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While growing up, with help from a very musical family Jeff played in orchestras, sang in choirs, and performed in musical theater productions. In high school, he earned All- New York State honors as both a violinist and a vocalist. </p><p> In addition to a rich musical background, athletics were just as much a part of everyday life growing up. In high school, Jeff was the captain of both the varsity lacrosse and soccer teams, earning All- New York State honors in lacrosse. After high school, Jeff attended Cornell University and was a member of the Varsity Men’s Lacrosse team, until an untimely knee injury ended his athletic career. </p><p> It was in the wake of this injury that his path changed courses. Learning to play the guitar, and perform around local bars, Jeff re-discovered his passion for music, both writing and performing. Honing his skills, he set out for Atlanta, GA after graduation, in search of a music career. </p><p> With a van packed, and his guitar and violin in the back seat, Jeff dove in to the Georgia music scene as a songwriter/ multi-instrumentalist (violin/ guitar/ mandolin/ piano/ banjo), playing with dozens of bands over many years, and sharing the stage with acts such as ZZ Top, Styx, Heart, Foreigner, Corey Smith, Love & Theft, Joe Nichols, among many others. In 2014, Jeff was voted ‘Instrumentalist of the Year’ by Atlanta, GA publication Creative Loafing. </p><p> In his new project, SPIRKO, Jeff steps from the side of the stage to the front, bringing with him an incredibly dynamic live show, catchy radio-friendly songs, and unique versatility as a performer. </p><p> Come along for the ride!</p><p> <3 JS</p> </div> </section> <section id="music"> <p>tres</p> </section> <section id="photos"> <p>tres</p> </section> <section id="video"> <p>tres</p> </section> <section id="contact"> <p>tres</p> </section> </main> </div> <script src='//production-assets.codepen.io/assets/common/stopExecutionOnTimeout-b2a7b3fe212eaa732349046d8416e00a9dec26eb7fd347590fbced3ab38af52e.js'></script><script src='https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js'></script> <script > $(document).ready(function(){ $(".main").onepage_scroll(); $(".onepage-pagination li:first-child a").click(); setInterval(function(){ clase=$("body").attr("class"); clase=clase.substr(13); $(".menu li").removeClass("current-menu-item"); $(".menu li:nth-child("+clase+")").addClass("current-menu-item"); },100); $(".menu-item").click(function(){ var i = $(this).index()+1; $(".onepage-pagination li:nth-child("+i+") a").click(); $(".menu-item").removeClass("current-menu-item"); $(this).addClass("current-menu-item"); }); $(".onepage-pagination li a").click(function(){ i= $(this).parent().index()+1; $(".menu li").removeClass("current-menu-item"); $(".menu li:nth-child("+i+")").addClass("current-menu-item"); }); }); /* =========================================================== * jquery-onepage-scroll.js v1.3.1 * =========================================================== * Copyright 2013 Pete Rojwongsuriya. * http://www.thepetedesign.com * * Create an Apple-like website that let user scroll * one page at a time * * Credit: Eike Send for the awesome swipe event * https://github.com/peachananr/onepage-scroll * * License: GPL v3 * * ========================================================== */ !function($){ var defaults = { sectionContainer: "section", easing: "ease", animationTime: 1000, pagination: true, updateURL: false, keyboard: true, beforeMove: null, afterMove: null, loop: true, responsiveFallback: false, direction : 'horizontal' }; /*------------------------------------------------*/ /* Credit: Eike Send for the awesome swipe event */ /*------------------------------------------------*/ $.fn.swipeEvents = function() { return this.each(function() { var startX, startY, $this = $(this); $this.bind('touchstart', touchstart); function touchstart(event) { var touches = event.originalEvent.touches; if (touches && touches.length) { startX = touches[0].pageX; startY = touches[0].pageY; $this.bind('touchmove', touchmove); } } function touchmove(event) { var touches = event.originalEvent.touches; if (touches && touches.length) { var deltaX = startX - touches[0].pageX; var deltaY = startY - touches[0].pageY; if (deltaX >= 50) { $this.trigger("swipeLeft"); } if (deltaX <= -50) { $this.trigger("swipeRight"); } if (deltaY >= 50) { $this.trigger("swipeUp"); } if (deltaY <= -50) { $this.trigger("swipeDown"); } if (Math.abs(deltaX) >= 50 || Math.abs(deltaY) >= 50) { $this.unbind('touchmove', touchmove); } } } }); }; $.fn.onepage_scroll = function(options){ var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options), el = $(this), sections = $(settings.sectionContainer) total = sections.length, status = "off", topPos = 0, leftPos = 0, lastAnimation = 0, quietPeriod = 500, paginationList = ""; $.fn.transformPage = function(settings, pos, index) { if (typeof settings.beforeMove == 'function') settings.beforeMove(index); // Just a simple edit that makes use of modernizr to detect an IE8 browser and changes the transform method into // an top animate so IE8 users can also use this script. if($('html').hasClass('ie8')){ if (settings.direction == 'horizontal') { var toppos = (el.width()/100)*pos; $(this).animate({left: toppos+'px'},settings.animationTime); } else { var toppos = (el.height()/100)*pos; $(this).animate({top: toppos+'px'},settings.animationTime); } } else{ $(this).css({ "-webkit-transform": ( settings.direction == 'horizontal' ) ? 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