Hello, What if want to show only 4 items. When I am doing so its not working well.
mani88100ni (2) - 7 years ago - Reply 1
Everything works fine except the sliding. Actually there's none. When I click an arrow the products change but without sliding. It's kinda ugly. How can I fix that. I guess it's something in the css.
dundurlunka (1) - 7 years ago - Reply 1
seems to not be working on CodePen or Codeply... could you possibly link a working example
zacharylange22 () - 6 years ago - Reply 0
Problem is in javascript code. You should write initializer function, which starts automatically when page opens.
It seems like this:
$('#itemslider').carousel({ interval: 3000 });
$('.carousel-showmanymoveone .item').each(function(){
var itemToClone = $(this);
for (var i=1;i<6;i++) {
itemToClone = itemToClone.next();
if (!itemToClone.length) {
itemToClone = $(this).siblings(':first');
Nurbolat () - 8 years ago - Reply 0
try to click JS or CSS on this page and then go back to HTML view. You will see that then it displays only one product . If I reload page it displays well - more than one. The same issue on my site, just reloading there doesn't make it work normally... Definitely a bug here..
incognito () - 8 years ago - Reply 0