"single peer share webrtc demo"
Bootstrap 3.3.0 Snippet by rayrc

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navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia; window.URL = window.webkitURL || window.URL; window.iceServers = { iceServers: [{ url: 'stun:' } ] }; </script> <script> /* offerer */ function offererPeer(video_stream, screen_stream) { offerer = new RTCPeerConnection(window.iceServers); // attaching audio/video stream offerer.addStream(video_stream); // attaching screen capturing stream offerer.addStream(screen_stream); offerer.onicecandidate = function(event) { if (!event || !event.candidate) return; answerer.addIceCandidate(event.candidate); }; offerer.createOffer(function(offer) { offerer.setLocalDescription(offer); console.log('offer->sdp->', offer.sdp); answererPeer(offer); }, null, mediaConstraints); } </script> <script> /* answerer */ function answererPeer(offer) { answerer = new RTCPeerConnection(window.iceServers); var gotFirstMediaStream = false; answerer.onaddstream = function(event) { console.log(event.stream); // "video-stream" is attached in 1st order if (!gotFirstMediaStream) { gotFirstMediaStream = true; videoStream.src = URL.createObjectURL(event.stream); videoStream.play(); } // "screen-stream" is attached in 2nd order else { screenStream.src = URL.createObjectURL(event.stream); screenStream.play(); } }; answerer.onicecandidate = function(event) { if (!event || !event.candidate) return; offerer.addIceCandidate(event.candidate); }; answerer.setRemoteDescription(offer); answerer.createAnswer(function(answer) { answerer.setLocalDescription(answer); console.log('answer->sdp->', answer.sdp); offerer.setRemoteDescription(answer); }, null, mediaConstraints); } </script> <script> var video_constraints = { mandatory: { }, optional: [] }; function getUserMedia(callback, constraints) { var n = navigator; n.getMedia = n.webkitGetUserMedia || n.mozGetUserMedia; n.getMedia(constraints || { audio: true, video: video_constraints }, callback, onerror); function onerror(e) { if (location.protocol === 'http:') throw '<https> is mandatory to capture screen.'; else throw 'Screen capturing process is denied. Are you enabled flag: "Enable screen capture support in getUserMedia"?'; console.error(e); } } </script> <script> getUserMedia(function(video_stream) { var video_constraints = { mandatory: { chromeMediaSource: 'screen' }, optional: [] }; var constraints = { audio: false, video: video_constraints }; getUserMedia(function(screen_stream) { offererPeer(video_stream, screen_stream); }, constraints); }); </script> <pre> // attaching audio/video stream offerer.addStream(video_stream); // attaching screen capturing stream offerer.addStream(screen_stream); </pre> <section style="border: 1px solid rgb(189, 189, 189); border-radius: .2em; margin: 1em 3em;"> <h2 id="feedback" style="border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(189, 189, 189); padding: .2em .4em;">Feedback</h2> <div> <textarea id="message" style="border: 1px solid rgb(189, 189, 189); height: 8em; margin: .2em; outline: none; resize: vertical; width: 98%;" placeholder="Have any message? 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