Bootstrap 3.0.0 Snippet by evarevirus

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<h1>Direction-aware hover effect</h1> <p>CSS & bits of JS</p> </div> </header> <div class='container'> <ul> <li> <a class='normal' href='#'> <svg viewBox='0 0 80 76' x='0px' y='0px'> <g> <path d='M 68.9708 24.8623 L 60.4554 2.3018 C 59.9641 0.7017 58.1628 -0.2583 56.5252 0.3817 L 1.9822 20.2222 C 0.3822 20.7022 -0.4179 22.6222 0.2222 24.2223 L 8.8624 47.7797 L 8.8624 35.1484 C 8.8624 29.5024 13.3425 24.8623 18.8857 24.8623 L 32.9442 24.8623 L 50.63 12.862 L 60.7829 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 ZM 77.098 32.0625 L 18.8857 32.0625 C 17.2512 32.0625 16.0625 33.4511 16.0625 35.1484 L 16.0625 72.8491 C 16.0625 74.5477 17.2512 75.9375 18.8857 75.9375 L 77.098 75.9375 C 78.742 75.9375 79.9376 74.5477 79.9376 72.8491 L 79.9376 35.1484 C 79.9376 33.4511 78.742 32.0625 77.098 32.0625 L 77.098 32.0625 ZM 73.0626 68.0625 L 23.9375 68.0625 L 23.9375 61.0852 L 31.4704 43.7232 L 42.7696 57.6777 L 53.4138 46.8062 L 67.1695 41.9375 L 73.0626 55.0815 L 73.0626 68.0625 L 73.0626 68.0625 Z'></path> </g> </svg> </a> <div class='info'> <h3>Single-origin coffee whatever</h3> <p>Williamsburg tofu polaroid, 90's Bushwick irony locavore ethnic meh messenger bag Truffaut jean shorts.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a class='normal' href='#'> <svg viewBox='0 0 80 76' x='0px' y='0px'> <g> <path d='M 68.9708 24.8623 L 60.4554 2.3018 C 59.9641 0.7017 58.1628 -0.2583 56.5252 0.3817 L 1.9822 20.2222 C 0.3822 20.7022 -0.4179 22.6222 0.2222 24.2223 L 8.8624 47.7797 L 8.8624 35.1484 C 8.8624 29.5024 13.3425 24.8623 18.8857 24.8623 L 32.9442 24.8623 L 50.63 12.862 L 60.7829 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 ZM 77.098 32.0625 L 18.8857 32.0625 C 17.2512 32.0625 16.0625 33.4511 16.0625 35.1484 L 16.0625 72.8491 C 16.0625 74.5477 17.2512 75.9375 18.8857 75.9375 L 77.098 75.9375 C 78.742 75.9375 79.9376 74.5477 79.9376 72.8491 L 79.9376 35.1484 C 79.9376 33.4511 78.742 32.0625 77.098 32.0625 L 77.098 32.0625 ZM 73.0626 68.0625 L 23.9375 68.0625 L 23.9375 61.0852 L 31.4704 43.7232 L 42.7696 57.6777 L 53.4138 46.8062 L 67.1695 41.9375 L 73.0626 55.0815 L 73.0626 68.0625 L 73.0626 68.0625 Z'></path> </g> </svg> </a> <div class='info'> <h3>Single-origin coffee whatever</h3> <p>Williamsburg tofu polaroid, 90's Bushwick irony locavore ethnic meh messenger bag Truffaut jean shorts.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a class='normal' href='#'> <svg viewBox='0 0 80 76' x='0px' y='0px'> <g> <path d='M 68.9708 24.8623 L 60.4554 2.3018 C 59.9641 0.7017 58.1628 -0.2583 56.5252 0.3817 L 1.9822 20.2222 C 0.3822 20.7022 -0.4179 22.6222 0.2222 24.2223 L 8.8624 47.7797 L 8.8624 35.1484 C 8.8624 29.5024 13.3425 24.8623 18.8857 24.8623 L 32.9442 24.8623 L 50.63 12.862 L 60.7829 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 ZM 77.098 32.0625 L 18.8857 32.0625 C 17.2512 32.0625 16.0625 33.4511 16.0625 35.1484 L 16.0625 72.8491 C 16.0625 74.5477 17.2512 75.9375 18.8857 75.9375 L 77.098 75.9375 C 78.742 75.9375 79.9376 74.5477 79.9376 72.8491 L 79.9376 35.1484 C 79.9376 33.4511 78.742 32.0625 77.098 32.0625 L 77.098 32.0625 ZM 73.0626 68.0625 L 23.9375 68.0625 L 23.9375 61.0852 L 31.4704 43.7232 L 42.7696 57.6777 L 53.4138 46.8062 L 67.1695 41.9375 L 73.0626 55.0815 L 73.0626 68.0625 L 73.0626 68.0625 Z'></path> </g> </svg> </a> <div class='info'> <h3>Single-origin coffee whatever</h3> <p>Williamsburg tofu polaroid, 90's Bushwick irony locavore ethnic meh messenger bag Truffaut jean shorts.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a class='normal' href='#'> <svg viewBox='0 0 80 76' x='0px' y='0px'> <g> <path d='M 68.9708 24.8623 L 60.4554 2.3018 C 59.9641 0.7017 58.1628 -0.2583 56.5252 0.3817 L 1.9822 20.2222 C 0.3822 20.7022 -0.4179 22.6222 0.2222 24.2223 L 8.8624 47.7797 L 8.8624 35.1484 C 8.8624 29.5024 13.3425 24.8623 18.8857 24.8623 L 32.9442 24.8623 L 50.63 12.862 L 60.7829 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 ZM 77.098 32.0625 L 18.8857 32.0625 C 17.2512 32.0625 16.0625 33.4511 16.0625 35.1484 L 16.0625 72.8491 C 16.0625 74.5477 17.2512 75.9375 18.8857 75.9375 L 77.098 75.9375 C 78.742 75.9375 79.9376 74.5477 79.9376 72.8491 L 79.9376 35.1484 C 79.9376 33.4511 78.742 32.0625 77.098 32.0625 L 77.098 32.0625 ZM 73.0626 68.0625 L 23.9375 68.0625 L 23.9375 61.0852 L 31.4704 43.7232 L 42.7696 57.6777 L 53.4138 46.8062 L 67.1695 41.9375 L 73.0626 55.0815 L 73.0626 68.0625 L 73.0626 68.0625 Z'></path> </g> </svg> </a> <div class='info'> <h3>Single-origin coffee whatever</h3> <p>Williamsburg tofu polaroid, 90's Bushwick irony locavore ethnic meh messenger bag Truffaut jean shorts.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a class='normal' href='#'> <svg viewBox='0 0 80 76' x='0px' y='0px'> <g> <path d='M 68.9708 24.8623 L 60.4554 2.3018 C 59.9641 0.7017 58.1628 -0.2583 56.5252 0.3817 L 1.9822 20.2222 C 0.3822 20.7022 -0.4179 22.6222 0.2222 24.2223 L 8.8624 47.7797 L 8.8624 35.1484 C 8.8624 29.5024 13.3425 24.8623 18.8857 24.8623 L 32.9442 24.8623 L 50.63 12.862 L 60.7829 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 ZM 77.098 32.0625 L 18.8857 32.0625 C 17.2512 32.0625 16.0625 33.4511 16.0625 35.1484 L 16.0625 72.8491 C 16.0625 74.5477 17.2512 75.9375 18.8857 75.9375 L 77.098 75.9375 C 78.742 75.9375 79.9376 74.5477 79.9376 72.8491 L 79.9376 35.1484 C 79.9376 33.4511 78.742 32.0625 77.098 32.0625 L 77.098 32.0625 ZM 73.0626 68.0625 L 23.9375 68.0625 L 23.9375 61.0852 L 31.4704 43.7232 L 42.7696 57.6777 L 53.4138 46.8062 L 67.1695 41.9375 L 73.0626 55.0815 L 73.0626 68.0625 L 73.0626 68.0625 Z'></path> </g> </svg> </a> <div class='info'> <h3>Single-origin coffee whatever</h3> <p>Williamsburg tofu polaroid, 90's Bushwick irony locavore ethnic meh messenger bag Truffaut jean shorts.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a class='normal' href='#'> <svg viewBox='0 0 80 76' x='0px' y='0px'> <g> <path d='M 68.9708 24.8623 L 60.4554 2.3018 C 59.9641 0.7017 58.1628 -0.2583 56.5252 0.3817 L 1.9822 20.2222 C 0.3822 20.7022 -0.4179 22.6222 0.2222 24.2223 L 8.8624 47.7797 L 8.8624 35.1484 C 8.8624 29.5024 13.3425 24.8623 18.8857 24.8623 L 32.9442 24.8623 L 50.63 12.862 L 60.7829 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 ZM 77.098 32.0625 L 18.8857 32.0625 C 17.2512 32.0625 16.0625 33.4511 16.0625 35.1484 L 16.0625 72.8491 C 16.0625 74.5477 17.2512 75.9375 18.8857 75.9375 L 77.098 75.9375 C 78.742 75.9375 79.9376 74.5477 79.9376 72.8491 L 79.9376 35.1484 C 79.9376 33.4511 78.742 32.0625 77.098 32.0625 L 77.098 32.0625 ZM 73.0626 68.0625 L 23.9375 68.0625 L 23.9375 61.0852 L 31.4704 43.7232 L 42.7696 57.6777 L 53.4138 46.8062 L 67.1695 41.9375 L 73.0626 55.0815 L 73.0626 68.0625 L 73.0626 68.0625 Z'></path> </g> </svg> </a> <div class='info'> <h3>Single-origin coffee whatever</h3> <p>Williamsburg tofu polaroid, 90's Bushwick irony locavore ethnic meh messenger bag Truffaut jean shorts.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a class='normal' href='#'> <svg viewBox='0 0 80 76' x='0px' y='0px'> <g> <path d='M 68.9708 24.8623 L 60.4554 2.3018 C 59.9641 0.7017 58.1628 -0.2583 56.5252 0.3817 L 1.9822 20.2222 C 0.3822 20.7022 -0.4179 22.6222 0.2222 24.2223 L 8.8624 47.7797 L 8.8624 35.1484 C 8.8624 29.5024 13.3425 24.8623 18.8857 24.8623 L 32.9442 24.8623 L 50.63 12.862 L 60.7829 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 ZM 77.098 32.0625 L 18.8857 32.0625 C 17.2512 32.0625 16.0625 33.4511 16.0625 35.1484 L 16.0625 72.8491 C 16.0625 74.5477 17.2512 75.9375 18.8857 75.9375 L 77.098 75.9375 C 78.742 75.9375 79.9376 74.5477 79.9376 72.8491 L 79.9376 35.1484 C 79.9376 33.4511 78.742 32.0625 77.098 32.0625 L 77.098 32.0625 ZM 73.0626 68.0625 L 23.9375 68.0625 L 23.9375 61.0852 L 31.4704 43.7232 L 42.7696 57.6777 L 53.4138 46.8062 L 67.1695 41.9375 L 73.0626 55.0815 L 73.0626 68.0625 L 73.0626 68.0625 Z'></path> </g> </svg> </a> <div class='info'> <h3>Single-origin coffee whatever</h3> <p>Williamsburg tofu polaroid, 90's Bushwick irony locavore ethnic meh messenger bag Truffaut jean shorts.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a class='normal' href='#'> <svg viewBox='0 0 80 76' x='0px' y='0px'> <g> <path d='M 68.9708 24.8623 L 60.4554 2.3018 C 59.9641 0.7017 58.1628 -0.2583 56.5252 0.3817 L 1.9822 20.2222 C 0.3822 20.7022 -0.4179 22.6222 0.2222 24.2223 L 8.8624 47.7797 L 8.8624 35.1484 C 8.8624 29.5024 13.3425 24.8623 18.8857 24.8623 L 32.9442 24.8623 L 50.63 12.862 L 60.7829 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 ZM 77.098 32.0625 L 18.8857 32.0625 C 17.2512 32.0625 16.0625 33.4511 16.0625 35.1484 L 16.0625 72.8491 C 16.0625 74.5477 17.2512 75.9375 18.8857 75.9375 L 77.098 75.9375 C 78.742 75.9375 79.9376 74.5477 79.9376 72.8491 L 79.9376 35.1484 C 79.9376 33.4511 78.742 32.0625 77.098 32.0625 L 77.098 32.0625 ZM 73.0626 68.0625 L 23.9375 68.0625 L 23.9375 61.0852 L 31.4704 43.7232 L 42.7696 57.6777 L 53.4138 46.8062 L 67.1695 41.9375 L 73.0626 55.0815 L 73.0626 68.0625 L 73.0626 68.0625 Z'></path> </g> </svg> </a> <div class='info'> <h3>Single-origin coffee whatever</h3> <p>Williamsburg tofu polaroid, 90's Bushwick irony locavore ethnic meh messenger bag Truffaut jean shorts.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a class='normal' href='#'> <svg viewBox='0 0 80 76' x='0px' y='0px'> <g> <path d='M 68.9708 24.8623 L 60.4554 2.3018 C 59.9641 0.7017 58.1628 -0.2583 56.5252 0.3817 L 1.9822 20.2222 C 0.3822 20.7022 -0.4179 22.6222 0.2222 24.2223 L 8.8624 47.7797 L 8.8624 35.1484 C 8.8624 29.5024 13.3425 24.8623 18.8857 24.8623 L 32.9442 24.8623 L 50.63 12.862 L 60.7829 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 ZM 77.098 32.0625 L 18.8857 32.0625 C 17.2512 32.0625 16.0625 33.4511 16.0625 35.1484 L 16.0625 72.8491 C 16.0625 74.5477 17.2512 75.9375 18.8857 75.9375 L 77.098 75.9375 C 78.742 75.9375 79.9376 74.5477 79.9376 72.8491 L 79.9376 35.1484 C 79.9376 33.4511 78.742 32.0625 77.098 32.0625 L 77.098 32.0625 ZM 73.0626 68.0625 L 23.9375 68.0625 L 23.9375 61.0852 L 31.4704 43.7232 L 42.7696 57.6777 L 53.4138 46.8062 L 67.1695 41.9375 L 73.0626 55.0815 L 73.0626 68.0625 L 73.0626 68.0625 Z'></path> </g> </svg> </a> <div class='info'> <h3>Single-origin coffee whatever</h3> <p>Williamsburg tofu polaroid, 90's Bushwick irony locavore ethnic meh messenger bag Truffaut jean shorts.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a class='normal' href='#'> <svg viewBox='0 0 80 76' x='0px' y='0px'> <g> <path d='M 68.9708 24.8623 L 60.4554 2.3018 C 59.9641 0.7017 58.1628 -0.2583 56.5252 0.3817 L 1.9822 20.2222 C 0.3822 20.7022 -0.4179 22.6222 0.2222 24.2223 L 8.8624 47.7797 L 8.8624 35.1484 C 8.8624 29.5024 13.3425 24.8623 18.8857 24.8623 L 32.9442 24.8623 L 50.63 12.862 L 60.7829 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 ZM 77.098 32.0625 L 18.8857 32.0625 C 17.2512 32.0625 16.0625 33.4511 16.0625 35.1484 L 16.0625 72.8491 C 16.0625 74.5477 17.2512 75.9375 18.8857 75.9375 L 77.098 75.9375 C 78.742 75.9375 79.9376 74.5477 79.9376 72.8491 L 79.9376 35.1484 C 79.9376 33.4511 78.742 32.0625 77.098 32.0625 L 77.098 32.0625 ZM 73.0626 68.0625 L 23.9375 68.0625 L 23.9375 61.0852 L 31.4704 43.7232 L 42.7696 57.6777 L 53.4138 46.8062 L 67.1695 41.9375 L 73.0626 55.0815 L 73.0626 68.0625 L 73.0626 68.0625 Z'></path> </g> </svg> </a> <div class='info'> <h3>Single-origin coffee whatever</h3> <p>Williamsburg tofu polaroid, 90's Bushwick irony locavore ethnic meh messenger bag Truffaut jean shorts.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a class='normal' href='#'> <svg viewBox='0 0 80 76' x='0px' y='0px'> <g> <path d='M 68.9708 24.8623 L 60.4554 2.3018 C 59.9641 0.7017 58.1628 -0.2583 56.5252 0.3817 L 1.9822 20.2222 C 0.3822 20.7022 -0.4179 22.6222 0.2222 24.2223 L 8.8624 47.7797 L 8.8624 35.1484 C 8.8624 29.5024 13.3425 24.8623 18.8857 24.8623 L 32.9442 24.8623 L 50.63 12.862 L 60.7829 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 ZM 77.098 32.0625 L 18.8857 32.0625 C 17.2512 32.0625 16.0625 33.4511 16.0625 35.1484 L 16.0625 72.8491 C 16.0625 74.5477 17.2512 75.9375 18.8857 75.9375 L 77.098 75.9375 C 78.742 75.9375 79.9376 74.5477 79.9376 72.8491 L 79.9376 35.1484 C 79.9376 33.4511 78.742 32.0625 77.098 32.0625 L 77.098 32.0625 ZM 73.0626 68.0625 L 23.9375 68.0625 L 23.9375 61.0852 L 31.4704 43.7232 L 42.7696 57.6777 L 53.4138 46.8062 L 67.1695 41.9375 L 73.0626 55.0815 L 73.0626 68.0625 L 73.0626 68.0625 Z'></path> </g> </svg> </a> <div class='info'> <h3>Single-origin coffee whatever</h3> <p>Williamsburg tofu polaroid, 90's Bushwick irony locavore ethnic meh messenger bag Truffaut jean shorts.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a class='normal' href='#'> <svg viewBox='0 0 80 76' x='0px' y='0px'> <g> <path d='M 68.9708 24.8623 L 60.4554 2.3018 C 59.9641 0.7017 58.1628 -0.2583 56.5252 0.3817 L 1.9822 20.2222 C 0.3822 20.7022 -0.4179 22.6222 0.2222 24.2223 L 8.8624 47.7797 L 8.8624 35.1484 C 8.8624 29.5024 13.3425 24.8623 18.8857 24.8623 L 32.9442 24.8623 L 50.63 12.862 L 60.7829 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 L 68.9708 24.8623 ZM 77.098 32.0625 L 18.8857 32.0625 C 17.2512 32.0625 16.0625 33.4511 16.0625 35.1484 L 16.0625 72.8491 C 16.0625 74.5477 17.2512 75.9375 18.8857 75.9375 L 77.098 75.9375 C 78.742 75.9375 79.9376 74.5477 79.9376 72.8491 L 79.9376 35.1484 C 79.9376 33.4511 78.742 32.0625 77.098 32.0625 L 77.098 32.0625 ZM 73.0626 68.0625 L 23.9375 68.0625 L 23.9375 61.0852 L 31.4704 43.7232 L 42.7696 57.6777 L 53.4138 46.8062 L 67.1695 41.9375 L 73.0626 55.0815 L 73.0626 68.0625 L 73.0626 68.0625 Z'></path> </g> </svg> </a> <div class='info'> <h3>Single-origin coffee whatever</h3> <p>Williamsburg tofu polaroid, 90's Bushwick irony locavore ethnic meh messenger bag Truffaut jean shorts.</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <script src='//production-assets.codepen.io/assets/common/stopExecutionOnTimeout-b2a7b3fe212eaa732349046d8416e00a9dec26eb7fd347590fbced3ab38af52e.js'></script> <script > // - Noel Delgado | @pixelia_me var nodes = document.querySelectorAll('li'), _nodes = [].slice.call(nodes, 0); var getDirection = function (ev, obj) { var w = obj.offsetWidth, h = obj.offsetHeight, x = (ev.pageX - obj.offsetLeft - (w / 2) * (w > h ? 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