"Tips for Exercising Safely with an Oxygen Concentrator"
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<h1>Tips for Exercising Safely with an Oxygen Concentrator</h1>
<p>Exercising with an oxygen concentrator is possible and can be beneficial for people with breathing difficulties. You can use a portable or home oxygen concentrator near your exercise equipment. Make sure your nasal cannula or mask has a long enough hose to allow you freedom of movement while you use the equipment. Be sure to focus on your breathing and breathe through your nose.·</p><h3 style="text-align: left;">If you are new to exercising with an oxygen concentrator, here are some tips to keep in mind:</h3><p>1. Get fit for a good pair of running shoes.</p><p>2. Don’t eat before you run, give it at least 30 minutes.</p><p>3. Bring lots of water!</p><p>4. Invest in an EWOT mask or cannula moisturizer so you won’t get a dry nose from heavy breathing.</p><p>5. Walk first and if you feel up to it, slowly start jogging.</p><p>6. Cool down with some stretching.</p><p>7. Be sure to eat a healthy snack after your run.</p><p>The key is finding the right balance of activity that is safe and beneficial for your health. Be patient, start low intensity, and slowly increase duration or effort over time. With some simple precautions, oxygen concentrator users can achieve meaningful physical activity.</p><h3 style="text-align: left;">To choose the right oxygen concentrator, you should:</h3><p>1. Talk to your doctor or healthcare provider. They can help determine what type of oxygen concentrator will be best suited for your needs, lifestyle, and preferences.</p><p>2. Consider the oxygen concentration rate, which must be between 87% and 99%.</p><p>3. Consider the portability, noise level, battery life, and power supply of the unit.</p><p>4. Consider buying from a reliable source only.</p><p>Please note that you should consult your doctor before purchasing an <a href="https://www.onethousandroads.com/products/2000-series-ewot-system" target="_blank">EWOT oxygen concentrator</a> and starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you have a medical condition that requires oxygen therapy.</p>

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