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Bootstrap 3.0.0 Snippet by evarevirus

<link href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" id="bootstrap-css"> <script src="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.0/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script> <!------ Include the above in your HEAD tag ----------> <header class="cf"> <div id="brand" class="cf"> <a href="#top" title="Back to the top"><img id="logo" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/logoMask.png" alt="Logo"></a> <h1>Anne-Marie Dufour</h1> <img id="tagline" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Crafting your web"> </div> <nav class="cf" role="navigation"> <div class="topMenu cf"> <div class="shopToggleMenu" id="mainMenu"> <h3>MENU</h3> </div> <ul class="menu expand transAfter radius cf"> <li><a id='pfLink' href="#portfolio" title="PORTFOLIO">PORTFOLIO</a></li> <li><a id='aboutLink' href="#about" title="ABOUT">ABOUT</a></li> <li><a id='contactLink' href="#contact" title="CONTACT">CONTACT</a></li> </ul> </div> </nav> </header> <main class="index"> <section class="faded" id="banner"> <div class="tag"> <p class="tagp">Beyond web design and development, remain the</p> <img id="delightfulDetails" class="tagp" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Delightful Details"> <p class="tagp">that weave a</p> <img id="memorableExperience" class="tagp" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Memorable Experience"> </div> </section> <section class="mainSection" id="portfolio"> <h1>Portfolio</h1> <div id="PFMenu" class="cf"> <h2>Choose a category</h2> <button id="buttonWebDD" type="button">Web Design<br>& Development</button> <button id="buttonBrandID" class="selected" type="button">Brand<br>Identity</button> <button id="buttonJsApp" type="button">JavaScript<br>Applications</button> </div> <div class="PFWrapper cf"> <section id="PortfolioJsApp" class="hidden cf"> <h2>Games</h2> <div id="gamesWrapper" class="PortfolioSubWrapper cf"> <div class="PFthumb jsApp games"> <a class="disabled fcc" href="https://codepen.io/amdufour/pen/OMBaYj" target="_blank" title="Simon Game"> <div class="PFBox cf"> <img id="simonImg" class="PFImage" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Simon Game"> <div class="PFTitles"> <h3>Simon Game</h3> <h4>JS Application, Game</h4> <div class="PFText"> <p>JavaScript version of Simon, a popular memory game from the 1970s.</p> <p>The user is presented with a random pattern of button presses, indicated with light and sound. If the user reproduces the pattern correctly, a step is added to the series, for a maximum of 20 steps. If the user gives a wrong answer, the pattern is presented again or, in strict mode, the game restarts from the beginning. The game speeds up incrementally at steps 5, 9 and 13 and the user have a limited amount of time to answer.</p> <p>The script uses the Web Audio API to generate sounds when the buttons are pressed and CSS animations to improve the user's experience.</p> <p>This game was built as the last project to obtain the freeCodeCamp front end development certification.</p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="PFthumb jsApp games"> <a class="disabled fcc" href="https://codepen.io/amdufour/pen/ZQqrqJ" target="_blank" title="Tic Tac Toe Game"> <div class="PFBox"> <img id="ticTacToeImg" class="PFImage" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Tic Tac Toe Game"> <div class="PFTitles"> <h3>Tic Tac Toe</h3> <h4>JS Application, Game</h4> <div class="PFText"> <p>A Tic Tac Toe game, simply!</p> <p>The user chooses if he wants to play with X or O, then the computer plays first. But there's a trick... the user can't win. Since a good Tic Tac Toe player can't lose, the strategy behind the computer's moves ensure its victory or, if the user is good enough, a tie. </p> <p>This project was the occasion for me to explore the concept of <span>semantic animation</span>. Instead of a traditional modal box, I made the Tic Tac Toe board rotate to ask the user's input... and tell him he lost.</p> <p>This game was built as a freeCodeCamp intermediate front end development project.</p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <h2>JSON APIs and AJAX</h2> <div id="apiWrapper" class="PortfolioSubWrapper cf"> <div class="PFthumb jsApp api"> <a class="disabled fcc" href="https://codepen.io/amdufour/pen/JGNbpQ" target="_blank" title="Wikipedia Viewer"> <div class="PFBox"> <img id="wikiImg" class="PFImage" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Wikipedia Viewer"> <div class="PFTitles"> <h3>Wikipedia Viewer</h3> <h4>JS Application, JSON API</h4> <div class="PFText"> <p>This application allows the user to search Wikipedia entries in a search box. A maximum of 10 results is displayed on the page, including a thumbnail image (when available), the title of the entry and a short description. On hover, an abstract of the article is also displayed.</p> <p>Autocomplete suggestions help the user, who can search in the 25 most common languages of Wikipedia. The jQuery Autocomplete UI was used to support these two features.</p> <p>This app was built as a freeCodeCamp intermediate front end development project.</p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="PFthumb jsApp api"> <a class="disabled fcc" href="https://codepen.io/amdufour/pen/GooGKP" target="_blank" title="Camper News Stories"> <div class="PFBox"> <img id="CamperNewsImg" class="PFImage" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Camper News Stories"> <div class="PFTitles"> <h3>Camper News Stories</h3> <h4>JS Application, JSON API</h4> <div class="PFText"> <p>A little application displaying the 100 most recent posts from Camper News. Uses the Camper News Hot Stories API to show the image related to the post, its title, author and how many upvotes each story has.</p> <p>This app was built as a freeCodeCamp intermediate front end development project.</p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="PFthumb jsApp api"> <a class="disabled fcc" href="https://codepen.io/amdufour/pen/jWEEXL" target="_blank" title="Local Weather"> <div class="PFBox"> <img id="weatherImg" class="PFImage" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Local Weather"> <div class="PFTitles"> <h3>Local Weather</h3> <h4>JS Application, JSON API</h4> <div class="PFText"> <p>Displays the local weather of the user, in ˚C or ˚F.</p> <p>First, the geolocation of the user is verified, then a request is made to the OpenWeatherMap API to get the current weather at this location. The background image and the icon are displayed accordingly.</p> <p>This app was built as a freeCodeCamp intermediate front end development project.</p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <h2>Utility Applications</h2> <div id="apiWrapper" class="PortfolioSubWrapper cf"> <div class="PFthumb jsApp utility"> <a class="disabled fcc" href="https://codepen.io/amdufour/pen/zvQxpr" target="_blank" title="JS Calculator"> <div class="PFBox"> <img id="calculatorImg" class="PFImage" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="JS Calculator"> <div class="PFTitles"> <h3>JS Calculator</h3> <h4>JS Application, Utility</h4> <div class="PFText"> <p>A basic exercise in javaScript to play with numbers, store previous results and clear display when requested.</p> <p>This project was the occasion to play around the snap.svg library and to create a simple, clean interface.</p> <p>This app was built as a freeCodeCamp basic front end development project.</p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="PFthumb jsApp utility"> <a class="disabled fcc" href="https://codepen.io/amdufour/pen/YybLdE" target="_blank" title="Pomodoro Clock"> <div class="PFBox"> <img id="pomodoroImg" class="PFImage" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Pomodoro Clock"> <div class="PFTitles"> <h3>Pomodoro Clock</h3> <h4>JS Application, Utility</h4> <div class="PFText"> <p>A tool for the Pomodoro working strategy. The user can choose the length of the working and break sessions and can reset the timer anytime.</p> <p>Some CSS animation allows to visualize remaining times and the HTML5 audio tag is used to mark the beginning and the end of the sessions.</p> <p>This app was built as a freeCodeCamp basic front end development project.</p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="PFthumb jsApp utility"> <a class="disabled fcc" href="https://codepen.io/amdufour/pen/jbvjwq" target="_blank" title="Quote Generator"> <div class="PFBox"> <img id="quoteImg" class="PFImage" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Quote Generator"> <div class="PFTitles"> <h3>Quote Generator</h3> <h4>JS Application, Utility</h4> <div class="PFText"> <p>In need of inspiration? This application displays a quote for you. That's it!</p> <p>This app was built as the first freeCodeCamp basic front end development project.</p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </section> <section id="PortfolioBrandID" class="cf"> <h2>Brand Identity</h2> <div id="brandIDWrapper" class="PortfolioSubWrapper cf"> <div class="PFthumb branID"> <a class="disabled newPF newPFYigBrand" href="http://www.yogaisabellegodin.ca/" target="_blank" title="Yoga Isabelle Godin"> <div class="PFBox"> <img id="yigBrandImg" class="PFImage" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Yoga Isabelle Godin"> <div class="PFTitles"> <h3>Yoga Isabelle Godin</h3> <h4>Brand Identity & Website<br><span>August 2015</span></h4> <div class="PFText"> <p>Isabelle Godin is a yoga studio owner working with the viniyoga approach and based in Chicoutimi (Québec). She teaches highly personalized classes to small groups and one to one. She also offers yoga teacher training.</p> <p>Even if Isabelle is in the yoga business since more than 10 years, this was the first time she was investing in a professional brand identity. She knows her customers and message inside out so, even if we were building everything from scratch, the whole process went like a charm.</p> <img id="yigTree" class="PFImage previewImg previewYIGBrandId Left" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Photo of a big tree"> <p>Knowing Isabelle since years, I wanted to create for her a spacious and grounded atmosphere. After researching the yoga history and philosophy, I chose the tree as a starting point. Isabelle is deeply attached to the tradition of yoga and a tree translates perfectly the solid and deep roots on which her teaching is based. She is also a very grounded person, like a tree you can lean on. Then, we both agreed to use the photo of an oak, a common symbol of strength and endurance, as a full-screen image when landing on <span class="linkToPreview linkToYigWebsite">her website</span>. More specifically, we chose a photo where the emphasis is placed on the base of the tree.</p> <img id="yigTypoAndPalette" class="PFImage previewImg previewYIGBrandId Right" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Typefaces and Palette"> <p>I assembled the color palette from this photo. As a base, I used neutral shades of black, grey and white that I lit up with a small dose of a fresh green. For the texts, I selected 2 typefaces, Lato light, a stable and friendly sans-serif font, and Tangerine regular, where the ascenders of the lowercase letters remind us of the ones used in Sanskrit, the language in which yoga was created.</p> <p>For the logo, I explored the concept of lenses. Indeed, we tend to see the world around us through our own glasses, which are mostly tinted or distorted by our life experiences. The philosophy of yoga says that it’s regular practice brings us to refine this perception process. Like if our lenses were slowly cleaning up, revealing our reality without judgment or preconception.</p> <img id="yigLogo" class="PFImage previewImg previewYIGBrandId Left" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Logo of Yoga Isabelle Godin"> <p>The logo consists of 3 overlapping lenses, like if they were about to align with each other. In the colored version, I played with transparency and shadows to give it an evanescent presence. It also allowed me to superimpose the name of the brand on top of it. Finally, the word yoga is much bigger than Isabelle's name in the logo. I made this choice knowing how important it is in her business that the focus is on yoga itself instead of the teacher.</p> <p>As I mentioned earlier, working with Isabelle was a real pleasure. I hope the business she built through years of dedicated teaching will be well served by the brand identity we created together.</p> <p><span class="linkToPreview linkToYigWebsite">Click here to read how I planned, designed and developed her website.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="PFthumb branID"> <a class="disabled newPF" href="#" target="_blank" title="Titan Auto"> <div class="PFBox"> <img id="titanBrandImg" class="PFImage" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Titan Auto"> <div class="PFTitles"> <h3>Titan Auto</h3> <h4>Brand Identity & Assets<br><span>November 2015</span></h4> <div class="PFText"> <img id="titanLogos" class="PFImage previewImg previewTitan Left" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Versions of the Titan Auto logo"> <p>Titan auto is a used car reseller located in Budapest, Hungary. The owners asked me to create their brand identity, their logo and some assets.<p> <p>The customers of Titan auto are mostly families. To reach them, we decided to focus on three of their qualities in the branding process: <span>Reliable, Secure and Accessible</span></p> <p>The owners requested that we use two specific colors as the base of their brand, a bright green and a dark grey. Working from there, I prepared a color palette where the grey has a slight blue tint, to carry the idea of reliability and security. The green acts as an accent color, which makes the brand vibrant and accessible.</p> <img id="titanTypePaletteCard" class="PFImage previewImg previewTitan Right" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Typefaces and Palette of Titan Auto"> <p>For the name of the company, I opted for two sans-serif typefaces. The first one, Eurostile Extended Black, is large and solid, representing perfectly the name Titan. The second typeface is Acumin Pro Extra Condensed, which is clean and modern, keeping the visual balance and adding a friendly feeling to the brand.</p> <p>The name titan refers to "giant deities of incredible strength", to "the largest moon of Saturn" and the titanium, a material of exceptional strength and durability. Like the brand, the logo needed to carry these strong references. My first source of inspiration for the logo design was the metallic emblem of popular car companies, like Mercedes-Benz and Suzuki. I knew I wanted to work around the letter T of the name and, when I realized that some steering wheels actually look like a T-shape inside a circle, I knew I got our concept.</p> <img id="titanSkectchesAndLogo" class="PFImage previewImg previewTitan" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Sketches for the logo"> <p>After a few sketching attempts, I came out with a 3D, metallic version, where the circle uses the bright green chosen earlier. I also prepared 2D versions, for printing purposes. Then, the business card design was clean and simple, reflecting the brand.</p> <img id="titanAssets" class="PFImage previewImg previewTitan Left" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Titan Auto Assets"> <p>I was greatly appreciative of the opportunity to work with a new company, building with them a solid brand image from the start. I’m glad I could design assets that meet their needs and I hope they will help them reach their customers.</p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="PFthumb branID"> <a class="disabled newPF newPFEgkBrand" href="http://erdgepker.hu/index.html" target="_blank" title="Érdgépker"> <div class="PFBox"> <img id="egkBrandImg" class="PFImage" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Érdgépker"> <div class="PFTitles"> <h3>Érdgépker</h3> <h4>Brand Identity & Assets<br><span>June 2015</span></h4> <div class="PFText"> <p>Érdgépker is a business selling small electric tools and appliance parts to other companies and to individuals. Through 3 web shops, they target different markets. They are located in Budapest, Hungary since 2006. The owner reached to me to create a brand identity for Érdgépker and <span class="linkToPreview linkToEgkWebsite">renew their website</span>.</p> <p>First of all, I discussed with the owner and did some research to determine the personality of Érdgépker and the message it wants to communicate. It had to refer to the technical aspect of their products and their precision. It also had to establish a powerful, yet friendly impression.</p> <img id="egkPalette" class="PFImage previewImg previewEgkBrandId Left" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Typeface and color palette"> <p>With these parameters in head, I created a color palette with metallic grey as a base. Then, to add vibrancy, I used a bright orange-red as the accent color. This color refers also to Einhell tools, which is the main brand sold by Érdgépker. A sans-serif geometric and convivial typeface goes along the color palette. I chose Roboto regular and light for its simplicity and its readability.</p> <img id="egkLogo" class="PFImage previewImg previewEgkBrandId Right" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Logo designed for Érdgépker"> <p>The next step consisted in the design of the logo. Again, we needed a mechanical, clean and simple logo. I played around the letter <span>G</span> of Érdgépker due to its interesting geometric attributes and because of the word <span>gép</span>, which means machine in Hungarian. Since the company gathers 3 shops, I designed the letter from the 3 edges of a tilted square and, later, used each of these edges to distinguish the shops on <span class="linkToPreview linkToEgkWebsite">the website</span>. An orange-red arrow completes the letter <span>G</span>, referring to the precision of the products and the enthusiast service provided by Érdgépker.</p> <img id="egkBizzCard" class="PFImage previewImg previewEgkBrandId Left" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Business card designed for Érdgépker"> <p>Finally, I designed a business card which main goal is to list and introduce the web shops under Érdgépker. It consists in 3 main sections, the logo at the top, the web shops short descriptions and urls in the center and the contact information at the bottom.</p> <p>My client and I were both very happy with the resulting brand identity. It is straight to the point, represents well Érdgépker and will be easily recognizable by its current and future clients. From there, I was ready to build their <span class="linkToPreview linkToEgkWebsite">new website!</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </section> <section id="PortfolioWebDD" class="hidden cf"> <h2>Web Design & Development</h2> <div id="webDDWrapper" class="PortfolioSubWrapper cf"> <div class="PFthumb webDD"> <a class="disabled newPF newPFYigWebsite" href="http://www.yogaisabellegodin.ca/" target="_blank" title="Yoga Isabelle Godin"> <div class="PFBox"> <img id="yigSiteImg" class="PFImage" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Yoga Isabelle Godin"> <div class="PFTitles"> <h3>Yoga Isabelle Godin</h3> <h4>Web Design & Development<br><span>August 2015</span></h4> <div class="PFText"> <p>Isabelle Godin is a yoga studio owner working with the viniyoga approach and based in Chicoutimi (Québec). She teaches highly personalized classes to small groups and one to one. She also offers yoga teacher training.</p> <p>After finishing working on her <span class="linkToPreview linkToYigBrand">brand identity</span>, I had most elements on hand to plan, design and develop her website. This website has 2 main purposes: explaining what is yoga, more specifically the viniyoga approach, and detailing the services offered at the studio. We chose to add very few pictures to the website, keeping the emphasis on the texts.</p> <img id="yigPlan" class="PFImage previewImg previewYIGWebsite Left" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/spriteYigWebsite.jpg" alt="Planning the content architecture"> <p>I prepared the content architecture plan shown here, which was our reference point through the whole process. Indeed, having a clear vision of the website's content and it's organization is the foundation of consistency and ensures a smooth browsing experience for the future visitors. The site is built around 4 sections: the mission of the studio, the services offered, the teachers and how to contact them. Each of these sections is divided into 2 to 4 subsections. To give the site an impression of unity, I decided to build its main content on a one-page model. To keep its height relatively small and ensure it can be browsed at a glance, I added secondary navigation bars in each section to access the content of its subsections. This way, the user has access to almost all the information without switching from one page to the other.</p> <img id="yigMockup" class="PFImage previewImg previewYIGWebsite Right" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/spriteYigWebsite.jpg" alt="Mockup of the website"> <p>When we land on the main page, the tree photo selected during the branding process and the logo fade in slowly, establishing the quiet ambiance of the site. I also made sure that every transition on the website occurs smoothly, using subtle animations.</p> <p>This photo is the unifying thread of the main page. Indeed, it is fixed in the background and, playing with transparency, we can still see it in some sections of the main page, for example behind the teaching section showed here. Finally, citations from yoga philosophy were added in every section of the site, constantly reminding the visitor of the roots of yoga.</p> <img id="yigLanding" class="PFImage previewImg previewYIGWebsite" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/spriteYigWebsite.jpg" alt="Landing page"> <div id="sectionsYig"> <img id="yigMission" class="PFImage previewImg previewYIGWebsite" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/spriteYigWebsite.jpg" alt="View of different sections"> <img id="yigEnseignement" class="PFImage previewImg previewYIGWebsite" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/spriteYigWebsite.jpg" alt="View of different sections"> </div> <p>I can’t wait to continue working with Isabelle as her website evolves with her business and her clients.</p> <p><span class="linkToPreview linkToYigBrand">Click here to read how I created her brand identity.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="PFthumb webDD"> <a class="disabled newPF newPFEgkWebsite" href="http://erdgepker.hu/index.html" target="_blank" title="Érdgépker"> <div class="PFBox"> <img id="egkSiteImg" class="PFImage" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Érdgépker"> <div class="PFTitles"> <h3>Érdgépker</h3> <h4>Web Design & Development<br><span>June 2015</span></h4> <div class="PFText"> <p>Érdgépker is a business selling small electric tools and appliance parts to other companies and to individuals. Through 3 web shops, they target different markets. They are located in Budapest, Hungary since 2006. The owner reached to me to <span class="linkToPreview linkToEgkBrand">create a brand identity</span> for Érdgépker and renew their website.</p> <img id="egkLandingDesktop" class="PFImage previewImg previewEgkWebsite Left" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Desktop landing page"> <p>Once the personality and the message of the company were clearly established, I was ready to design and develop their new website. The main goal of this site is to give an overview of the 3 shops grouped under Érdgépker, like a catalog. The owner and I decided to display, for each shop, a descriptive tagline and a carousel with featured products. Also, the site had to contain a description of their services and their contact information.</p> <p>The landing page is divided into 2 parts, the left column with the logo and the navigation, and the main column on the right, with the 3 shops and their respective carousels. As designed during the branding process, the logo is built from 3 edges of a tilted square. On the image, we see how a different edge of the logo is lit up to distinguish each shop.</p> <img id="egkLandingMobile" class="PFImage previewImg previewEgkWebsite Right" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Mobile landing page"> <p>On the mobile version, the landing page structure is built into a single column, using an accordion menu to hide and display the carousels. Indeed, clicking on a shop name opens the related carousel and gives access to the featured products. I used <span class="linkToPreview linkToSlickjs">slick.js</span> as the script being the carousel for its flexibility and its ease of use.</p> <p>I designed the website keeping the technical yet friendly qualities of the brand in mind. The shapes and corners are straight and highlights of orange-red spread vibrancy through the site. To add some depth to the final product, I included a subtle metallic texture in the background.</p> <div id="xtraPagesWrapper"> <img id="egkXtraPage1" class="PFImage previewImg previewEgkWebsite" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Mobile landing page"> <img id="egkXtraPage2" class="PFImage previewImg previewEgkWebsite" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Mobile landing page"> <img id="egkXtraPage3" class="PFImage previewImg previewEgkWebsite" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Mobile landing page"> </div> <p>Finally, the pages displaying the services and contact information are kept clean and simple, with oversized images of tools in the background.</p> <p>It was particularly fun working on such a small website, where all my attention was focused on displaying few text but many products in a dynamic and lively way.</p> <p><span class="linkToPreview linkToEgkBrand">Click here to read how I designed their brand.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </section> </div> </section> <section class="mainSection" id="about"> <h1>About</h1> <div class="sectionWrapper cf"> <img src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/photo.jpg" alt="A photo of me"> <div class="bio"> <p>Since as far as I can remember, I'm a book rat, a learning junkie. Nothing lights me up more than broadening my field of comprehension and grasping how things work.</p> <p>My curiosity for sciences and design brought me to mechanical engineering, where I met coding. After my bachelor's degree, I gravitated around computational fluid dynamics, grad studies and teaching for about 7 years. Teaching was always a big part of my work, of the way I get to dive deeper into different subjects and connect with others. It is also an occasion to structure my understanding in little, digestible bits and see how they connect to each other.</p> <p>It is this passion for logic games and how things are structured which makes me enjoy coding so much. I get a deep feeling of satisfaction when I play around a methodic and elegant script. My background in engineering also gives me a solid foundation noticing patterns and playing with mathematical relationships, which I find useful in many aspects of development and design.</p> </div> <div class="bio"> <p>Recently, my little family and I moved from Québec (Canada) to Budapest (Hungary). A turning point in my career, where I decided to focus on coding and design. I acquired my skills with the help of learning platforms (<a href="http://www.freecodecamp.com/" target="_blank" title="Visit freecodecamp.com">freecodecamp.com</a>, <a href="http://www.lynda.com/" target="_blank" title="Visit lynda.com">lynda.com</a>, <a href="https://www.skillshare.com/" target="_blank" title="Visit skillshare.com">skillshare.com</a>), consistent practice and some freelance projects. I love how this field allows to constantly refine our knowledge and offers endless facets to learn. I'm also thrilled by the way developers are generous with their know-how and can't wait to give back to this community.</p> <p>The next steps for me are to join a team, take part in bigger projects and continue to learn, learn, learn!</p> <p>When I'm not excited about the last bit of code I just cracked, a new elegant typeface or the next course I will take to improve my skills, I spend my time playing lego with my boyfriend and our little boy, knitting warm socks, studying yoga, cooking, traveling and learning Hungarian.</p> <p class="download"><a href="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_doc/resumeAMDufour_2016-02.pdf" download="resumeAMDufour">Download my resume</a></p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="mainSection" id="contact"> <h1>Contact</h1> <div class="contacts"> <a id="email" href="mailto:hello@annemariedufour.com">hello@annemariedufour.com</a> <div id="contactIcons"> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-marie-dufour-b73556109?trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile_pic" target="_blank" title="Find me on linkedIn"> <i class="fa fa-linkedin-square"></i> </a> <a href="https://codepen.io/amdufour/" target="_blank" title="Find me on codepen"> <i class="fa fa-codepen"></i> </a> </div> </div> </section> <section id="modal"> <div class="preview"> <div class="PFBox"> <div> <img id="imgWelcome" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/transpImg.png" alt="Welcome to my site!"> <p>My name is Anne-Marie and I'm a self-taught Front End Developer & Designer. I am currently looking to be an active part of a team and learn with passionate, seasoned developers and designers.</p> <p>You will find here a chosen selection of my work.</p> <p>I hope you enjoy your visit and I look forward to talking with you about how my problem-solving skills, my creative touch and my enthusiasm can be a great addition to your organization.</p> <a href="#contact" title="CONTACT"><button id="contactMe" type="button">CONTACT ME</button></a> </div> <button class="closePreviewButt" type="button">x</button> </div> </div> </section> <img id="PFHighResImg" src="http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/spritePFHighRes.jpg" alt="Portfolio images"> </main> <footer class="cf"> <p>© 2015 Anne-Marie Dufour</p> </footer>
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Welcome Modal -------------------------------------------*/ section#modal { display: none; position: fixed; z-index: 2000; } @media only screen and (max-width: 980px) { section#modal div.PFBox { max-height: 510px; } } section#modal div.PFBox { overflow-y: scroll; } section#modal div.PFBox div { position: relative; height: auto; width: 95%; margin: 0 auto; padding-bottom: 2rem; } section#modal img#imgWelcome { margin: 15% auto 0; padding: 2rem 0 0; width: 200px; height: 10px; background: url(http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/spriteWords.png) no-repeat 8px -155px; background-size: 100% auto; box-shadow: none; float: none; } section#modal p { margin: 0 auto; width: 80%; padding: .5rem 0; max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; } section#modal button#contactMe { display: block; height: 2.3rem; background: rgba(55,137,153,.6); margin: 1rem auto; padding: .5rem .7rem; border-radius: 10px; width: 135px; font-size: 1rem; transition: all .5s ease-out; } section#modal button#contactMe:hover { cursor: pointer; color: rgba(254,254,254,.9); text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px rgba(21,21,20,.2); font-weight: 400; height: 3rem; background: rgba(55,137,153,1); transition: all .5s ease-out; } @media only screen and (min-width: 681px) { section#modal div.PFBox div { max-width: 70%; } section#modal p { text-align: left; } section#modal button#contactMe { bottom: -12%; left: 35%; } section#modal img#imgWelcome { margin: 10% auto 0; padding: 2rem 0 0; width: 350px; height: 30px; background: url(http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/spriteWords.png) no-repeat 8px -275px; background-size: 100% auto; } } @media only screen and (min-width: 981px) { section#modal div.PFBox div { width: auto; margin: 5% auto; max-width: 80%; border: 2px solid rgba(25,76,96,.6); border-radius: 10px; } } @media only screen and (min-width: 981px) { section#modal button#contactMe { bottom: -10%; left: 42%; } section#modal img#imgWelcome { margin: 5% auto 0; padding: 2rem 0 0; width: 400px; height: 40px; background: url(http://www.annemariedufour.com/_img/spriteWords.png) no-repeat 8px -310px; background-size: 100% auto; } } /*------------------------------------------- 11. Footer -------------------------------------------*/ footer { background-color: rgba(55,137,153,.1); padding: 1rem 10%; } footer p { width: 100%; font-size: .8rem; text-align: center; padding: .5rem 0; } /*------------------------------------------- 12. 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