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"<div class='webix_icon icon fa-folder-open'></div>" : "<div class='webix_icon icon fa-folder'></div>" } }), webix.type(webix.ui.dataview, { name: "FileView", css: "webix_fmanager_files", height: 110, margin: 10, width: 150, template: function(t, e) { var i = t.type || "file"; i = e.icons[i] || e.icons.file; var s = "webix_fmanager_data_icon", n = e.templateName(t, e); return "<div class='webix_fmanager_file'><div class='" + s + "'>" + e.templateIcon(t, e) + "</div>" + n + "</div>" } }), webix.i18n.filemanager = { name: "Name", size: "Size", type: "Type", date: "Date", copy: "Copy", cut: "Cut", paste: "Paste", upload: "Upload", remove: "Delete", create: "Create Folder", rename: "Rename", location: "Location", select: "Select Files", sizeLabels: ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB"], saving: "Saving...", errorResponse: "Error: changes were not saved!", replaceConfirmation: "The folder already contains files with such names. Would you like to replace existing files ?", createConfirmation: "The folder with such a name already exists. Would you like to replace it ?", renameConfirmation: "The file with such a name already exists. Would you like to replace it ?", yes: "Yes", no: "No", types: { folder: "Folder", doc: "Document", excel: "Excel", pdf: "PDF", pp: "PowerPoint", text: "Text File", video: "Video File", image: "Image", code: "Code", audio: "Audio", archive: "Archive", file: "File" } }, webix.protoUI({ name: "filetree" }, webix.EditAbility, webix.ui.tree), webix.protoUI({ name: "fileview" }, webix.EditAbility, webix.ui.dataview), webix.protoUI({ name: "filetable", $dragHTML: function(t) { var e = "<div class='webix_dd_drag webix_fmanager_drag' >", i = this.getColumnIndex("value"); return e += "<div style='width:auto'>" + this.config.columns[i].template(t, this.type) + "</div>", e + "</div>" } }, webix.ui.datatable), webix.protoUI({ name: "path", defaults: { layout: "x", separator: ",", scroll: !1 }, $skin: function() { this.type.height = webix.skin.$active.buttonHeight || webix.skin.$active.inputHeight }, $init: function() { this.$view.className += " webix_path" }, value_setter: function(t) { return this.setValue(), t }, setValue: function(t) { this.clearAll(), t && ("string" == typeof t && (t = t.split(this.config.separator)), this.parse(webix.copy(t))) }, getValue: function() { return this.serialize() } }, webix.ui.list), webix.FileManagerStructure = { structure: { actions: { config: function() { var t = this.config.templateName; return { view: "contextmenu", width: 200, padding: 0, autofocus: !1, css: "webix_fmanager_actions", template: function(e, i) { var s = t(e, i); return "<span class='webix_icon fa-" + e.icon + "'></span>" + s }, data: "actionsData" } }, oninit: function() { var t = this.getMenu(); t.$q = !1, t && (this.getMenu().attachEvent("onItemClick", webix.bind(function(e, i) { var s = this.getMenu().getItem(e), n = this[s.method] || this[e]; if (n) { var a = this.getActive(); if (this.callEvent("onbefore" + (s.method || e), [a])) { ("upload" != e || !webix.isUndefined(XMLHttpRequest) && !webix.isUndefined((new XMLHttpRequest).upload)) && (t.Uq(!0), t.hide()); var r = [a]; "upload" == e && (i = webix.html.pos(i), r.push(i)), webix.delay(function() { n.apply(this, r), this.callEvent("onafter" + (s.method || e), []) }, this) } } }, this)), this.getMenu().attachEvent("onBeforeShow", function(t) { var e = this.getContext(); return e && e.obj ? e.obj.callEvent("onBeforeMenuShow", [e.id, t]) : !0 })) } }, actionsData: { config: function() { return [{ id: "copy", method: "markCopy", icon: "copy", value: webix.i18n.filemanager.copy }, { id: "cut", method: "markCut", icon: "cut", value: webix.i18n.filemanager.cut }, { id: "paste", method: "pasteFile", icon: "paste", value: webix.i18n.filemanager.paste }, { $template: "Separator" }, { id: "create", method: "createFolder", icon: "folder-o", value: webix.i18n.filemanager.create }, { id: "remove", method: "deleteFile", icon: "times", value: webix.i18n.filemanager.remove }, { id: "edit", method: "editFile", icon: "edit", value: webix.i18n.filemanager.rename }, { id: "upload", method: "uploadFile", icon: "upload", value: webix.i18n.filemanager.upload }] } }, mainLayout: { type: "clean", rows: "mainRows" }, mainRows: ["toolbar", "bodyLayout"], toolbar: { css: "webix_fmanager_toolbar", paddingX: 10, paddingY: 5, margin: 7, cols: "toolbarElements" }, toolbarElements: ["menu", { id: "menuSpacer", width: 65 }, { margin: 2, cols: ["back", "forward"] }, "up", "path", "search", "modes"], menu: { config: { view: "button", type: "iconButton", css: "webix_fmanager_back", icon: "bars", width: 37 }, oninit: function() { this.$$("menu") && (this.$$("menu").attachEvent("onItemClick", webix.bind(function() { this.callEvent("onBeforeMenu", []) && (this.getMenu().nh = null, this.getMenu().show(this.$$("menu").$view), this.callEvent("onAfterMenu", [])) }, this)), this.config.readonly && (this.$$("menu").hide(), this.$$("menuSpacer") && this.$$("menuSpacer").hide())) } }, back: { config: { view: "button", type: "iconButton", css: "webix_fmanager_back", icon: "angle-left", width: 37 }, oninit: function() { this.$$("back") && this.$$("back").attachEvent("onItemClick", webix.bind(function() { this.callEvent("onBeforeBack", []) && (this.goBack(), this.callEvent("onAfterBack", [])) }, this)) } }, forward: { config: { view: "button", type: "iconButton", css: "webix_fmanager_forward", icon: "angle-right", width: 37 }, oninit: function() { this.$$("forward") && this.$$("forward").attachEvent("onItemClick", webix.bind(function() { this.callEvent("onBeforeForward", []) && (this.goForward(), this.callEvent("onAfterForward", [])) }, this)) } }, up: { config: { view: "button", type: "iconButton", css: "webix_fmanager_up", icon: "level-up", disable: !0, width: 37 }, oninit: function() { this.$$("up") && this.$$("up").attachEvent("onItemClick", webix.bind(function() { this.callEvent("onBeforeLevelUp", []) && (this.levelUp(), this.callEvent("onAfterLevelUp", [])) }, this)) } }, path: { config: { view: "path", borderless: !0 }, oninit: function() { this.$$("path") && (this.attachEvent("onFolderSelect", webix.bind(function(t) { this.$$("path").setValue(this.getPathNames(t)) }, this)), this.$$("path").attachEvent("onItemClick", webix.bind(function(t) { var e = this.$$("path").getIndexById(t), i = this.$$("path").count() - e - 1; if (this.$searchResults && this.hideSearchResults(), i) { for (t = this.getCursor(); i;) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(1)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(1)){break;}t = this.getParentId(t), i--; window.CP.exitedLoop(1); } window.CP.exitedLoop(1); this.setCursor(t) } this.callEvent("onAfterPathClick", [t]) }, this)), this.data.attachEvent("onClearAll", webix.bind(function() { this.clearAll() }, this.$$("path")))) } }, search: { config: { view: "search", gravity: .3, css: "webix_fmanager_search" }, oninit: function() { var t = this.$$("search"); t && (t.attachEvent("onTimedKeyPress", webix.bind(function() { if (9 != this.cx) { var e = t.getValue(); e ? this.callEvent("onBeforeSearch", [e]) && (this.showSearchResults(e), this.callEvent("onAfterSearch", [e])) : this.$searchResults && this.hideSearchResults() } }, this)), t.attachEvent("onKeyPress", function(t) { this.cx = t }), this.attachEvent("onAfterModeChange", function() { this.$searchResults && this.showSearchResults(t.getValue()) })) } }, bodyLayout: { css: "webix_fmanager_body", cols: "bodyCols" }, bodyCols: ["tree", { view: "resizer", width: 2 }, "modeViews"], tree: { config: { width: 251, view: "filetree", id: "tree", select: !0, filterMode: { showSubItems: !1, openParents: !1 }, type: "FileTree", navigation: !0, scroll: !0, editor: "text", editable: !0, editaction: !1, drag: !0, tabFocus: !0, onContext: {} }, oninit: function() { var t = this.$$("tree"); if (t) { t.type.icons = this.config.icons, t.sync(this, function() { this.filter(function(t) { return t.$count || "folder" == t.type }) }), t.attachEvent("onAfterSelect", webix.bind(function(t) { this.callEvent("onFolderSelect", [t]) }, this)), this.attachEvent("onAfterCursorChange", function(e) { e && (t.select(e), t.open(this.getParentId(e))) }), t.attachEvent("onItemClick", webix.bind(function() { this.$searchResults && this.hideSearchResults() }, this)), t.attachEvent("onItemDblClick", function(t) { this.isBranchOpen(t) ? this.close(t) : this.open(t) }), t.attachEvent("onBlur", function() { var t = this.getTopParentView(); t.getMenu() && t.getMenu().isVisible() || webix.html.addCss(this.$view, "webix_blur") }), t.attachEvent("onFocus", webix.bind(function() { this.dx = t, webix.html.removeCss(t.$view, "webix_blur"), this.$$(this.config.mode).unselect() }, this)), this.attachEvent("onPathLevel", function(e) { t.open(e) }), this.attachEvent("onPathComplete", function(e) { t.showItem(e) }), this.config.readonly || (this.getMenu() && this.getMenu().attachTo(t), t.attachEvent("onBeforeMenuShow", function(t) { this.select(t), webix.UIManager.setFocus(this) })), t.attachEvent("onBeforeEditStop", webix.bind(function(e, i) { return this.callEvent("onBeforeEditStop", [i.id, e, i, t]) }, this)), t.attachEvent("onAfterEditStop", webix.bind(function(e, i) { this.callEvent("onAfterEditStop", [i.id, e, i, t]) && this.renameFile(i.id, e.value) }, this)), t.attachEvent("onBeforeDrag", function(t, e) { var i = this.getTopParentView(); return !i.config.readonly && i.callEvent("onBeforeDrag", [t, e]) }), t.attachEvent("onBeforeDragIn", function(t, e) { var i = this.getTopParentView(); return !i.config.readonly && i.callEvent("onBeforeDragIn", [t, e]) }), t.attachEvent("onBeforeDrop", function(t, e) { var i = this.getTopParentView(); return i.callEvent("onBeforeDrop", [t, e]) && t.from && (i.moveFile(t.source, t.target), i.callEvent("onAfterDrop", [t, e])), !1 }); var e = function() { t && webix.UIManager.setFocus(t) }; this.attachEvent("onAfterBack", e), this.attachEvent("onAfterForward", e), this.attachEvent("onAfterLevelUp", e), this.attachEvent("onAfterPathClick", e), this.config.readonly && (t.define("drag", !1), t.define("editable", !1)) } } }, modeViews: { config: function(t) { var e = []; if (t.modes) for (var i = 0; i < t.modes.length; i++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(2)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(2)){break;}e.push(t.modes[i]);} window.CP.exitedLoop(2); window.CP.exitedLoop(2); return { animate: !1, cells: e } }, oninit: function() { this.$$(this.config.mode) && this.$$(this.config.mode).show(), this.attachEvent("onBeforeCursorChange", function() { return this.$$(this.config.mode).unselect(), !0 }); var t = this.config.modes; if (t) for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(3)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(3)){break;}this.$$(t[e]) && this.$$(t[e]).filter && this.ex(t[e])} window.CP.exitedLoop(3); window.CP.exitedLoop(3); } }, modes: { config: function(t) { var e = 0, i = this.structure.modeOptions; if (i) for (var s = 0; s < i.length; s++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(4)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(4)){break;}i[s].width && (e += i[s].width + (i.length ? 1 : 0));} window.CP.exitedLoop(4); window.CP.exitedLoop(4); var n = { view: "segmented", options: "modeOptions", css: "webix_fmanager_modes", value: t.mode }; return e && (n.width = e + 4), n }, oninit: function() { this.$$("modes") && this.$$("modes").attachEvent("onBeforeTabClick", webix.bind(function(t) { var e = this.$$("modes").getValue(); return this.callEvent("onBeforeModeChange", [e, t]) && this.$$(t) ? (this.config.mode = t, this.$$(t).show(), this.callEvent("onAfterModeChange", [e, t]), !0) : !1 }, this)) } }, modeOptions: [{ id: "files", width: 32, value: '<span class="webix_fmanager_mode_option webix_icon fa-th"></span>' }, { id: "table", width: 32, value: '<span class="webix_fmanager_mode_option webix_icon fa-list-ul"></span>' }], files: { config: { view: "fileview", type: "FileView", select: "multiselect", editable: !0, editaction: !1, editor: "text", editValue: "value", drag: !0, navigation: !0, tabFocus: !0, onContext: {} } }, table: { config: { view: "filetable", css: "webix_fmanager_table", columns: "columns", editable: !0, editaction: !1, select: "multiselect", drag: !0, navigation: !0, resizeColumn: !0, tabFocus: !0, onContext: {} }, oninit: function() { this.$$("table") && (this.attachEvent("onHideSearchResults", function() { this.$$("table").isColumnVisible("location") && this.$$("table").hideColumn("location") }), this.attachEvent("onShowSearchResults", function() { this.$$("table").isColumnVisible("location") || this.$$("table").showColumn("location") }), this.$$("table").attachEvent("onBeforeEditStart", function(t) { return this.fx ? !0 : "object" == typeof t ? !1 : (this.fx = !0, this.edit({ row: t, column: "value" }), this.fx = !1, !1) })) } }, columns: { config: function() { var t = webix.i18n.filemanager, e = this; return [{ id: "value", header: t.name, fillspace: 3, template: function(t, e) { var i = e.templateName(t, e); return e.templateIcon(t, e) + i }, sort: "string", editor: "text" }, { id: "date", header: t.date, fillspace: 2, template: function(t, e) { return e.templateDate(t, e) }, sort: "date" }, { id: "type", header: t.type, fillspace: 1, sort: "string", template: function(t, e) { return e.templateType(t) } }, { id: "size", header: t.size, fillspace: 1, css: { "text-align": "right" }, template: function(t, e) { return "folder" == t.type ? "" : e.templateSize(t) }, sort: "int" }, { id: "location", header: t.location, fillspace: 2, template: function(t) { for (var i = e.getPathNames(t.id), s = [], n = 0; n < i.length - 1; n++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(5)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(5)){break;}s.push(i[n].value); window.CP.exitedLoop(5); } window.CP.exitedLoop(5); return s.join("/") }, sort: "string", hidden: !0 }] } }, upload: { config: function() { var t = {}; return t = webix.isUndefined(XMLHttpRequest) || webix.isUndefined((new XMLHttpRequest).upload) ? { view: "uploader", css: "webix_upload_select_ie", type: "iconButton", icon: "check", label: webix.i18n.filemanager.select, formData: { action: "upload" } } : { view: "uploader", apiOnly: !0, formData: { action: "upload" } } }, oninit: function() { var t = this.getUploader(); if (t) { t.config.upload = this.config.handlers.upload; var e = this.config.modes; if (e) for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(6)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(6)){break;}this.$$(e[i]) && t.addDropZone(this.$$(e[i]).$view);} window.CP.exitedLoop(6); window.CP.exitedLoop(6); t.attachEvent("onBeforeFileAdd", webix.bind(function(e) { return e.oldId = e.id, t.config.formData.target = this.gx(), this.callEvent("onBeforeFileUpload", [e]) }, this)), t.attachEvent("onAfterFileAdd", webix.bind(function(e) { this.hx = null, this.add({ id: e.id, value: e.name, type: e.type, size: e.size, date: Math.round((new Date).valueOf() / 1e3) }, -1, t.config.formData.target), this.config.uploadProgress && this.showProgress(this.config.uploadProgress), this.refreshCursor() }, this)), t.attachEvent("onFileUpload", webix.bind(function(t) { t.oldId && this.data.changeId(t.oldId, t.id), this.getItem(t.id).type = t.type, this.refreshCursor(), this.hideProgress() }, this)), t.attachEvent("onFileUploadError", webix.bind(function(t, e) { this.ix(t, e), this.hideProgress() }, this)) } } } } }, webix.FileManagerUpload = { px: function() { var t = webix.copy(this.structure.upload), e = this.qx(t, this.config); e && (webix.isUndefined(XMLHttpRequest) || webix.isUndefined((new XMLHttpRequest).upload) ? (this.Ix = webix.ui({ view: "popup", padding: 0, width: 250, body: e }), this.rx = this.Ix.getBody(), this.attachEvent("onDestruct", function() { this.Ix.destructor() })) : (this.rx = webix.ui(e), this.attachEvent("onDestruct", function() { this.rx.destructor() })), t.oninit && t.oninit.call(this)) }, getUploader: function() { return this.rx }, gx: function() { return this.hx || this.getCursor() }, uploadFile: function(t, e) { this.data.branch[t] || "folder" == this.getItem(t).type || (t = this.getParentId(t)), this.hx = t, this.Ix ? this.Ix.show(e, { x: 20, y: 5 }) : this.rx && this.rx.fileDialog() } }, webix.protoUI({ name: "filemanager", $init: function(t) { this.$view.className += " webix_fmanager", webix.extend(this.data, webix.TreeStore, !0), webix.extend(t, this.defaults), this.data.provideApi(this, !0), this.jx = webix.extend([], webix.PowerArray, !0), this.Pw(t), this.$ready.push(this.kx), webix.UIManager.tabControl = !0, webix.extend(t, this.zv(t)) }, kx: function() { this.lx(), this.attachEvent("onAfterLoad", function() { if (!this.config.disabledHistory) { var t = window.location.hash; t && 0 === t.indexOf("#!/") && this.setPath(t.replace("#!/", "")) } this.getCursor() || this.setCursor(this.Rw()) }), this.attachEvent("onFolderSelect", function(t) { this.setCursor(t) }), this.attachEvent("onAfterCursorChange", function(t) { this.mx || (this.nx || this.jx.splice(1), 20 == this.jx.length && this.jx.splice(0, 1), this.jx.push(t), this.nx = this.jx.length - 1), this.mx = !1, this.config.disabledHistory || this.ox(t) }), this.attachEvent("onBeforeDragIn", function(t) { var e = t.target; if (e) for (var i = t.source, s = 0; s < i.length; s++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(8)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(8)){break;}for (; e;) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(7)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(7)){break;} if (e == i[s]) return !1; e = this.getParentId(e) } window.CP.exitedLoop(7); window.CP.exitedLoop(8); window.CP.exitedLoop(7); } window.CP.exitedLoop(8); return !0 }), this.px() }, ox: function(t) { t = t || this.getCursor(), window.history && window.history.replaceState ? window.history.replaceState({ webix: !0, id: this.config.id, value: t }, "", "#!/" + t) : window.location.hash = "#!/" + t }, zv: function(t) { var e = this.structure.mainLayout, i = webix.extend({}, e.config || e); return this.Sw(i, t), t.on && t.on.onViewInit && t.on.onViewInit.apply(this, [t.id || "mainLayout", i]), webix.callEvent("onViewInit", [t.id || "mainLayout", i, this]), i }, updateStructure: function() { var t = this.zv(), e = this.mc ? "rows" : "cols"; this.define(e, t[e]), this.reconstruct() }, Sw: function(t, e) { var i, s, n, a, r = "", o = ["rows", "cols", "elements", "cells", "columns", "options", "data"]; for (n = 0; n < o.length; n++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(9)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(9)){break;}t[o[n]] && (r = o[n], i = t[r]);} window.CP.exitedLoop(9); window.CP.exitedLoop(9); if (i) for ("string" == typeof i && this.structure[i] && (t[r] = this.qx(this.structure[i], e), i = t[r]), n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(10)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(10)){break;} if (s = null, "string" == typeof i[n]) if (s = a = i[n], this.structure[a]) { var h = webix.extend({}, this.structure[a]); i[n] = this.qx(h, e), i[n].id = a, h.oninit && this.$ready.push(h.oninit) } else i[n] = {}; this.Sw(i[n], e), s && (e.on && e.on.onViewInit && e.on.onViewInit.apply(this, [s, i[n]]), webix.callEvent("onViewInit", [s, i[n], this])) } window.CP.exitedLoop(10); window.CP.exitedLoop(10); }, lx: function() { if (this.structure.actions) { var t = webix.copy(this.structure.actions), e = t.config || t; "function" == typeof e && (e = e.call(this)), this.Sw(e, this.config), this.sx = webix.ui(e), this.attachEvent("onDestruct", function() { this.sx.destructor() }), t.oninit && this.$ready.push(t.oninit) } }, getMenu: function() { return this.sx }, getPath: function(t) { t = t || this.getCursor(); for (var e = null, i = []; t && this.getItem(t);) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(11)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(11)){break;}e = this.getItem(t), i.push(t), t = this.getParentId(t); window.CP.exitedLoop(11); } window.CP.exitedLoop(11); return i.reverse() }, getPathNames: function(t) { t = t || this.getCursor(); for (var e = null, i = []; t && this.getItem(t);) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(12)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(12)){break;}e = this.getItem(t), i.push({ id: t, value: this.config.templateName(e) }), t = this.getParentId(t); window.CP.exitedLoop(12); } window.CP.exitedLoop(12); return i.reverse() }, setPath: function(t) { for (var e = t; e && this.getItem(e);) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(13)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(13)){break;}this.callEvent("onPathLevel", [e]), e = this.getParentId(e);} window.CP.exitedLoop(13); window.CP.exitedLoop(13); this.setCursor(t), this.callEvent("onPathComplete", [t]) }, tx: function(t) { if (this.jx.length > 1) { var e = this.nx + t; e > -1 && e < this.jx.length && (this.mx = !0, this.setCursor(this.jx[e]), this.nx = e) } return this.getCursor() }, getSearchData: function(t, e) { var i = []; return this.data.each(function(t) { var s = this.config.templateName(t); s.toLowerCase().indexOf(e.toLowerCase()) >= 0 && i.push(webix.copy(t)) }, this, !0, t), i }, showSearchResults: function(t) { this.callEvent("onShowSearchResults", []); var e = this.getSearchData(this.getCursor(), t); this.$searchResults = !0, this.$$(this.config.mode).filter && (this.$$(this.config.mode).clearAll(), this.$$(this.config.mode).parse(e)) }, hideSearchResults: function() { this.callEvent("onHideSearchResults", []), this.$searchResults = !1; var t = this.getCursor(); this.ib = null, this.setCursor(t) }, goBack: function(t) { return t = t ? -1 * Math.abs(t) : -1, this.tx(t) }, goForward: function(t) { return this.tx(t || 1) }, levelUp: function(t) { t = t || this.getCursor(), t && (t = this.getParentId(t), this.setCursor(t)) }, markCopy: function(t) { t && (webix.isArray(t) || (t = [t]), this.ux = t, this.vx = !0) }, markCut: function(t) { t && (webix.isArray(t) || (t = [t]), this.ux = t, this.vx = !1) }, pasteFile: function(t) { webix.isArray(t) && (t = t[0]), t && (t = t.toString(), this.data.branch[t] && "folder" == this.getItem(t).type && this.ux && (this.vx ? this.copyFile(this.ux, t) : this.moveFile(this.ux, t))) }, download: function(t) { var e = this.config.handlers.download; e && webix.send(e, { action: "download", source: t }) }, Jx: function(t, e, i) { var s = !1; return this.data.eachChild(e, webix.bind(function(e) { t != this.config.templateName(e) || i && e.id == i || (s = e.id) }, this)), s }, Kx: function(t) { this.data.eachSubItem(t, function(t) { t.value && this.changeId(t.id, this.getParentId(t.id) + "/" + t.value) }) }, Lx: function(t, e, i) { for (var s = i ? "copy" : "move", n = [], a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(14)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(14)){break;} var r = this.move(t[a], 0, this, { parent: e, copy: i ? !0 : !1 }); n.push(r) } window.CP.exitedLoop(14); window.CP.exitedLoop(14); this.refreshCursor(); var o = this.config.handlers[s]; o && this.xx(o, { action: s, source: t.join(","), temp: n.join(","), target: e.toString() }, function(t, e) { if (e && webix.isArray(e)) for (var i = t.temp.split(","), s = 0; s < e.length; s++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(15)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(15)){break;}e[s].id && e[s].id != i[s] && this.data.pull[i[s]] && this.data.changeId(i[s], e[s].id)} window.CP.exitedLoop(15); window.CP.exitedLoop(15); }) }, copyFile: function(t, e) { this.moveFile(t, e, !0) }, moveFile: function(t, e, i) { var s, n, a; "string" == typeof t && (t = t.split(",")), webix.isArray(t) || (t = [t]), e ? this.data.branch[e] || "folder" == this.getItem(e.toString()).type || (e = this.getParentId(e)) : e = this.getCursor(), a = !0, e = e.toString(); var r = []; for (s = 0; s < t.length; s++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(16)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(16)){break;}if (n = t[s].toString(), a = a && this.wx(n, e)) { var o = this.Jx(this.config.templateName(this.getItem(n)), e, n); o && r.push(o) }} window.CP.exitedLoop(16); window.CP.exitedLoop(16); a ? r.length ? webix.confirm({ width: 300, height: 200, text: webix.i18n.filemanager.replaceConfirmation, ok: webix.i18n.filemanager.yes, cancel: webix.i18n.filemanager.no, callback: webix.bind(function(s) { s && this.deleteFile(r, function() { this.Lx(t, e, i ? !0 : !1) }) }, this) }) : this.Lx(t, e, i ? !0 : !1) : this.callEvent(i ? "onCopyError" : "onMoveError", []) }, deleteFile: function(t, e) { "string" == typeof t && (t = t.split(",")), webix.isArray(t) || (t = [t]); for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(17)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(17)){break;} var s = t[i]; s == this.getCursor() && this.setCursor(this.getFirstId()), s && this.remove(s) } window.CP.exitedLoop(17); window.CP.exitedLoop(17); this.refreshCursor(); var n = this.config.handlers.remove; n ? (e && (e = webix.bind(e, this)), this.xx(n, { action: "remove", source: t.join(",") }, e)) : e && e.call(this) }, Mx: function(t, e) { this.add(t, 0, e); t.source = t.value, t.target = e, this.refreshCursor(); var i = this.config.handlers.create; i && (t.action = "create", this.xx(i, t, function(t, e) { e.id && this.data.changeId(t.id, e.id) })) }, createFolder: function(t) { if ("string" == typeof t && (t = t.split(",")), webix.isArray(t) && (t = t[0]), t) { t = "" + t; var e = this.getItem(t); this.data.branch[t] || "folder" == e.type || (t = this.getParentId(t)); var i = this.config.templateCreate(e), s = this.Jx(this.config.templateName(i), t); t = "" + t, s ? webix.confirm({ width: 300, height: 200, text: webix.i18n.filemanager.createConfirmation, ok: webix.i18n.filemanager.yes, cancel: webix.i18n.filemanager.no, callback: webix.bind(function(e) { e && this.deleteFile(s, function() { this.Mx(i, t) }) }, this) }) : this.Mx(i, t) } }, editFile: function(t) { webix.isArray(t) && (t = t[0]), this.getActiveView() && this.getActiveView().edit && this.getActiveView().edit(t) }, Nx: function(t, e, i) { var s = this.getItem(t); i = i || "value", s[i] = e, this.refreshCursor(), this.callEvent("onFolderSelect", [this.getCursor()]); var n = this.config.handlers.rename; if (n) { var a = { source: t, action: "rename", target: e }; this.xx(n, a, function(t, e) { e.id && this.data.changeId(t.source, e.id) }) } }, renameFile: function(t, e, i) { var s = this.Jx(e, this.getParentId(t), t); s ? webix.confirm({ width: 300, height: 200, text: webix.i18n.filemanager.renameConfirmation, ok: webix.i18n.filemanager.yes, cancel: webix.i18n.filemanager.no, callback: webix.bind(function(n) { n ? this.deleteFile(s, function() { this.Nx(t, e, i) }) : this.refreshCursor() }, this) }) : this.Nx(t, e, i) }, wx: function(t, e) { for (; e;) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(18)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(18)){break;} if (e == t || !this.data.branch[e] && "folder" != this.getItem(e.toString()).type) return !1; e = this.getParentId(e) } window.CP.exitedLoop(18); window.CP.exitedLoop(18); return !0 }, Ox: function(t) { this.Px = new Date, this.Qx || (this.Qx = webix.html.create("DIV", { "class": "webix_fmanager_save_message" }, ""), this.x.style.position = "relative", webix.html.insertBefore(this.Qx, this.x)), this.Qx.innerHTML = t ? webix.i18n.filemanager.errorResponse : webix.i18n.filemanager.saving }, Rx: function() { this.Qx && (webix.html.remove(this.Qx), this.Qx = null) }, xx: function(t, e, i) { this.Ox(), webix.ajax().post(t, webix.copy(e), { success: webix.bind(function(t, s) { var n = this.data.driver.toObject(t, s); this.callEvent("onSuccessResponse", [e, n]), this.Rx(), i && i.call(this, e, n) }, this), error: webix.bind(function(t) { this.callEvent("onErrorResponse", [e, t]) && this.ix(e, t) }, this) }) }, getActiveView: function() { return this.dx || this.$$("tree") || null }, getActive: function() { var t = this.getSelectedFile(); return t ? t : this.getCursor() }, getCurrentFolder: function() { return this.$$("tree").getSelectedId() }, getSelectedFile: function() { var t = null, e = this.$$(this.config.mode).getSelectedId(); if (e) if (webix.isArray(e)) { t = []; for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(19)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(19)){break;}t.push(e[i].toString())} window.CP.exitedLoop(19); window.CP.exitedLoop(19); } else t = e.toString(); return t }, yx: function(t) { var t = t.toString(), e = this.getItem(t); this.data.branch[t] || "folder" == e.type ? this.callEvent("onBeforeLevelDown", [t]) && (this.setCursor(t), this.callEvent("onAfterLevelDown", [t])) : this.callEvent("onBeforeRun", [t]) && (this.download(t), this.callEvent("onAfterRun", [t])) }, Bt: function(t, e, i) { var s = webix.UIManager.addHotKey(t, e, i); (i || this).attachEvent("onDestruct", function() { webix.UIManager.removeHotKey(s, e, i) }) }, ix: function() { var t = this.data.url; if (t) { var e = this.data.driver; this.Ox(!0); var i = this; webix.ajax().get(t, { success: function(s, n) { var a = e.toObject(s, n); a && (a = e.getDetails(e.getRecords(a)), i.clearAll(), i.parse(a), i.data.url = t) }, error: function() {} }) } }, ex: function(t) { var e = this.$$(t); this.data.attachEvent("onIdChange", function(t, i) { e.data.pull[t] && e.data.changeId(t, i) }), this.$$(t).data.qf = webix.bind(function(t) { var e = this.getItem(t.id); e && e.$count && (t.type = "folder") }, this), this.$$(t).type.icons = this.config.icons, this.$$(t).type.templateIcon = this.config.templateIcon, this.$$(t).type.templateName = this.config.templateName, this.$$(t).type.templateSize = this.config.templateSize, this.$$(t).type.templateDate = this.config.templateDate, this.$$(t).type.templateType = this.config.templateType, this.$$(t).attachEvent("onItemDblClick", webix.bind(this.yx, this)), this.data.attachEvent("onClearAll", webix.bind(function() { this.clearAll() }, this.$$(t))), this.$$(t).bind(this, "$data", webix.bind(function(e, i) { if (!e) return this.$$(t).clearAll(); if (!this.$searchResults) { var s = [].concat(webix.copy(i.data.getBranch(e.id))).concat(e.files || []); this.$$(t).data.importData(s, !0) } }, this)), this.$$(t).attachEvent("onFocus", function() { webix.delay(function() { if (!this.getSelectedId()) { var t = this.getFirstId(); t && this.select(t) } this.getTopParentView().dx = this, webix.html.removeCss(this.$view, "webix_blur") }, this, [], 100) }), this.$$(t).attachEvent("onBlur", function() { var t = this.getTopParentView(); t.getMenu() && t.getMenu().isVisible() || webix.html.addCss(this.$view, "webix_blur") }), this.getMenu() && !this.config.readonly && (this.getMenu().attachTo(this.$$(t)), this.$$(t).attachEvent("onBeforeMenuShow", function(t) { for (var e = this.getSelectedId(!0), i = !1, s = 0; s < e.length && !i; s++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(20)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(20)){break;}e[s].toString() == t.toString() && (i = !0); window.CP.exitedLoop(20); } window.CP.exitedLoop(20); return i || this.select(t.toString()), webix.UIManager.setFocus(this), !0 })), this.$$(t).attachEvent("onBeforeEditStop", function(t, e) { return this.getTopParentView().callEvent("onBeforeEditStop", [e.id || e.row, t, e, this]) }), this.$$(t).attachEvent("onAfterEditStop", function(t, e) { var i = this.getTopParentView(); i.callEvent("onAfterEditStop", [e.id || e.row, t, e, this]) && i.renameFile(e.id || e.row, t.value) }), this.$$(t).attachEvent("onBeforeDrop", function(t) { var e = this.getTopParentView(); return e.callEvent("onBeforeDrop", [t]) && t.from && e.moveFile(t.source, t.target), !1 }), this.$$(t).attachEvent("onBeforeDrag", function(t, e) { var i = this.getTopParentView(); return !i.config.readonly && i.callEvent("onBeforeDrag", [t, e]) }), this.$$(t).attachEvent("onBeforeDragIn", function(t, e) { var i = this.getTopParentView(); return !i.config.readonly && i.callEvent("onBeforeDragIn", [t, e]) }), this.Bt("enter", webix.bind(function(t) { for (var e = t.getSelectedId(!0), i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(21)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(21)){break;}this.yx(e[i]);} window.CP.exitedLoop(21); window.CP.exitedLoop(21); if (webix.UIManager.setFocus(t), e = t.getSelectedId(!0), !e.length) { var s = t.getFirstId(); s && t.select(s) } }, this), this.$$(t)), this.config.readonly && (this.$$(t).define("drag", !1), this.$$(t).define("editable", !1)) }, Rw: function() { var t = this.config.defaultSelection; 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