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The drilling of the wells wills first flow through the pipeline into the <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com">Mission pump</a> <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com">http://www.solvedrilling.com</a> isolated that harmful slime and large size solid drilling.
The following properties of the shaker solids control equipment, and the cost of the drilling fluid, such as the efficiency of the <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Mudgun/">Mud gun</a> <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Mudgun/">http://www.solvedrilling.com/Mudgun/</a> has a greater influence, the most important is the total drilling costs. Now, solids control equipment in the global market, there are many well-known brands, such as Derrick shaker, MI-Swasco, Brandt & KOSUN etc. In this article we will compare the differences between the 2000 Derrick FLC linear montion KOSUN a shaker.
Derek - was founded in 1950, specializing in the design and manufacture of oil and gas drilling industry for fine screening equipment and screen surface technology. KOSUN, founded in 1992 , is China 's first solid control equipment, solid control system and equipment for oil and gas drilling, not only in the design and manufacturing expertise, but also the CBM ( coal bed Mathone ) and the shale gas explosion, KOSUN horizontal directional drilling, industrial waste management services in these industries with over 20 years of experience, have access to sophisticated technology to design and manufacture equipment and spare parts of these solids, especially shaker, mud cleaners, centrifuges.
For the principle of the decanter centrifuge, it seems that we should choose 518 centrifuge which has exactly best rotation value. With the 518 centrifuge, on account of fascinate technology, we just should insert of the information of the <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Shaleshaker/">Brandt shaker</a> <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Shaleshaker/">http://www.solvedrilling.com/Shaleshaker/</a> into the computer and the 518 centrifuge would work automatically.
In conclusion, decant centrifuge is the best friend who is always with you in various industry. And the 518 centrifuge seems the one you should choose and treasure it. Trust me, with the 518 centrifuge, how to use Decanter centrifuge you should know industry career can be an amazing successful. The <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Stacksizer/">Stack Sizer</a> <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Stacksizer/">http://www.solvedrilling.com/Stacksizer/</a> is deserved for you to have. You cannot find any other centrifuge can help you accurately part different kind of things. Choose the decant centrifuge, you would never regret.