let className = "";
let iconName = "";
// Start loading on specified button
function iniciaButtonLoading(botao) {
//Get the components of the specified button
className = "." + botao.name;
iconName = botao.firstElementChild.className;
//Through the captured components adds the icon loading and removes the default icon + disables the button
$(className + " i").removeClass(iconName).addClass("fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin");
$(className).prop("disabled", true);
//End loading on specified button
function finalizaButtonLoading(botao) {
//Using the components captured in the previous function removes the icon loading and adds the default icon + enables the button
$(className + " i").removeClass("fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin").addClass(iconName);
$(className).prop("disabled", false);
function buttonLoading(button){