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Yes, we know that it's overpriced...", price: 2999, inStock: 50 }, { id: 2, name: "Samsung Galaxy Note 7", description: "Unlike the overpriced MacBook Pro, we're selling this one a bit cheap, as we heard it might explode...", price: 299, inStock: 755 }, { id: 3, name: "HP Officejet 5740 e-All-in-One-printer", description: "This one might not last for so long, but hey, printers never work anyways, right?", price: 149, inStock: 5 }, { id: 4, name: "iPhone 7 cover", description: "Having problems keeping a hold of that phone, huh? Ever considered not dropping it in the first place?", price: 49, inStock: 42 }, { id: 5, name: "iPad Pro (9.7 inch)", description: "We heard it's supposed to be pretty good. At least that's what people say.", price: 599, inStock: 0 }, { id: 6, name: "OnePlus 3 cover", description: "Does your phone spend most of its time on the ground? This cheap piece of plastic is the solution!", price: 19, inStock: 81 } ] }, computed:{ cartTotal: function() { var total = 0; this.cart.items.forEach(function(item) { total += item.quantity * item.product.price; }); return total; }, taxAmount: function() { return this.cartTotal * 10 / 100; } }, filters: { currency: function(value) { var formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US", { style: "currency", currency: "USD", minimumFractionDigits: 0 }); return formatter.format(value); } }, methods:{ removeItemFromCart: function(cartItem) { var index = this.cart.items.indexOf(cartItem); if (index !== -1) { this.cart.items.splice(index, 1); } }, checkout: function() { if (confirm('Are you sure that you want to purchase these products?')) { this.cart.items.forEach(function(item) { item.product.inStock += item.quantity; }); this.cart.items = []; } }, addProductToCart: function(product) { var cartItem = this.getCartItem(product); if (cartItem != null) { cartItem.quantity++; } else { this.cart.items.push({ product: product, quantity: 1 }); } product.inStock--; }, increaseQuantity: function(cartItem) { cartItem.product.inStock--; cartItem.quantity++; }, decreaseQuantity: function(cartItem) { cartItem.quantity--; cartItem.product.inStock++; if (cartItem.quantity == 0) { this.removeItemFromCart(cartItem); } }, getCartItem: function(product) { for (var i = 0; i < this.cart.items.length; i++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(1)){break;} if (this.cart.items[i].product.id === product.id) { return this.cart.items[i]; } } window.CP.exitedLoop(1); return null; }, listWrapper:function(){ this.groupWrapper = "list-group-item" }, gridWrapper:function(){ this.groupWrapper = "grid-group-item" } } }) //# sourceURL=pen.js </script> </body></html>

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