"Hafiz Ahmad Amin Calculater"
Bootstrap 4.1.1 Snippet by hafizahmadamin

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$(document).ready(function(){ $('#one').click(function(){ document.forms.display.value += 1; }); $('#two').click(function(){ document.forms.display.value += 2; }); $('#three').click(function(){ document.forms.display.value += 3; }); $('#four').click(function(){ document.forms.display.value += 4; }); $('#five').click(function(){ document.forms.display.value += 5; }); $('#six').click(function(){ document.forms.display.value += 6; }); $('#seven').click(function(){ document.forms.display.value += 7; }); $('#eight').click(function(){ document.forms.display.value += 8; }); $('#nine').click(function(){ document.forms.display.value += 9; }); $('#zero').click(function(){ document.forms.display.value += 0; }); $('#add').click(function(){ document.forms.display.value += '+'; }); $('#subs').click(function(){ document.forms.display.value += '-'; }); $('#multi').click(function(){ document.forms.display.value += '*'; }); $('#divide').click(function(){ document.forms.display.value += '/'; }); $('#dot').click(function(){ document.forms.display.value += '.'; }); $('#equal').click(function(){ if (display.value == "") { alert("Please enter any numbers to calculate!"); }else{ document.forms.display.value = eval(document.forms.display.value); } }); $('#clear').click(function(){ document.forms.display.value = ""; }); })

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