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<h2>Bholi Summary, Explanation, Question Answers Class 10 English Chapter 9</h2>
<p><strong><a href="https://www.successcds.net/learn-english/class-10/bholi.html">Bholi Class 10</a></strong> - Here is <a href="https://www.successcds.net/learn-english/class-10/">CBSE Class 10 English</a> Chapter 9<strong>·<a href="https://www.successcds.net/learn-english/class-10/bholi.html">Bholi Summary</a>·</strong>and Detailed explanation of the lesson along with meanings of difficult words. Also, the explanation is followed by a Summary of the lesson. All the exercises and Questions and Answers given at the back of the lesson have been covered.</p>
<p><strong>Bholi Introduction·</strong>Bholi is a story written by K.A. Abbas. The story revolves around a girl who due to an accidental fall and disease in her childhood faces the problem of being dull and ugly. She is always a target by everyone for not being good-looking and intelligent. Her life turns when she joins a nearby school where her teacher encourages her and helps her to become a learned and confident person. Later in the story, circumstances arise where Bholi has to give acceptance to the marriage with an unequal match but rejects it when she sees her father pleading to the bridegroom when he demands dowry. The story shows the rise of a girl against social injustice.</p>
<p><a href="https://www.successcds.net/learn-english/class-10/bholi.html"><strong>Bholi Summary</strong></a>·– The story opens up with the introduction of a little girl named Sulekha. She was called ‘Bholi’ for being a simpleton. This was so because some part of her brain had got damaged due to an injury during her childhood. She stammered and had pockmarks on her face which she got when she had contracted smallpox at the age of two. She was a laughing stock for everyone. Her father Ramlal was a Numberdar. He had three sons and four daughters, Bholi being the youngest of all. Ramlal was always worried about her as it seemed impossible to marry her with her having an ugly face and a dumb mind. One day, the Tehsildar visited their village to inaugurate a girl’s primary school. He persuaded Ramlal to send his daughters to school. Ramlal’s wife suggested to send Bholi to school, although she was against sending girls to school because no boy would marry such a girl. She reasoned that as Bholi had no chance of getting married, so she could go to school. In the beginning, Bholi was frightened to leave her house but when for the first time in her life, she was dressed up and her hair was washed and oiled, she felt that she was to visit a better place. In the school, she met a teacher who was very kind and polite to her. She encouraged her to study and speak with confidence.·</p>
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<li><a href="https://www.successcds.net/learn-english/class-10/class-10-english-syllabus.html">CBSE Class 10 English Syllabus</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.successcds.net/learn-english/modals.html">Modals in English Grammar</a></li>
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