I would think so. Just copy all the code with 'image4' and make it 'image5'
skyhighpn (-1) - 7 years ago - Reply 0
I tried but it didnt work, it adds a fifth miniview but once you click it, it redirects you to the first image, not sure why
5alex02006 (0) - 7 years ago - Reply 1
I can't say for sure, but probably this code:
.gallery input#image4:checked ~ .wrap figure { -webkit-transform: translateX(-300%);
transform: translateX(-300%);
.gallery input#image4:checked ~ .wrap figure:not(:nth-of-type(4)) {
opacity: 0;
.gallery input#image4:checked ~ .thumbnails .slider {
-webkit-transform: translateY(300%);
transform: translateY(300%);
.gallery input#image4:checked ~ .thumbnails .thumb:nth-of-type(4) {
opacity: 1;
cursor: default;
copy that and change all the image4's to image5 to correspond to the html.
skyhighpn (-1) - 7 years ago - Reply 2
Nice man! Thanks, it worked, only one more thing you must do is to change the 300% to 400% and works just fine!
5alex02006 (0) - 7 years ago - Reply 0