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opacity: 1;"><div class="image_holder"><a class="portfolio_link_for_touch" href="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/portfolio_page/der-spiegel-cover-art/" target="_self"><span class="image"><img width="1100" height="825" src="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/p-der-spiegel-cover-art-luv-deluxe-3000.jpg" class="attachment-full wp-post-image" alt="qode interactive strata"></span></a><span class="text_holder"><span class="text_outer"><span class="text_inner"><span class="feature_holder"><span class="feature_holder_icons"><a class="lightbox qbutton small white" title="Der Spiegel Cover Art" href="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/p-der-spiegel-cover-art-luv-deluxe-3000.jpg" data-rel="prettyPhoto[pretty_photo_gallery]" rel="prettyPhoto[pretty_photo_gallery]">zoom</a><a class="preview qbutton small white" href="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/portfolio_page/der-spiegel-cover-art/" target="_self">view</a></span></span></span></span></span></div><div class="portfolio_description "><h5 class="portfolio_title"><a href="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/portfolio_page/der-spiegel-cover-art/" target="_self">Der Spiegel Cover Art</a></h5><span class="project_category">Business, Photography</span></div></article> <article class="mix portfolio_category_17 portfolio_category_2 mix_all" style="display: inline-block; opacity: 1;"><div class="image_holder"><a class="portfolio_link_for_touch" href="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/portfolio_page/art-design-blvd/" target="_self"><span class="image"><img width="1100" height="825" src="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/p-art-design-blvd-amsterdam-jazz-festival.jpg" class="attachment-full wp-post-image" alt="qode interactive strata"></span></a><span class="text_holder"><span class="text_outer"><span class="text_inner"><span class="feature_holder"><span class="feature_holder_icons"><a class="lightbox qbutton small white" title="Art & Design Blvd" href="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/p-art-design-blvd-amsterdam-jazz-festival.jpg" data-rel="prettyPhoto[pretty_photo_gallery]" rel="prettyPhoto[pretty_photo_gallery]">zoom</a><a class="preview qbutton small white" href="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/portfolio_page/art-design-blvd/" target="_self">view</a></span></span></span></span></span></div><div class="portfolio_description "><h5 class="portfolio_title"><a href="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/portfolio_page/art-design-blvd/" target="_self">Art & Design Blvd</a></h5><span class="project_category">Art, Business</span></div></article> <article class="mix portfolio_category_2 portfolio_category_5 mix_all" style="display: inline-block; opacity: 1;"><div class="image_holder"><a class="portfolio_link_for_touch" href="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/portfolio_page/video-performance-festival-2014/" target="_self"><span class="image"><img width="1100" height="825" src="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/p-video-performance-festival-2014-mother-volcano-artwork.jpg" class="attachment-full wp-post-image" alt="qode interactive strata"></span></a><span class="text_holder"><span class="text_outer"><span class="text_inner"><span class="feature_holder"><span class="feature_holder_icons"><a class="lightbox qbutton small white" title="Festival 2014" href="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/p-video-performance-festival-2014-mother-volcano-artwork.jpg" data-rel="prettyPhoto[pretty_photo_gallery]" rel="prettyPhoto[pretty_photo_gallery]">zoom</a><a class="preview qbutton small white" href="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/portfolio_page/video-performance-festival-2014/" target="_self">view</a></span></span></span></span></span></div><div class="portfolio_description "><h5 class="portfolio_title"><a href="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/portfolio_page/video-performance-festival-2014/" target="_self">Festival 2014</a></h5><span class="project_category">Business, Photography</span></div></article> <article class="mix portfolio_category_2 mix_all" style="display: inline-block; 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opacity: 1;"><div class="image_holder"><a class="portfolio_link_for_touch" href="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/portfolio_page/clash-mayhem-tv/" target="_self"><span class="image"><img width="1100" height="825" src="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/p-clash-mayhem-tv-vintage-vinyl-house.jpg" class="attachment-full wp-post-image" alt="qode interactive strata"></span></a><span class="text_holder"><span class="text_outer"><span class="text_inner"><span class="feature_holder"><span class="feature_holder_icons"><a class="lightbox qbutton small white" title="Clash & Mayhem TV" href="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/p-clash-mayhem-tv-vintage-vinyl-house.jpg" data-rel="prettyPhoto[pretty_photo_gallery]" rel="prettyPhoto[pretty_photo_gallery]">zoom</a><a class="preview qbutton small white" href="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/portfolio_page/clash-mayhem-tv/" target="_self">view</a></span></span></span></span></span></div><div class="portfolio_description "><h5 class="portfolio_title"><a href="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/portfolio_page/clash-mayhem-tv/" target="_self">Clash & Mayhem TV</a></h5><span class="project_category">Art</span></div></article> <div class="filler"></div> <div class="filler"></div> <div class="filler"></div> </div><div class="portfolio_paging"><span rel="2" class="load_more"><a href="http://demo.qodeinteractive.com/bridge/portfolio/with-text/three-columns-grid/page/2/">Show more</a></span></div><div class="portfolio_paging_loading"><a href="javascript: void(0)" class="qbutton">Loading...</a></div></div><div class="separator transparent center " style="margin-top: 20px;margin-bottom: 20px;"></div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div>
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