Bootstrap 4.1.1 Snippet by iammohitverma

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//AOS init() for on scroll animation start here AOS.init({ disable: false, // accepts following values: 'phone', 'tablet', 'mobile', boolean, expression or function startEvent: 'DOMContentLoaded', // name of the event dispatched on the document, that AOS should initialize on initClassName: 'aos-init', // class applied after initialization animatedClassName: 'aos-animate', // class applied on animation useClassNames: false, // if true, will add content of `data-aos` as classes on scroll disableMutationObserver: false, // disables automatic mutations' detections (advanced) debounceDelay: 50, // the delay on debounce used while resizing window (advanced) throttleDelay: 99, // the delay on throttle used while scrolling the page (advanced) // Settings that can be overridden on per-element basis, by `data-aos-*` attributes: offset: 120, // offset (in px) from the original trigger point delay: 0, // values from 0 to 3000, with step 50ms duration: 500, // values from 0 to 3000, with step 50ms easing: 'linear', // default easing for AOS animations once: true, // whether animation should happen only once - while scrolling down mirror: false, // whether elements should animate out while scrolling past them anchorPlacement: 'top-bottom', // defines which position of the element regarding to window should trigger the animation }); //script for make elements draggable var elementsCount = 18; var finalPrice = 0; var randomnum = 1; var addspace = '0'; var selectedproducts = {}; var prodcat = []; var prodfin = []; /* $(".elements-area .elem").click(function() { var productCat = $("#productcategory").val(); var productCat = productCat.replace(/ /g, "") if ($('.droppable-area .elem').length < elementsCount) { $(this).css("top", addspace +'px'); $(this).css("left", addspace +'px'); var title = $(this).find(".title").text(); var model = $(this).find(".title").attr('data-model'); var price = $(this).find(".price-value").text(); var clasprice = price.split('.'); var elementclass = productCat + '_' + randomnum + '_' + clasprice[0]; $(this).addClass(elementclass); var quantity = 1; if(selectedproducts.hasOwnProperty(model)) { var newvals = Object.values(selectedproducts); newvals = selectedproducts[model]; newvals = newvals.split('---'); quantity = parseInt(newvals[3]) + parseInt(1); } selectedproducts[model] = title+'---'+price+'---'+model+'---'+quantity; $(this).children('.remove-icon').attr('elementid', elementclass); $(this).children('.remove-icon').attr('onmousedown', "removeItem('"+elementclass+"')"); $(this).clone().appendTo(".droppable-area"); $(this).children('.remove-icon').removeAttr('onclick'); $(this).removeClass(elementclass); $(this).css("top", 'unset'); $(this).css("left", 'unset'); addspace = parseInt(addspace) + parseInt("10"); draggable(); zIndexplus(); finalPrice += parseInt(price); $('#finalPrice').text(finalPrice); randomnum++; } }); */ $(function(){ onclickevent(); }) function onclickevent(){ $(".elements-area .elem").click(function() { // debugger; if ($('.droppable-area .elem').length < elementsCount) { $(this).css("top", addspace +'px'); $(this).css("left", addspace +'px'); var title = $(this).find(".title").text(); var model = $(this).find(".title").attr('data-model'); var price = $(this).find(".price-value").text(); //var productCat = $("#productcategory").val(); var productCat = $(this).find(".title").attr('data-category'); var productFin = $(this).find(".title").attr('data-finish'); var internalFinish = $('#internalFinish').val(); prodcat.push(productCat); prodfin.push(productFin); var productCat = productCat.replace(/[- )(]/g,''); var clasprice = price.split('.'); var elementclass = productCat + '_' + randomnum + '_' + clasprice[0]; $(this).addClass(elementclass); var quantity = 1; if(selectedproducts.hasOwnProperty(model)) { var newvals = Object.values(selectedproducts); newvals = selectedproducts[model]; newvals = newvals.split('---'); quantity = parseInt(newvals[3]) + parseInt(1); } selectedproducts[model] = title+'---'+price+'---'+model+'---'+quantity+'---'+internalFinish+'---'+productFin+'---'+productCat ; $(this).children('.remove-icon').attr('elementid', elementclass); $(this).children('.remove-icon').attr('onmousedown', "removeItem('"+elementclass+"')"); $(this).clone().appendTo(".droppable-area"); $(this).children('.remove-icon').removeAttr('onclick'); $(this).removeClass(elementclass); $(this).css("top", 'unset'); $(this).css("left", 'unset'); addspace = parseInt(addspace) + parseInt("10"); draggable(); zIndexplus(); finalPrice += parseInt(price); $('#finalPrice').text(finalPrice.toFixed(2)); randomnum++; } }); } function draggable() { $(".droppable-area .draggable").draggable({ zIndex: 100, containment: "parent" }); //set containment to parent then elements work under parent div }; function removeItem(id) { // debugger; var elemetId = id; var model = $('.droppable-area .'+elemetId+'.ui-draggable .item-detail .title').attr('data-model'); var category = $('.droppable-area .'+elemetId+'.ui-draggable .item-detail .title').attr('data-category'); var title = $('.droppable-area .'+elemetId+'.ui-draggable .item-detail .title').text(); var price = $('.droppable-area .'+elemetId+'.ui-draggable .item-detail .price-value').text(); var productCat = $('.droppable-area .'+elemetId+'.ui-draggable .item-detail .title').attr('data-category'); var productFin = $('.droppable-area .'+elemetId+'.ui-draggable .item-detail .title').attr('data-finish'); var internalFinish = $('#internalFinish').val(); finalPrice = parseInt(finalPrice) - parseInt(price); $('#finalPrice').text(parseInt(finalPrice).toFixed(2)); $('.droppable-area .' +elemetId).remove(); addspace = parseInt(addspace) - parseInt("10"); if(selectedproducts.hasOwnProperty(model)) { var newvalsarr = Object.values(selectedproducts); var elemIndx = selectedproducts[model]; newvals = elemIndx.split('---'); var quantity = parseInt(newvals[3]) - parseInt(1); if(quantity == 0){ delete selectedproducts[model]; }else{ selectedproducts[model] = title+'---'+price+'---'+model+'---'+quantity+'---'+internalFinish+'---'+productFin+'---'+productCat; } } } Array.prototype.remove = function() { var what, a = arguments, L = a.length, ax; while (L && this.length) { what = a[--L]; while ((ax = this.indexOf(what)) !== -1) { this.splice(ax, 1); } } return this; }; function zIndexplus() { // $(".droppable-area .elem").click(function() { $(".droppable-area .elem").on('click mousedown',function() { $(this).css("z-index", "2"); $(".droppable-area .elem").not(this).css("z-index", "1"); /*$(this).css("z-index", "2").siblings().css("z-index", "1");*/ }); }; /*change background-color script*/ changebgColor(); function changebgColor() { var defaultColor = '#fff';//$("#colorSelect").val(); $('.droppable-area').css("background-color", defaultColor); $('.droppable-area').css("border", '1px solid #222'); $("#colorSelect").on('change', function() { var currentColor = this.value; $('.droppable-area').css("background-color", currentColor); if ($("#colorSelect").val() == "white") { $('.droppable-area').css("border", "1px solid #000000"); } else { $('.droppable-area').css("border", "none"); } }); }; /*change product script*/ changeProduct(); function changeProduct() { var defaultProduct = $("#productSelect").val(); $('.' + defaultProduct).css("display", "block").siblings().css("display", "none"); $("#productSelect").on('change', function() { var currentProduct = this.value; $('.' + currentProduct).css("display", "block").siblings().css("display", "none"); if ($(this).val() == "allitems") { $(".products > div").css("display", "block"); } setScrollbar(); }); }; /*transparent scrollbar script for some reason*/ function setScrollbar() { if ($("body").height() <= 1000) { $("body").addClass("setscroll"); } else { $("body").removeClass("setscroll"); } }; // script for preloader var preloader = document.getElementById("loading"); function myFunction(){ preloader.style.display = 'none'; }; // script for progressbar setTimeout(function() { $('.progressbar .ui-widget-header').css({ "width": "0", "background-color": "#000000!important" }); }, 100 ); $(function() { var progressbar = $("#progressbar"), progressLabel = $(".progress-label"); progressbar.progressbar({ value: false, change: function() { progressLabel.text(progressbar.progressbar("value") + "%"); }, complete: function() { progressLabel.text("100%"); } }); function progress() { var val = progressbar.progressbar("value") || 0; progressbar.progressbar("value", val + 2); if (val < 99) { setTimeout(progress, 80); } } setTimeout(progress, 1000); function nextPage() { if (progressLabel.text() == "100%") { window.location.href = 'form.php'; } } setTimeout(nextPage, 5500); });

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