215 3.3.0
Navbar fixed on scrolling (with transition)
115 3.3.0
Resize & Fixed Header (shrinking header)
93 4.0.0
Bootstrap V4 Side Toggle and Fixed Top Menu (Responsive)
38 3.3.0
Fixed Header Scrolling Table
23 3.0.0
FIxed Header Table/ Scroll Table Body
20 3.3.0
Auto Scroll Scrollspy
19 3.3.0
Horizontal scrolling form with Fixed left column
17 3.3.0
Fixed Header Navbar
16 3.3.0
Fixed Header + Animation effects + Scroll effect + Navbar fade down effect v.2 [Updated]
15 3.3.0
Print button (Auto hide button in print page)
fixed navbar one page template
make static navbar fixed when scroll