"brief knowledge of the desaner"
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The mud desander is an equipment used to clean the sand and the <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Mudagitator/">Mud agitator</a> <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Mudagitator/">http://www.solvedrilling.com/Mudagitator/</a> in the mud during the mud cleaning system before mud goes back to earth. The desander experts offer their tips that using a desander will largely increase the operation efficiency. The mud desander is divided into two kinds, mechanical desander and hydraulic desander. The mechanical mud desander is consist of vibrating screen. The mud construction will be destroyed when the mud go through the vibrating screen, so that the drilling cuttings and sand will be separated from the <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Other/">Solid control equipment</a> <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Other/">http://www.solvedrilling.com/Other/</a> by the vibrating screen. And the hydraulic mud desander is consist of mud cyclone desander. At the beginning operation, it pumps the mud into a funnel container by sand pump. The mud is pumped to the container wall through a tangent line. So that the mud construction will be destroyed by the centrifuge rotating, and the mud will spill out from the up side of the container while the drilling cuttings and sands will go out through the down side of the container. The experts tips of the desander is that, the mud pumped by the mud gun will be cleaner so the mud gun won’t be blocked to effect the operation. And the desander experts offer another tip that the mud cyclone desander has a better sand separating effect than the vibrating screen and the mud cyclone desander is widely used in the deep drilling. In the coal mine production, due to the easily spontaneous combustion of coal seam mining, traces of goaf coal is more comprehensive, might occur during the period of stoping goaf coal spontaneous combustion, especially when the working face advancing speed slow, spontaneous combustion risk bigger, so there must be a simple "train" for Mud agitator users, and adopts the corresponding fire prevention and fire extinguishing measures. Mine adopts fire-fighting are yellow, aerosol, the goaf grouting nitrogen injection, etc., which are mainly composed of yellow grouting. Grouting is a routine measure of fire prevention in the process of mining, has the advantages of economic, convenient, reliable, yellow grouting technology is mature, and grouting fire extinguishing effect of long-term, reliable and is the first choice for preventing and extinguishing methods.
Because use yellow earth filling stations and through a variety of pipe to the scene of the grouting grouting method and <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Mudcleaner/">Mud cleaner</a> <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Mudcleaner/">http://www.solvedrilling.com/Mudcleaner/</a>, at present the main is to use lag working face goaf grouting and to adopt closed wall fixed-point grouting. But with the development of coal mine fire prevention technology constantly updated, with the mining with filling and postharvest grouting become the dominant form of new fire prevention and fire extinguishing, the new fire prevention and fire <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Shakerscreen/">Shaker screen</a> <a href="http://www.solvedrilling.com/Shakerscreen/">http://www.solvedrilling.com/Shakerscreen/</a> technology will play an important role in coal mine safety production.

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