Bootstrap 3.0.0 Snippet by irinashuvalova

<link href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" id="bootstrap-css"> <script src="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.0/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script> <!------ Include the above in your HEAD tag ----------> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <h2>Create your snippet's HTML, CSS and Javascript in the editor tabs</h2> </div> </div>
(function ($) { var select2cache = (function () { var cache = []; function getData(config, term) { return $.post('', { method: '', type: 'init', table: config.table, field: config.field, term: term, rand: Math.random() }).then(function (r) { return JSON.parse(r); }); } function find(config, term) { var dfd = new $.Deferred, entry = cache[config.table], exist = []; if (Array.isArray(entry)) { exist = entry.filter(function (item) { return item.id == term; }); } if (exist.length) { dfd.resolve(exist); } else { dfd = getData(config, term); } return dfd; } function add(config, data) { if (config.Method) { return; } if (!cache[config.table]) { cache[config.table] = []; } data.forEach(function (item) { var exist = cache[config.table].some(function (cItem) { return item.id == cItem.id; }); if (!exist) { cache[config.table].push(item); } }); } return { init: function (config, term, fn) { find(config, term).then(function (response) { add(config, response); fn(config.Multiple ? response : response[0]); }); }, add: add } })(); $.fn.employeeLookup = function (opts) { var select2opts = { minimumInputLength: 1, placeholder: opts.placeholder || '', allowClear: opts.allowClear || false, multiple: opts.multiple || false, ajax: { url: '', dataType: 'json', quietMillis: 100, data: function (term, page) { var request = { type: 'find', term: term, rand: Math.random() }; if (opts.method) { request.method = opts.method; } else { request.method = '', request.table = opts.table; request.field = opts.field; } return request; }, results: function (data, page) { if (opts.Table) { select2cache.add(opts.table, data); } return { results: data }; } }, initSelection: function (el, fn) { var term = $(el).val(); if (!term) { return; } select2cache.init(opts, term, fn); } }; this.select2(select2opts); return this; }; })(jQuery); (function (root, factory) { if (!root.Feedback) { root.Feedback = factory(); } }((window.wssc || (window.wssc = {})), function () { var AJAX = ''; var NS = ''; Handlebars.registerPartial('settingsFeedbackSection', $('#settingsFeedbackSectionItem').html()); Handlebars.registerPartial('feedbackSectionItem', $('#feedbackSectionItemTemplate').html()); var t_Feedback = Handlebars.compile($('#feedbackSectionTemplate').html()); var t_FeedbackPopup = Handlebars.compile($('#feedbackSectionPopupTemplate').html()); var t_Settings = Handlebars.compile($('#feedbackSectionSettingsTemplate').html()); var t_SettingsItem = Handlebars.compile($('#settingsFeedbackSectionItem').html()); var Feedback = function (info, clientID) { this.json = JSON.parse(info); this.ID = this.json.ID; this.info = this.json.data; this.clientID = clientID; $(this.render.bind(this)); this.node('.js-settings') .on('click', this.openSettings.bind(this)); this.node('.js-feedback-expand') .on('click', this.showAll.bind(this)); }; Feedback.prototype = { node: function (selector) { return $('#' + this.clientID + ' ' + (selector && ' ' + selector || '')); }, render: function() { var count = this.json.count, html = t_Feedback(this.info.slice(0, count)); this.node('#feedbackSectionContent').html(html); if (this.info.length <= count) { this.node('.js-feedback-expand').hide(); } else { this.node('.js-feedback-expand').show(); } }, showAll: function() { if (!this.info) return; $.fancybox.open(t_FeedbackPopup(this.info), { width: '770', autoSize: false, autoHeight: true }); }, openSettings: function () { var self = this; $.fancybox.open(t_Settings(this.info), { width: '700', autoSize: false, autoHeight: true, beforeShow: function () { self.attchSettingsEvents(this.inner); }, afterClose: function () { self.detachSettingsEvents(this.inner); } }); }, attchSettingsEvents: function ($el) { $el.find('.js-feedback-employee').employeeLookup({ table: 'Employees', field: 'Title' }); $el.on('click', '.js-button', function (e) { var action = $(e.target).data('action'); switch (action) { case 'add': this.add(); break; case 'remove': var $p = $(e.target).parents('.js-feedback-item'); $p.find('input.js-feedback-employee').select2('destroy'); $p.remove(); break; case 'accept': var items = []; $('.js-feedback-item').each(function () { var $item = $(this); items.push({ id: parseInt($item.data('id')), responsibility: $item.find('.js-feedback-responsibility').val().trim(), employee: parseInt($item.find('input.js-feedback-employee').val()) }); }); this.update(items) .then($.fancybox.close); break; case 'cancel': $.fancybox.close(); } }.bind(this)); }, detachSettingsEvents: function ($el) { }, update: function(items) { return $.post(AJAX, { method: NS + 'UpdateFeedback', data: JSON.stringify(items), wID: this.ID }).then(function (response) { return JSON.parse(response); }).then(function (info) { if (!info || info.Error) { alert('Произошла ошибка при сохранении'); return; } this.info = JSON.parse(info.Items); $(this.render.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); }, add: function () { var hasEmpty = false; this.node('.js-feedback-item[data-id=""]').each(function () { if (!$(this).find('.js-feedback-responsibility').val().trim().length || !$(this).find('input.js-feedback-employee').val()) { hasEmpty = true; } }); if (hasEmpty) { return; } var $item = $(t_SettingsItem({})); $item.find('.js-feedback-employee').employeeLookup({ table: 'Employees', field: 'Title', allowClear: true, placeholder: 'Выберите сотрудника' }); $('.js-feedback-items').prepend($item); } }; return Feedback; }));

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