 "/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="53,28 53,33 53,38 58,38 58,33 58,28 58,23 53,23 "/> <rect x="63" y="23" fill="#334158" width="5" height="5"/> <rect x="68" y="28" fill="#334158" width="5" height="5"/> <path fill="#334158" d="M13,38h5h5h5h5h5v-5v-5v-5v-5v-5V8V3h-5h-5h-5h-5h-5H8H3v5v5v5v5v5v5v5h5H13z M8,28v-5v-5v-5V8h5h5h5h5h5v5 v5v5v5v5h-5h-5h-5h-5H8V28z"/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="48,33 48,28 43,28 43,33 43,38 48,38 "/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="83,38 88,38 88,33 88,28 88,23 83,23 83,28 78,28 78,33 83,33 "/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="23,43 18,43 13,43 8,43 3,43 3,48 8,48 13,48 18,48 23,48 28,48 28,43 "/> <rect x="108" y="43" fill="#334158" width="5" height="5"/> <rect x="28" y="48" fill="#334158" width="5" height="5"/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="88,53 93,53 93,48 93,43 88,43 88,48 83,48 83,53 "/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="123,48 123,43 118,43 118,48 118,53 118,58 123,58 123,63 118,63 113,63 113,68 118,68 118,73 118,78 123,78 123,83 128,83 128,78 128,73 123,73 123,68 128,68 128,63 128,58 128,53 123,53 "/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="98,58 98,63 103,63 103,68 108,68 108,63 108,58 103,58 103,53 103,48 103,43 98,43 98,48 98,53 93,53 93,58 "/> <rect x="108" y="53" fill="#334158" width="5" height="5"/> <rect x="78" y="63" fill="#334158" width="5" height="5"/> <rect x="93" y="63" fill="#334158" width="5" height="5"/> <rect x="53" y="68" fill="#334158" width="5" height="5"/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="108,73 108,78 108,83 113,83 113,78 113,73 113,68 108,68 "/> <rect x="13" y="73" fill="#334158" width="5" height="5"/> <rect x="98" y="73" fill="#334158" width="5" height="5"/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="18,83 18,88 23,88 28,88 28,83 23,83 23,78 18,78 "/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="8,83 8,78 8,73 8,68 13,68 13,63 13,58 13,53 8,53 3,53 3,58 3,63 3,68 3,73 3,78 3,83 3,88 8,88 "/> <rect x="53" y="83" fill="#334158" width="5" height="5"/> <rect x="73" y="83" fill="#334158" width="5" height="5"/> <path fill="#334158" d="M108,88v-5h-5h-5h-5h-5v-5h5v-5h-5v-5h-5v5h-5h-5v-5h-5h-5v5h5v5h-5v5v5h5v-5h5v-5h5h5v5v5h-5v5h5v5h-5h-5 v5h5v5h5v5v5h-5v5h5h5h5v5h5h5h5h5h5h5h5v-5v-5v-5v-5v-5v-5v-5h-5h-5v-5v-5h-5v5H108z M98,118h-5v-5h5V118z M98,103h-5h-5v-5v-5v-5 h5h5h5v5v5v5H98z M123,118v5h-5h-5v-5h-5h-5v-5h5v-5h5v5v5h5v-5h5V118z M118,98h5v5h-5h-5v-5H118z"/> <path fill="#334158" d="M28,93h-5h-5h-5H8H3v5v5v5v5v5v5v5h5h5h5h5h5h5h5v-5v-5v-5v-5v-5v-5v-5h-5H28z M33,103v5v5v5v5h-5h-5h-5h-5 H8v-5v-5v-5v-5v-5h5h5h5h5h5V103z"/> <rect x="93" y="93" fill="#334158" width="5" height="5"/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="63,98 68,98 68,93 63,93 58,93 53,93 53,88 48,88 48,83 43,83 43,78 48,78 48,73 43,73 43,68 48,68 53,68 53,63 58,63 58,68 63,68 63,63 63,58 68,58 73,58 73,63 78,63 78,58 83,58 83,53 78,53 78,48 83,48 83,43 83,38 78,38 78,33 73,33 73,38 73,43 68,43 68,38 68,33 63,33 63,38 63,43 63,48 68,48 73,48 73,53 68,53 63,53 58,53 58,58 53,58 53,53 53,48 58,48 58,43 53,43 48,43 43,43 38,43 33,43 33,48 38,48 38,53 33,53 33,58 38,58 43,58 43,63 38,63 33,63 33,68 38,68 38,73 33,73 28,73 28,68 28,63 33,63 33,58 28,58 23,58 18,58 18,63 23,63 23,68 18,68 18,73 23,73 23,78 28,78 33,78 38,78 38,83 33,83 33,88 38,88 43,88 43,93 43,98 48,98 48,103 53,103 53,98 58,98 58,103 58,108 63,108 63,103 "/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="18,103 13,103 13,108 13,113 13,118 18,118 23,118 28,118 28,113 28,108 28,103 23,103 "/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="48,108 48,103 43,103 43,108 43,113 43,118 43,123 43,128 48,128 53,128 53,123 48,123 48,118 48,113 53,113 58,113 58,108 53,108 "/> <polygon fill="#334158" points="78,118 78,113 78,108 73,108 68,108 63,108 63,113 68,113 68,118 63,118 63,123 63,128 68,128 68,123 73,123 73,118 "/> <rect x="73" y="123" fill="#334158" width="5" height="5"/> </g> </symbol> </svg> </body></html>

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